Thursday, March 22, 2007

Today is a new day

Yesterday was one of those roller coaster kind of days. One that I took head on and didn't take any prisoners. When I'm handed something difficult to deal with I take it head on and deal with it. I refuse to hide my head in the sand or sit around crying about something that may or may not happen. For those women who tend to bury their heads in the sand and try to ignore things...hey that's totally up to you how you live your life.
So who's wondering what was going on with me? I'm sure anyone who reads my blog on a regular basis has got to be curious. Here's the scoop... a last minute 8 month deployment to Afghanistan came down and it was between my husband and another man (who by the way is single and has no kids or pets)...this deployment will take place on Monday the 26th...yes that's right this coming Monday. Can you picture the stress levels I was experiencing yesterday? Moving out of one house, into another, getting things set up with phone, cable, sewer gas, electricity. Painting the old house, passing inspection on the old house...meanwhile wrangling all of the stuff for the new house all by myself. I told only 1 person friend Kim. She is a gem! I liked how she told me that she wears her emotions on her sleeve and how she's amazed at how calm I am with all of it. I told her that I've got a lot to get done and I can't freak out when I don't know if this is a 100% sure thing about my DH going on this deployment. I put my trust and faith in the Lord and I know that he will not give me more than I can handle.
So there I was thinking about all of the stuff I have to do, things to get done and so forth. I asked my realtor to push up the closing by one day (we now close on the 29th) and I'm scheduling all of the house stuff for Friday morning...water, sewer, electricity, gas, cable, phone and appliance delivery. The movers are still moving in our furniture on the 2nd and I have a cleaning team coming on the 3rd. I've got it going on and let me tell you I am not stressed any more!

Meanwhile through all of this I'm planning a deployed spouses luncheon to honor those men and women who make the sacrifices here on the home front. I've got a terrific cast of friends who are helping me make this happen. There's my friend Cindy with her designing talents making invitations not to mention that she's also putting together something very nice for everyone- yes it's safe to say that it's scrapbook related :-), there's Molly making her delightful scented candles so I can give each person one, Kim who is going to be cooking up a storm with me as well as Jody and Sherri.

So while all of this is going on around me I asked the Lord for guidance and strength. Do I fell blessed? Why yes I most certainly do. But do not think that for one minute that I do not realize that my husband can be sent away on a deployment at a moments notice.

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