Saturday, January 01, 2011

Goals vs Resolutions

I go through this every year...setting goals versus making resolutions.One can make goals and set them at various levels/stages where one can make a resolution to do something and easily break it. Goals I find are easier to stick with and achieve the outcome that I desire.

My goals for 2011;
  • to do MORE creative work not less!
  • to write meaningful from the heart letters to friends and family at least twice a month
  • to get back into doing design team work in the paper crafting industry
  • to read more books
  • to start scrapbooking again
  • to work seriously on my cookbook
  • add more recipes to my cooking blog
  • to tell those that I love that I love them with all my heart
  • to find a house in New England
  • to not harbor resentments


Anonymous said...

I think these goals sounds wonderful and will bring much joy! Hope you had a beautiful white New YEARS!

Sandie said...

I could do without the snow here in England, LOL! Would have liked warmer weather while we had Andrew and Tamora here so we could ahve gone out to more places. Other than that we had a good visit.