Saturday, August 30, 2008

foreseeing the future...

With the Democratic National Convention now over I can only imagine the who-ha that is about to start with the Republican National Convention. Our teenage son (whom we predict will have a career in politics) has been glued to the Television and has listened to everything Obama and McCain has said. Andrew was over joyed by Obama's choice of VP. Andrew has done his home work on this election- I think my 16 year old son would be a HUGE asset to the Obama campaign in getting his message across to young first time voters.

My friend Cindy has a son who is into politics just like our Andrew. We're going to get these boys together to talk about this campaign, this should be great! (insert parent laughter here) We (Cindy and I) had a good chuckle at lunch yesterday. Our sons are so similar, both being glued to the TV with this campaign, talking about foreign and domestic policies, and the similarities between the two go deeper than their like of politics. They have similar likes and dislikes in school too. Even though they are a few years apart in age, I think that both of our sons have a future in politics, be it as political advisers, political annalists or as members of congress or even in the senate. Both wanting a better America.

I'm always telling my children that they can be anything that they want to be when they grow up. Andrew has always had such a strong sense of what is right and wrong. I could see this in him from such an early age. Hannah is much like that too, but a little more carefree and not so uptight, LOL! I can see Hannah going to MIT, Harvard or even Boston University and having an engineering degree. Andrew, I now see him going to UC Berkeley, having a political science degree, LOL!

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