Sunday, January 13, 2008


The quiet stillness in the air in the early really is something I enjoy. So here it is Sunday morning. Just me and kitty along with my morning cup of coffee. When the weather is warmer I like to sit out on the deck in the morning having my coffee while enjoying nature. But alas, it's too nippy for me to be outside in my jammies, heck it's too nippy for me to be outside without suiting up for a winter snow storm.

One more week until our final mass with our priest as he is being transferred to a base down in Texas. I"m sad for us as a congregation because he will be missed, but happy for him since he will be now be stationed near his family. And of course there's that being stationed where the weather is "warm" thing too :-) I personally will miss him. He was the one person that I could try new recipes on and he never complained. I loved bringing him various foods that I have made, having him try my different cheesecakes and so forth. My girlfriend Christine has told me (on more than one occasion) that there is a special place in Heaven for those that feed Priests. Well I don't know about that, but what I do know is that it fills me with this warmth and love deep inside of me- just being able to do something nice for someone- especially when they don't expect it. That in some small immeasurable way that I am able to improve someones outlook on life.

As for my adventures in scrapbooking...I need to get the doll house out of my scrapbook nook! It's hard to function in there with this huge thing looming over- as cute as it is, it still needs to be somewhere else. I've got layouts that I want to finish up and I need more working space! Yes I'm one who likes to s-p-r-e-a-d o-u-t when she works :-) Stay tuned for pictures! I'll also be posting my layouts to the gallery over at

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