Friday, August 14, 2009

my crazy life...

As you all know...nothing ever goes as planned right? So why should today be any exception.

At a little before 8 am movers arrive with a crate for me. They crack it open and I go out there with my camera to document everything (in case boxes are dropped etc). And I notice what is written on the boxes...crafting supplies, crafting supplies and what else? More crafting supplies! There was also my patio furniture, terracotta pots and the umbrella and stand to my patio furniture and more stuff that was obviously NOT my kitchen stuff, LOL! Could I have accepted that box and let them unload it all here? yea sure-BUT and it's a very big but...I would also be the one moving all of the stuff from that crate plus the crate with all of the kitchen stuff and the kids bikes, the stuff that we shipped to ourselves and the stuff we've bought since being here. That's a lot of stuff to have to pack, unpack and repack. Thanks but no thanks!

Then I was told that crate #1 would be delivered today...I wait and wait and wait and then I find out no it isn't going to arrive today. Apparently there's a snafu and they will have to go through ALL 10 crates and locate my stuff that belongs in crate #1. Am I angry? Not really, it's not these peoples fault that this happened. It was all supposed to be packed and crated properly back in South Dakota. Bummed out is more like it. It's caused me more stress than I care to let into my life. I felt like a kid at Christmas time waiting for the one special gift you had been hoping and praying for...only to find out that you got a package of socks. And that the socks weren't even your size. Big sigh!

I have a function to attend this evening and my heart just isn't in it right now.


Helen said...

Hope the function went well tonight and you managed to relax a bit and enjoy the company.

Julia Dunnit said...

A function is the best distraction therapy. I'm sure you'll channel your disappointment into something positive! How're the boys doing?

Judith said...

Tomorrow is a fresh day. x

Sandie said...

thanks Ladies- you're the best! The function was great!