Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Who hasn't looked at a handbag, a shoe a jacket or even printed fabrics and papers and though or wondered about the person who designed those items?

Have you even given any thought to the creative process that one went through in developing that pattern for your favorite handbag? Or the beautiful design on your favorite silk scarf?

I see both of my children doodling all of the time. The designs that they come up with are astounding! I tell ya, I could have a "family" business with my children in charge of print design, my husband and daughter could take my ideas and make them into patterns. From marketing to product design, sales and management... Oh yeah I could bring the entire family into my crazy notion for a business.

Here's my business idea layout...
I'd have to get a building, like a little strip mall. My empire would consist of the following businesses...

♥ Quilt Shop- that beside selling patterns, fabrics and thread also sold nice fancy yarns and needlework supplies and needlework patterns and of course held classes and sold sewing machines.

♥Scrapbooking Store- that also sold stamps, inks and calligraphy items plus had a huge crop room for workshops.

♥Tea Shop- would sell coffee (steaming hot in a mug), loose teas of every kind, teapots, teacups and of course tea and coffee related items. As for food of course there would be various great soups, salads and sandwiches. I'd open for dinner but only for special groups and events like crops and quiting events.

♥Day Spa- well we all need a great place for manicures, pedicures, massages, facials and of course getting our hair done!

♥Consignment shop- where people could sell their handmade items and antiques of all kinds.

♥ I'd also have a B&B (not in the same building). A grand old house with beautiful flower gardens and patio areas where you could sit outside and enjoy the scenery. Where scrapbooking, quilting and needlework retreats could be held.

Okay now for me to start playing the lottery because this is going to cost a lot to get off of the ground!


Luna Art said...

Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog! I love your buisness ideas, my dream is to have my own craft shop..I have even picked out the building I want, its got a huge upstairs to hold classes! said...

AWESOME idea! If anyone could pull if off you could!!!