Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Learned Behaviours

What are learned behaviours? selfishness, cruelty and the one that gets me shaking my head a lot these days... arrogance. Arrogance is a lead in for other 2 bad behaviours to take root. When I see this kind of behaviour in the spouses of commanders it makes me take a step back. There's been one woman in particular that takes being the wife of a commander a step too far and frankly she's just over the top. It is as if she has this "need" to be the constant center of attention. If she could only see herself as her peers see her maybe her behavior would stop. It's no wonder that the members from that particular squadrons spouses group are the way the are- acting as if they're members of some elite sorority and how everyone wants to be their friend (ugh). I wish that there would be more teaching of compassion, harmony, charity and volunteering within the military community. Most of the time we work with younger wives, ones that are newly married and ones that have never been this far away from home before. We are their military spouse role models, we're here to give them guidance, to help them be the best person that they can be. To be supportive of their husbands' career choices and the really hard to cope with separation during a deployment. I take my responsibility seriously I treat it like I do my volunteering...I give my all to these spouses and am always there to lend a helping hand. That no one person need to be made to feel left out or worse yet to be made to feel that if your husband isn't an aviator that you aren't worth getting to know. God has given me a purpose in life, I know that by being the best person that I can be, to be there for spouses who are new to the area and need a friend, to be there for those who need someone to talk to and to sit with them to let them know that they are not alone, to help to get them through a rough day. To show compassion and how to truly be a friend.

So, did I sound preachy? I probably did. But this is something that has been bothering me for quite some time and I really needed to get it off of my chest.

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