Monday, September 03, 2007

Are you Happy today?

I have a question for those that read my blog- When was the last time that you did something that made you feel truly happy? It makes you stop and think doesn't it.

Now to answer my own question I have to say that I try to do something Happy each and every day. Be it test driving a new recipe on my family or friends, making a scrapbook layout or tinkering in my flower garden. One of my latest achievements was to make a scrapbook layout about my Dad having Alzheimer's Disease. It's been one of those hard things for me to create...I've tried a few times before but the words didn't come to me. Then I saw a challenge/contest of of sorts at using the Chalk Garden Products - the winner will be in an ad for the website. These papers were as challenging to me as was addressing my Pop's disease on paper. Then it all clicked at once, I knew what I wanted to say and I knew how I wanted to use the paper! My challenging myself with hard to use (for me) paper and a hard subject was the best thing I could have done. I'll post the layout once I hear who has won the contest. Would it be silly for me to say that I hope that I win? I didn't do the layout because I thought that I could win, I did the layout because I found that I had met 2 challenges head on and gave them both my all. If I do's all because of the love I have for my Pop and how I want to keep my memory alive in his heart.

So am I happy today? You bet I am! I'm going to go outside with my coffee in hand and dead head some roses!

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