Friday, April 13, 2007 I know it

I could not stop myself from laughing this morning as my children were scurrying out the door to catch the bus to school. Living off base is a very good thing! You see, in our subdivision the school bus stops at every house picking kids up for school. This morning I'm telling the kids...get ready the bus will be here at any moment. Are they listening to me? Oh of course not, LOL! So there it is, stopped right smack dab in front of our house waiting for my kids to come out (all I can say is what a nice bus driver we have). So I'm now telling the kids that the bus is waiting right outside the door...Andrew comes running up the stairs grabs his backpack and runs out the door. Hannah on the other hand is doing something that reminds me of a Chinese Fire drill running all over the place with her hands in the air and then she realizes that she doesn't have her shoes on nor does she remember where she took them off. I started cracking up as I suggested that she wear the slippers that are by the front door, LOL!!! Oh my gosh that sent her into a tizzy! Then suddenly she remembers that they are under the kitchen table (not a smart place to leave your shoes) she puts them on but not all the way and scoots out the door as I toss her a coat and her back pack...did I mention that she's got this "whaaaaaa" going on this look on her face that is of total surprise and horror that her shoes are not really on her was seriously comical here this morning! It's been an hour and a half since this all occurred and I'm still laughing about it. Did I mention that my kids must be horrified that the entire bus loaded full of kids saw their 40 something mom in her jammies- oh yeah life is full of wonderful moments such as this!

1 comment:

Lora said...

You guys crack me up! I love it :-)