Tuesday, December 09, 2008

bathroom clutter

So there I was...looking in the linen closet in the bathroom wondering how on earth did it get so messy in there. It was so unorganized, I couldn't find what I was looking for and then I did it...I pulled out EVERYTHING! I checked expiration dates and tossed quite a few almost empty bottles of lotion, hair gel, bubble bath and mouthwash. Why on earth did we have all of that in there? I found many half full bottles of body lotion and consolidated them into one bottle. I also did that with my anti frizz hair cream. I was able to clear out a lot of plastic bottles and I ended up filling up the recycle bin. I was able to get a lot done in the two full bathrooms upstairs. A lot of stuff was cleared out and I even found a few things to give away. My kids are always getting toothbrushes from the dentist- Hannah always seems to get these kiddie ones (and how she hates those kiddie toothbrushes too!) I save them and give them to the women's shelter. And all of those tiny sized tubes of tooth paste...another item to donate. I'll call first and see if they will take them, if not...then off to the trash bin they go!

So what's in your bathroom closet???

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