Saturday, September 20, 2008

Girlfriends and moving

As I prepare to say good-bye to yet another close friend (Cindy I'm really going to miss you girl!), I have to pause and reflect. I've made some awesome friends over the years- all of whom I'm still in contact with. I can only hope that when it's our time to move again the friends that I've made here locally will keep in touch with me. There's never been a question about my military girlfriends keeping in touch, it's the local friends that I lose touch with.

I'm still in awe of Cindy and her ability to get so much done in such a short amount of time and I dare say that she's done it on her own while her husband is deployed. Cindy you are amazing! And I'll say it, Cindy has been my inspiration. How so you wonder? I like to call it a "take no prisoners" approach to storage and moving. If it's in storage and been there since you've moved, most likely it's something that you do not need. Well of course there's an exception to every rule, there are some things that you want to keep but do not currently have display room for in your home (take my Fiesta-ware tea cup collection). Another example would be all of those hardbound books we own, since I sold the book cases, well frankly there's no place to store them at present, other than in cardboard boxes in our storage room. There are some things that I will keep and others that I just need to let go of. So I'm taking the "take no prisoners approach" and am going for broke! I'm going to make an even bigger push to purge stuff I don't need or use. That doesn't just go for my scrapbook nook but for my entire house! Wish me luck!

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