Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!
I'm off to work on some projects and will be back later to post pi tures and what not.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Halloween cards

I've used some paper that's been hanging around in my scrapbook nook, a new paper punch from Stampin Up and a couple of stamps from Hero Arts. Next you'll see my Turkey Day greeting card. I used Bazzill cardstock to create the layered look and the turkey (Turkey is a 2 pc quickutz die ), a Hero Arts one line stamp and there you have it!
Halloween items...

Monday, October 29, 2007
What I did over the weekend...
I'm going to post pictures...I promise! Thats my major goal for today!
Scattagories's harder than it looks! Copy and paste into a new email.
When you are done, send it on, including to the person who sent it to you.
Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following...
they have to be real places, names, things...nothing made up!
Try to use different answers if the person in front of you had the
same 1st initial. You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name
What is your name? Sandie
Four letter word: Soup
Vehicle: Stealth
TV Show: Show me the Money
City: Sacramento
Girl Name: Samantha
Alcoholic drink: Seagram’s and 7up
Boy Name: Steve
Something you wear: Socks
Occupation: Social worker
Celebrity: Sharon Stone
Food: Sandwich
Something found in a bathroom: Soap
Reason for Being Late: Sleeping in
Cartoon Character: Scooby Doo
Something You Shout: Stop it!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Ghirardelli Chocolate...YUM!
magazine subscription renewals
I recently received my November/December issue of Archaeology magazine...LOVE IT! I've subscribed to it for over a decade and I've never found it to be boring or lackluster. Now don't you even think that I keep these magazines around. I crack up with my father in law who keeps every issue of National Geographic...then tries to get us to take them. Um, no thanks, we have our own subscription, LOL! The last time we were in Boston he tried to get us to take 2 years worth of magazines with us- I shake my head and laugh.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Optimistic or Pessimistic?
My day to day life is not without it's ups and downs, But no matter what I try to see the humor in things. Take my son Andrew and the recent event where he tried to donate all of our hats, gloves and scarves. I can't stay mad long when I know that he was trying to do something "good" for others that are less fortunate. He did come home from school on Thursday to show off his new service ribbons:-) He gave me a big hug and thanked me for my help with the coat drive. He makes me so proud! He has such a big heart and loves to help out people. His group was able to collect 280 coats- of which they will be distributing to needy families today.
I brought both of my children to work at the Thrift Shop on Friday. They got to see just how truly busy we are and how we provide a much sought after service. I like to show my children that they do have a good life, that there are families that don't have the comforts that we have. Andrew has volunteered at the homeless shelter preparing and serving meals. Hannah always grabs a few starts from the Angel Tree at church and is the one that gets me started on the Toy Drive for the 1st Sergeants Association. If there's anything that I hope to give to my children it's to have a giving heart. To be generous not only with money but with their time. To be optimistic...that they have the ability to make a difference.
Saying good-bye to a good friend
My most sincere wish for my dear friend is to dive right into and become a member of the OSC and get involved in something volunteering at the base Thrift Shop. To get out and start making friends. I'm sure that she will do okay, she's a wonderful and thoughtful friend and others will see that endearing quality of that I'm sure! So for now I say farewell to my friend, but this is the Air I'm sure that we will being seeing each other again in the future!
Friday, October 26, 2007
New Neighbors!
The kids are off from school today so I'm dragging them into to work with the Thrift Shop. Andrew needs to complete 100 community service hours for confirmation and we've got him well on his way. Today he'll get in 5 hours at the Thrift Shop (if he can last that long) and then tomorrow the JROTC has him working just as long or longer distributing coats from their recent coat drive. Hannah actually wants to come and work...she loves the Thrift Shop and finds it interesting to be there. Both of my children are good kids, I'm blessed and I owe it all to the Lord. I can't have any more children- for the risk of dieing while pregnant, that was told to me right after I gave birth to Hannah. I wanted to have more but the Lord had other plans for me. I always joke around and say "2 mental and financial limit". Being the mother of two exceptionally bright children can be pretty taxing some days. I'll admit it, I'm not gifted in mathematics, no way shape or form that all goes to my husband. And I'm so proud that our children are right there with him...but they also have interests in my stuff...Science, forensics, archeology and of course...paper crafting and cooking :-) Hannah wants to try her hand at making decadent desserts Andrew wants to learn to make comfort foods such as homemade macaroni & cheese (recipe courtesy of Alton Brown) we've made it before and it was out of this world YUMMY, cheesy potatoes (recipe courtesy of René P) always a family favorite and the Jambalaya-recipe he saw Emeril make on his TV show. Andrew and I made it before and he thought that he was in heaven when eating it!
