Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Guess where we're going?

So here we are, been bumped from a few flights to Germany. Nothing ever seems to have more than 4 seats :-( So when this trip to Spain was looking rather promising, we decided to check out where in Spain it was going...down by the Mediterranean. Now who on earth would not love to swim in the Mediterranean? So from there we may be able to get a flight to Germany and then to England. So we could very well spend a couple of days in each place...who knows, LOL! It's pretty exciting to say the least. I'm going to have some awesome pictures to share with you all...and some fantastic opportunities to make some out of this world layouts to say the least!

So I may still get to call my best friend Susan who lives in Germany. Depending upon how long my layovers are I might even get to see her (not sure of that yet).

Stay tuned...more on Space A travel and our family adventure into going anywhere airlines!

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