Monday, December 08, 2008

Moss- an accumulation of unused items

Being married to someone who is career military has it's advantages. How so you wonder with all the time they spend working and being deployed right? It's the moving every few years that I look at as being a motivator, to purge that unwanted and used stuff we tend to hang on to- the stuff I like to call "moss". I'm here to tell you that "moss" can be accumulated at any time. We tend to hang onto things like books, kitchenware and of course purses/handbags and wallets we no longer use (that are taking up valuable shelf space in your closet) and why do we do this??? It's all because we can still remember how much money we spent on it! There it is that's the BIG ugly truth of the matter, we remember how much it cost us even though we bought it say for instance 12 years ago. My word of advice is to...


First and foremost be honest with yourself, you're never going to use it again so get a box (make it a big one) and write on it with a black marker in big bold letters "DONATIONS" and place the items that you haven't used in 6 months or more inside the box. Don't look inside the box once the item is in there...just let it stay in the box.

I'm going through my closet systematically and am still surprised at how much more I am willing to let go of. Make a rule for yourself... purge 2 items for every 1 item you bring home. Did you recently get a new purse/handbag? Then look in your closet and take out 2 and give them to a local charity. I was looking at my shoes yesterday and thought to myself...why am I hanging on to these? And with that very thought I was able to pull out 3 more pairs shoes, I promptly placed them in a bag and they're going to the women's shelter in the next couple of days.

It still surprises me that I'm able to purge before and after a move and even during the in-between times. So who is with me on the clear your house of clutter and unused items? Let me see a show of hands (just reply to this posting).

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