Monday, April 30, 2007

Have you seen my shoes?

I have to laugh at myself, I seem to have misplaced 2 pairs of shoes since moving into this new house and we've been in here a month now (it was official yesterday). It's been about 3 weeks since misplacing my shoes and I've not even seen a glimpse of them since that fated day. It sure would be nice if I could find those shoes since I'd like to wear pants today (it's a rather blustery sort of day) and those shoes are my dress shoes that I wear with pants. The other shoes are my beloved purple Veggies. I've been wearing my hot pink Veggies these past few weeks. Now the last time I saw the purple ones my daughter had them on her feet. I have grilled her several times since that day and I have yet to see them. Personally speaking I think that they've been shoe napped and are they're being held captive in a trade off for chocolate, I wouldn't put it past Hannah, LOL! She loves her chocolate dearly!

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