Tuesday, January 27, 2009

women in the military

Nothing pisses me off more than when men try to act as if they are better than women and this is still prevalent in the military. There is one woman who has more gumption and grit than any man I've known. She didn't get to be a full bird colonel in the Air Force just for being a women- she earned it the hard way by taking her lumps and returning them just as hard! They say that stereotypes no longer exist, but they do and I see it near daily There are women that are passive and others that are go getter's. I've been blessed in having some of the best be MY examples of what a woman who has chosen a career in the military can be. Ones that define excellence and are there to promote the best in their people. Margaret Thatcher says it best...If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman. She was one kick ass woman who besides being a wife and mother was also Prime Minister of England- go Margaret! To me, she was the queen of multi-tasking!

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