So today is quality time with my children, showing them what I do while they are in school and how we (through volunteering) are helping to make our community stronger. This is time well spent- what else would they be doing but playing games on their computers all day. This gets them out the door and into real life.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Do you have "Seasonal Home Decor"?
There are so many little thing you can do to change the look and feel of your home for the seasons. From your dinnerware to place mats and table cloths to fabric napkins and glassware. This is the time of year to start looking for those things to add to your collection. I love shopping at this time of year, I always find interesting items to dress up my dining tables.
I'm in the mood for change and today I'm going to change some more things around! I think I've also settled on a curtain rod...time to make a trip to JC Penney!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
There's something to be said about...
So here I am at home...thinking WOW! It's been a fantastic day! I have to say that smiling and being cheerful is infectious. I hate to see people being sad and feeling lonely and left out. Our last customer of the day came in her name is Felicia...she's new to our base. I could tell that she was very lonely and looking for some adult conversation. I got her to open up and talk a bit about herself. It kills me when I see women who are obviously lonely and are having a hard time meeting people and making new friends at a new assignment. I invited her to come spend some time with us at the thrift shop volunteering, that we pay for child care at the CDC and we're always good company! I sincerely hope that she takes me up on the offer.
It's left over night here at my house...I need to clear out the refrigerator so no cooking for me, it's microwave action tonight!'s vegetarian chili for me! As for everyone...grab a box and heat it up! The more I get cleared out the better!
Now it's Miller Time, okay it's not really. But I will pour myself a glass of wine and read some more of my Agatha Christie novel "The Halloween Party". Are you reading any good books??? I'd love to know!
What part of fall are you?
Kim over at is such a crack up! Here's another one of her little quiz's that I'm taking and using as a blog challenge, I'd love to see what part of Fall you are!
You Are a Silly Hat |
![]() |
Monday, October 22, 2007
It's all about money...trivia
TIP is the acronym for "To Insure Promptness
Show Me the Money - it's too heavy
The world's largest coins, in size and standard value,
were copper plates used in
about a meter (3 ft) long, half-a-meter (about 2 ft)
wide, weighed 40 kg (90 lb), and were worth $2,500.
Gambling Slang
In gambling language, for a gambling house a "sure-thing"
is a wager that a player has little chance of winning;
"easy money" is their profit from an inexperienced bettor,
an unlucky player is called a "stiff."
Nokia: a phone and a town
In 1865, Frederik Idestam founded a wood-pulp mill in
worldwide recognition, attracting a large number of
workers and the town Nokia was born. In 1898, the Finnish
Rubber Works Company opened in Nokia, taking on the town
name in the 1920s. After WWII, the rubber company took a
majority shareholding in the Finnish Cable Work. In 1967,
the companies consolidated to become the Nokia Group. The
recession of the 1990s led the group to focus on the mobile
phone market.
Let me make you laugh today
Okay so I'm a bug-a-phob and I can see the humor in it. These bugs don't bite and are pretty harmless but damn if the sheer number of them gives me the heebie jeebies! Here's a link to see what they look like -
and to think that there are dorks in this town that think that the bug is named after the town...get real! This insect has been around long before the town of Box Elder has been in existence.
I've heard that we're supposed to be having a very cold winter and that is why we are seeing a more than normal amount of insects trying to get inside of our homes for the winter. We've got spiders and they just keep coming! My kids are seriously freaked out by spiders (in retrospect, maybe I shouldn't have let them watch all of those horror movies that featured mutant spiders when they were younger-insert small chuckle here). now the one insect we don't seem to have at the moment (knock on wood) are ants. Maybe they are the smartest of the bugs and have already gone underground to start their long winters nap.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Coffee coffee coffee...
