Wednesday, August 08, 2007

My Tuesday in review

"Life is like a box of never know what you're going to get". I love that saying! It's true you don't know what is going to happen but you know what...if you get lemon's then make lemonade!

I had a great day yesterday! I worked with some terrific ladies at the thrift shop on base, helped many customers find great bargains, had the opportunity to have breakfast with a very nice woman and hopefully I've managed to make some new friends along the way. To end my day I got to have a long chat on the phone with a friend who has became dear to me. She and I have so many things in common and other things that are not so in common...I love it all!

My thought on friendship is this...always let your friends know that they are loved and appreciated. I like to send notes, so every once in a while out of the blue they'll get a little card...letting them know that they are thought of and in my eyes are special. Have you done that for a friend lately? It's never to late to tell someone that you think that they are special. OOh which reminds me, I've got to send out some more cards today ;-)

No volunteering for me today! I'm off to run around and do other for cookbooks on grilling, get some swiffer refills (boy oh boy, that kitchen floor of mine could use a good mopping) and maybe go to the base pool with the kids (weather permitting).

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