Saturday, August 08, 2009

one word "Busy"

I just realized that I never made a post word "busy". Doing the laundry has been a real issue here. The washing machine takes 30 minutes to fill up where my Duet front loading washing machine back in South Dakota would be done with an entire wash cycle in 30 minutes. I can only out in half as much clothing in this washing machine as I did in my Duet and well it's got me just a tab bit miffed. So now I'm trying to get a load of laundry done every day. I've not got the time nor the patience to hang out "waiting" for the washing machine to complete more than one cycle a day, LOL!

Today we're off to see something, don't know what yet but we're going to see "something" of England! I'll be back later to report on where we went and what we did :-)

1 comment:

Julia Dunnit said...

Ah..a constant moan of mine too Sandie, a good old fashioned whites cycle takes two hours..yawn. Would love to have the big ol machines that my sister enjoys in the US!