So here it is, a glorious Saturday morning and I've already tidied up the kitchen, taken out the trash and recyclables and am working on getting some items in the foyer taken out to the garage and the formal dining room straighten up. I want to get the Halloween stuff put out today too. Maybe Hannah and Lucien will team up and do it all-since it is their favorite holiday and all.
Now I do have plans on going into my scrapbook nook and working on a project. I want to make something but I don't know what. Maybe it'll be the Christmas Tree from scrapbook paper or I'll finish the magnetic board- who knows!
What's your favorite time of day?
So what is your favorite time of day? Stop and think about it for a moment. What time of day do you get the most work done or feel most at ease?
Friday, October 19, 2007
Someone is going to lose a job
I can't really say that any of this comes to me as being a "surprise". I think that anyone with half a brain could figure out that there would be some serious repercussions from this incident. What is sad is it's effects on the family of the military member. My heart goes out to them.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
What kind of coffee girl are you?
You Are a Plain Ole Cup of Joe |
![]() But don't think plain - instead think, uncomplicated You're a low maintenance kind of girl... who can hang with the guys Down to earth, easy going, and fun! Yup, that's you: the friend everyone invites. And your dependable too. Both for a laugh and a sympathetic ear. |
M.O.M. aka Mission of Madness
Hannah is driving me nuts with Halloween- every day I am bombarded with more of her charts and drawings of what she wants to do to the house. Once upon a time it was cute, now when I see her coming with her "plans" I try to hide :-p Christmas is my thing, always has been I wish that everyone else could get behind it like I do. She and her Dad really get into the spirit of Halloween.
Of course it's windy today, how windy? Gusts in the 50+mph range and the wind chill being down around 29º yup I'd say that's rather nippy! Of course I feel super itchy today (dry skin). And since I have long hair that goes down to the middle of my back I have to figure out how to wear it without my head being cold, itchy or looking like I've been through and electrical storm, LOL! Lovely huh? And no doubt that it will be freezing cold in the Thrift Shop today- so that means wearing layers and many of them too! It's days like that that I'd love to stay home, curl up with a good book, have my kitty in my lap while drinking hot apple cider. But alas I have obligations that require me to leave the house.
Time for me to get items together in my picnic basket as I am making sure to eat a healthy lunch today. Skipping meals is not good for anyone and especially not in cold weather when your body needs fuel to keep you warm.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
It's starting out as a foggy day but the forecast is saying rain. I hope it rains as I love this kind of weather- it's perfect scrapping weather! I know that I get more scrapbook work done when the weather is yucky then when it's bright and sunny. There's something to be said about a steamy mug of hot chocolate over loaded with marshmallows and having a chick flick playing on my little DVD player while I'm playing with Bazzill Cardstock and Prima flowers. OH and a floral scented Yankee candle burning helps set the mood for me too!
So today is a creative day! I ordered some pictures from Shutterfly and they should be here by Friday. I'm going to print some more at home and go through some older photos that I had printed a while ago. I'm going to get creative with pictures from our Hawaiian vacation, the OSC Halloween Party and more!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Is it a full moon or what???
I find out that my latest philanthropic drive for the Airmen and Family readiness center was almost a lost cause. Apparently I did not know that they no longer accept donations of baby items...even though they are constantly requested. I think that was a stupid thing to do- to get rid of a program that really helps out families in need. BUT...a wonderful lady named Sue came into the thrift shop today and I had her take the items I had collected and give them to a needy family. I felt bad because we didn't get very much in the way of donations but I need to look at the bigger picture- every item we collected last Thursday can help a family in such a big way.
So after a hectic day I need to unwind...time for me to whack at some vegetables with a sharp knife and create something YUMMY!
