Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter Happy Spring, Happy Happy Everything!

Okay for some people it's a Happy Easter for others such as myself it could be better. We waited ALL DAY LONG for those appliances and we finally get a 8:45 pm letting us know that we will NOT be getting those appliances delivered, lets face it folks, I was not happy. I made a phone call to Lowe's and spoke to the manager on duty...explained my situation - basically letting him know that I was held hostage in my home all day long, not being able to leave in case the appliances arrived. Not being able to do any holiday baking there are no cheesecakes or baked honey ham anywhere to be had (which is a very sad situation). That our stove had been sitting in the middle of my kitchen unhooked since 7 am, that I had not been able to give my family a proper lunch or dinner and it looks like it will be the same thing for Easter Sunday! I point blank asked him how Lowe's plans to compensate me for being so seriously unconvinced- are you ready? I'm getting my new appliances delivered Monday morning and can you please say a prayer that they are not damaged because they were on a truck all day long yesterday- one that went out to Custer. AND here's the good part, I am getting a $300 refund (not to be confused with a store credit) but a real refund to my credit card.
My wonderful husband took us all out for a nice Easter Brunch at Dakota's (the Officer/Enlisted Club on base). What a nice set up they had, great food and terrific service! It was nice being able to be out of the house and not having to worry about making a nice meal for my family. While at the club we ran into several friends, many of which were curious as to what was going on with our move off base and how it's going and so forth. I told a couple of friends the story about the nondelivery of our appliances yesterday and the last minute cancellation of the cleaning lady. Yes there have been a few rough patches but we are getting through them. I have hired a wonderful cleaning lady and she and her staff have already cleaned my house and it's ready for inspection (wow, how awesome is that?). But alas, I have to wait for Lowe's to bring our new appliances Monday morning so I'm still tied to having the final inspection done on Tuesday.
If it wasn't for my 11 year old daughter trying to comfort me while we were in the commissary I would have broke down in tears today. You see, I was buying frozen TV dinners for us to eat tonight and tomorrow. Hannah made me laugh when she said "Well Mom it could be least it isn't Christmas". True it isn't Christmas, but it's just as important of a Holiday is you ask me! Here I had planned out this wonderful meal for my family, our first holiday in our new home and what are we eating? Frozen microwavable meals...NICE! And then she pointed out that we have 2 microwave's that we can use. Okay, so it's not so bad looking at it the way she was. From a kids point of view it was picnic and junk food heaven, LOL!
Now on a better note...Our bedroom is set up and it looks beautiful! We have blinds on our bedroom window and will be putting up blinds in the other rooms today. Our bedroom is now my personal retreat, a space that I can sit in my recliner and read a book and feel relaxed. I slept last night, I mean really slept well. I woke up and felt relaxed, for the first time in a long time!
Now for me to work some more on the formal dining room, I want to take it over like I did the master bedroom- working on just it and nothing else until I am done with it. That's how I want to do each and every room in the house, to work on "it" then move on to the next space. No more of that jumping from one room to another than another until I'm so frazzled that I don't know where I'm going or what I am doing.
So off I go to unpack some more boxes and have a "cuppa" (that's British/Aussie slang cup of tea). And do I still think that we are blessed with all of the crazy stuff that it happening to us every day? Yes I do. Just because this is happening doesn't mean that God has forsaken us, it's just that there is a reason for everything and I don't know how it's going to end quite yet. I'm confident that my being patient will aid in things working out in a more pleasant manner. So I'm without my stove for a couple more days...I'm getting $300 compensation for that inconvenience, that's money that we will put to good use in other ways. We have a roof over our heads, warm beds to sleep in, food to eat and clothes to wear- that's a lot more than some families have. And for all of that I give thanks to the Lord.

1 comment:

Susan said...

I'm so sorry about the appliances! But what a nice "sorry we screwed you for Easter" gift!
We spent Sunday afternoon with a bunch of Germans and Americans at the Gun Club. It wasn't THAT bad! LOL It was an Easter egg (REAL EGGS) hunt for the patients who came (and members' kids) from Mannheim. They're cancer patients and they had a super time! BBQ Burgers and eggs and candy for all. :)
Enjoy the house! :)