Sunday, January 09, 2011

Taking a "Me" day

What is a "Me" day you wonder? It can be anything you want really as long as you are taking time out to do something that YOU enjoy, that you are relaxed and not not stressed by the burdens on the day. For my "Me" day, I decided to spend it in my jammies reading all day long. Seriously, I read and entire novel and started on a second one-talk about bliss!

With my husbands retirement in a few weeks, another international move in the same time period and all of the other lovely stress factors that currently make up my life. I like to make lists, it keeps me focused for the tasks at hand. I made sure to put having some "me" time on that list and I did it more than once. I admit that I can let myself get overwhelmed, even the most organized of people like myself can get overwhelmed. I know that the movers will do a great job packing up our household items and on that note, I've never heard of anyone having a crap move from here. It's all of the other little things that I tend to stress about. I've got my lists and they will keep me on track.

Now a stress reliever- I've been asked to teach a card making class- I LOVE doing this, but I've put it on the back burner. I've got ideas bubbling and swirling around in my head and I hope to bring them up to the surface soon. This will be my last Hurrah at the Croughton Spouses Club and I want to go out with a bang! Or at least have everyone smiling and enjoying themselves.

But for me, this weekend is meant to be spent not stressing about all of the stuff on my plate, to relax and not worry about the things I have no control over. Easier said than done but I am giving it a good try!

Now for my commercial...I ♥ my Kindle! Oh my gosh it's never been easier to pick up a book and read it. To be able to finish reading one book and go on to the next one in a series is as easy as pushing a button. The cost of e-books are a fraction of hard-copy books. And for those of us who move house on a regular basis and have weight allowances... Well things like Kindle and e-readers in general are a blessing! As you know books can be rather weighty. Not to mention how much space is required to store them. I have stacks of books in my closet and my nightstand looks more like a librarians cart than a piece of furniture, LOL!

I'm off to grab another cuppa and to sink into my recliner and read some more, aaahh, this is Bliss!

1 comment:

Sharon Huffman said...

Good for you Sandie, taking a ME day!!! You certainly deserved it and hopefully felt better when the day was done. I had a self-proclaimed snow day here since my husband the school teacher had one due to snow (yes, 6 inches of snow in Kansas shuts almost everything down!) I took vacation leave and spent the entire day in my craft room making yet another attempt to transform it in to a place where I can actually DO something instead of shuffling things around. I'm a hoarder and piddler, spending far too much time touching things and dreaming of all the cool stuff I could create with it. Today I filled two small plastic grocery sacks with trash, so that's quite an accomplishment. Oh and I can see the top of my desk again!

I'm happy to hear about your Kindle. We haven't made the leap to e-books yet because both dh and I enjoy looking at the pictures... well I have to admit it, I can't read without falling asleep. :=(

Good luck teaching your class, can't wait to see what you make!