Thanksgiving Traditions
I prefer to make my own with that I make chocolate cake. My family members are just crazy about it, so I try to make some sort of fancy schmancy cake to wow them. I personally prefer a spiral cut honey ham but the rest of my little clan prefers
Now if I really had it my way...I'd cook us up some wonderful rustic Italian, Indian, Spanish or German meal for us all. Anything but the obligatory turkey dinner!

Monday, October 15, 2007
So...what have I been up to???

to some window treatments that my darling husband bought for me while he was in Colorado. I adore Waverly fabrics and these valances are perfect! So here they new window treatments.
Friday, October 12, 2007
My Neighborhood
I'm excited at 2 of the 3 homes that are near me that are up for sale have signs now saying "Sale Pending". That's fantastic news! So in or about 30 days from now I'll be welcoming some more new neighbors to the subdivision. I was starting to worry about the red house around the corner in the cul-de-sac as it has a lot of upgrades and it being priced at $253,900 well that makes it the 2nd highest priced house for sale in our subdivision. There's another house out here priced at $259,000 and that's a "reduced price". When that house first went on the market it was priced at $325,000 yeah like that's going to sell out here. The funny thing is that the house I'm talking about is the one that we had put a bid on back in January and was in negotiations with the owner for a week and ended up walking away from. He was not about to come down to our price...come to find out that he never had another serious bid on his house since then.
I'm getting information together for another HOA newsletter. I want to get information about preparing our yards homes for winter. Since so many of the home owners out here are first time buyers I feel it's important to give them helpful advice on things like replacing the batteries in their smoke detectors twice a year, flushing out their sprinkler systems, putting down extra mulch around plants and watering trees and shrubs on nice days during the winter. Our homes are investments and without getting the right encouragement some might not get things done and have costly repairs to take care of in the spring. Flushing the sprinkler system is crucial as water left in the pipes can freeze causing the pipes to burst. And do I really need to draw out what can happen if we don't change the batteries in the smoke detectors???
My son recently asked me what my position as HOA president relates to in a government setting. I told him it's similar to being a mayor in a little town (a really little town). My goal is for us to have a community that knows all of it's neighbors, one where homes get top dollar be it new or resale. A place that one can come and to and say...That is where I want to live because they are impressed with how good our homes and streets look.
Another goal of mine is to get a neighborhood watch program going on...there's no such thing as being "too safe" or having "too many friends". I've got plans for this small but growing subdivision, by being positive and giving good advice on things from home care to garden maintenance to getting out and meeting your neighbors, we'll grown into a great community.
SAHM means what exactly?
I've got Halloween cards to send out, some layouts that need journaling and a house in desperate need of my attention. I'm determined to hang up some more valances this weekend. I've finally got ideas for window treatments and my darling husband bought me some beautiful Waverly Valances on his recent visit in Colorado. It's figuring out what I'm going to do with the different kinds of windows that have thrown me a curve ball. These particular windows are very different from any and all of the places we have lived in the past 17 years. One has a window seat, the other in angled with 2 side windows and of course what house of ours has not had a half circle window of some sort? I kid you not...of the 3 houses we have bought each one has had a half circle window. I've got to make a window treatment for it too, and hopefully the ladder is tall enough to reach it.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Chocolate...need I say more?

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Being in 2 places at once...
So as the day unfolds...I get my husband to stay here and he missed 2 meetings that he was supposed to be in. I'm driving our son downtown to an appointment with the orthodontist and guess what...there's a 2 car accident right there on the on ramp to the freeway. I had to take a detour and snake through the boondocks of Box Elder to get to the highway- got to love road construction and car accidents. I get my husband to call the orthodontist office to let them know that I could be late. Our poor son is in the chair for way longer than I thought he would be...boy comes out telling me how the doctor did some laser removal of some tissue in his mouth. The Doctor comes out says hello to me and that was it. Not a single professional in that office told me or informed me in any manner that they did anything other than to switch out wires on Andrews' braces.
