Wednesday, August 12, 2009

7 weeks and counting...

For weeks it's been a bit hectic around here. Military life is not always the "dream" career some think it is. There are many hardships and heartaches to deal with and over come, learning your way around a new area and of course there's the obvious...finding a church, getting the kids into new schools, finding a house which lucky for us, this time we were assigned a house so that issue was addressed right off the top. Then there's the little things like getting an orthodontist, dentist, finding someone who will cut your hair they way you like it, I could go on and on with the "little things". I've been here with my children for 7 weeks, and I've been kept busy with something nearly every day. There are days where things are a bit more "busy" than I would like them to be, but alas that's my life.

Last month while at a meeting on how to work better with spouses that have a deployed husband or wife we all did this "True Colors personality Test", I've included the link and I'm asking you to share with me your answers. There are 4 categories and you will be given a number score in each area. Apparently I was the only one to have a score like mine as the group of people that I was in -as most people have a high score in only one area. So here's how I scored on the test...

Gold 17 (loyal, responsible, conscientious, highly organized)

Blue 16 (a people person, optimistic, compassionate)

Green 10 (analytical, problem solvers)

Orange 7 (all about the moment, spontaneous and unorganized)

The lady giving us the test was going on about how we all have this ONE personality trait and I told her (in front of everyone) that I disagree with that, that people are more complex than that and I made a point to show them my score. She said that she's not seen that before...personally speaking I'm surprised that she hasn't. Maybe it's that people want to be seen more as the "gold" type which is highly organized and responsible. I know many "
green" types and even more orange types, LOL! So I'm on the border...where are you?


Julia Dunnit said...

OK Sandie, I did what I was told (becuase apparently I'm co-operative!!)
19 Blue
16 gold
9 green
6 orange

Sheilagh said...

This my result:)
18 Blue
16 Gold
9 Green
7 Orange

I am a blue Person.


Judith said...

Sorry I did not check all the colours It said I was gold.
I dont think I am Organized. x

Sandie said...

You all did great! I have a friend who e-mailed me her answers. She was Gold, Green, Blue, Orange.
J and S you were both very close in your blue scores, WOW! See people CAN be 2 different things, HA!

Sandie said...

Judith, maybe there's a part of you that is highly organized that you just don't realize.

Stamping Ideas With Peg said...

Do you have an email I can send to you?Peg

Sandie said...

Just sent you an e-mail Peg :-)

Helen said...

Here are my results which are nearly the same as yours Sandie.

Gold 19
Blue 14
Green 12
Orange 5
I don't think I am that organized though.

Sandie said...

WOW these scores are up there! Everyone is a people perosn and very orgnaized. Helen, It does not have to mean that you are organized like keeping papers togehter...but that you probably know where to look to find them ;-)