Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Dream BIG

I've got this thing in my head about not posting to my blog because I've got nothing "crafty" going on in my life. I suppose that's true in some ways and not in others. I do have some pictures to post of the progress of my next Scrapbook Nook. Sheesh, one can hardly call that space a "nook". Below are some pictures- it should give you a good idea of how large a space my new "nook" will be.

From the pink insulation and where you see those white pipes on one side to just past the 2nd window and where the metal house support beams are- that's the size of my new nook.

This 2nd picture is of a corner- it's where the new bathroom will be.

And this 3rd picture is the space under the stairs and where the door will be to enter my scrapbook nook. Granted, I took these a few days ago and there has been even MORE progress made on that basement. We have rolls of cotton candy pink insulation, loads of sheet rock (drywall) and of course wood for the framing. 

Next step is the framing, then the electrician will come in and do the wiring. We've got to get with it and get some bathroom fixtures. My side of the garage is full of construction stuff such as doors, all of that insulation and of course the wood for framing. So there IS progress being made. And the best part is that when this is all finished, it will be my biggest Scrapbook Nook yet! 

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