Meanwhile back at the ranch my husband is waiting patiently for me to get home. I've got things to do as I have another OSC function tomorrow. No one has gotten back to me with numbers on how many people are attending the function (I was supposed to have that information on Monday). As I've been saying all with any job you are only as good as the people you have working with you and for you. And right now I don't feel as if I've got a good team. I get so stressed out the week before an event, the week of the event I'm a wreck and up to a full week after the event I still feel stressed out. This is not what I had signed up for. I have members upset with me because they don't want to come if they have to get dressed up in a Halloween costume. All I have to say is..."I you don't want to dress up then don't". No one said that this is strictly a dress up event...I feel sorry for them as they are going to miss all of the fun! I"m going to put together the goody bags and just enjoy my time with my girlfriends.
My bathtub is repaired and it looks like NEW! The fiberglass repairman did an excellent job! Now for me to grab a spot of tea and head off to the mall to get some great goodies for our gift bags for tomorrows function!
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Back to being Super Mom....
I'm now back in the saddle and have my Super Mom t-shirt on and am ready to go! First stop back to the Thrift Shop to volunteer, then off to get the girl from school and off to an orthodontic appointment. Then of course over to Walgreen's to get some tooth paste because it's the only store that carries the brand that our son likes to use. But least he brushes his teeth. I've always said that I don't care if we all use different brands of toothpaste as long as we all brush our teeth! Growing up my parents bought one brand and that was it...we all used the same tube of tooth paste (eeew) and it was what ever brand was on sale that week. So now I've got a family of my own and with our own different tastes, likes and dislikes. I can't stand gel tooth paste but it's what my daughter likes- my daughter can't stand mint flavored anything so hers is fruit flavored...yes I'll admit it, we're all different and some needs should to be catered to.
Off to grab some more coffee, a quick snack and off to volunteer I go!
Monday, October 08, 2007
Crop for the Cure
I was getting worried that I would not have very many folks attending the crop. I advertised at the base thrift shop and through speaking at OSC functions plus having a blurb in the EE (our OSC monthly newsletter). I had sign up sheets passed around at out last function- which only got me 7 people wanting to attend. I was getting worried that no one wanted to come, I thought that $25 was very reasonable for what everyone would be getting(food, drinks, a small make & take project and a donation to the Susan G Komen foundation). Well as it ends up, there were 10 of us! I want to thank my good friends Cindy, Peggy and Kim and my new friend Beth for contributing items for door prizes. Those items combined with the items that I had purchased for the crop received many Oohs and Aaahs from each person who checked out the table where they were displayed. Everyone in attendance won at least 1 door prize, some more than one- how awesome is that? :-) And no it wasn't rigged, it's just how it ended up- I love it!
I'll be sharing some pictures from the event stand by...
My Community
I've driven dozens of times on that particular piece of highway and have always thought to myself that there right there under that bridge is an accident waiting to happen. And what happened is a tragedy, a true tragedy but by some miracle from God, all parties involved survived. Now there was a 2nd accident there this this past week, one involving a semi tractor-trailer.
What would should do is to pull together as a community, stop trying to point the finger at any one person and fix the roads! The roads here between Box Elder and Rapid City are in major need of more highway funding!
Friday, October 05, 2007
A tragedy hits home
Dancing in the rain
looked in the mirror,
and noticed she had only three hairs on her head.
Well," she said, "I think I'll braid my hair today?"
So she did
The next day she woke up,
looked in the mirror
and saw that she had only two hairs on her head.!
"Hmmmmm," she said,
"I think I'll part my hair down the middle today?"
So she did
The next day she woke up,
looked in the mirror and noticed that she had only one hair on
her head.
"Well," she said,
"today I'm going to wear my hair in a pony tail."
So she did
The next day she woke up,
looked in the mirror and noticed that there wasn't a single hair
on her head.
"YEA!" she exclaimed,
"I don't have to fix my hair today!"
Attitude is everything.
Be kinder than necessary,
for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Live simply,
Love generously,
Care deeply,
Speak kindly.......
Leave the rest to God
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass . .
It's about learning to dance in the rain.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Hey I'm still alive...
I’ve been swamped with “things”. I’m taking a short vacation from volunteering this week and am concentrating on hanging out with my company who leaves on Sunday. I’m excited about the Crop for the Cure this Saturday and am busy getting things together for that and am trying our new and exciting recipes!