Monday, August 27, 2007

Water...or the lack of it

With all of the rain we're having you're probably wondering what I'm talking about with my post title today. Well yesterday there was a wee bit of a problem out here...a water main broke and it left our subdivision without water for a better part of the day. Hannah was the smart one and she took a shower Saturday night leaving the rest of us to shower in the morning before church. Well...I'm first to get up and surprise, the water is running at a slow trickle-oh oh something is wrong! At first we thought that we had the sprinkler system running and that is why we had zero water pressure. Later on in the morning we find out that a water main broke. It wasn't until almost 3pm until it was finally fixed and the water back on to our homes. Needless to say, we did NOT go to church, I refuse to go to church stinky!

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