Thursday, December 03, 2009

Creating another Scrapbook Nook

Every move gives me an opportunity to create another Scrapbook Nook, this move in no exception. I find myself missing the cabinets that my dear husband installed for me at our last house. So with that thought in mind I've been looking at the Ikea website and searching the internet on what others have bought from Ikea and have used for their scrapbooking and stamping spaces.

When converting the British pound to US dollars, well it can get rather expensive. We may live in the UK but we're still paid in US dollars. The conversion rate changes every day but the average is $1.70 US to every British £1.00- that's a hefty exchange rate. So when I look at something that's only £25.00 in reality for me it's $41.57-ouch! Sales tax where we were last stationed was only 6% and here in the UK it's called VAT (value added tax) which currently it's 15% but starting in January it'll be going back up to 17.5% (ouch). But the British (and other foreign countries in the EU do something that America should adopt- when you look at the price tag and it says 10£ you pay 10£...the sales tax is added into the price. In America we look at the price and see it being $10 we have to add in the sales tax (which varies from state to state and in each country within the state) which makes it $10.60- I can see where this would be very confusing to foreign vacationers- heck it's confusing to many Americans too, LOL!

Oh look at me as I digress from my topic.

So with Christmas upon us, and having bought airline tickets for our son to travel to America to see his friends for the Holidays (I still can't believe that this will be our 1st Christmas and New Years without our son)- well the pocket book is a little tight right now. I've got plans lined out on what I want to do but they will have to wait a bit. I know that I desperately need more storage and I've even gone as far as to start purging even more stuff from my scrapbook nook. If I'm not using it, it's outta here! Then again It's safe to say that I've not been using any of it for 6 months right? LOL! I want to get a new work table, some shelves and cubbies. Basically all of the items that were in my last scrapbook nook just on a smaller scale.

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