and a parachutist- he was actually at the beginning of the airshow.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Dakota Thunder Air Show 2009 photos
and a parachutist- he was actually at the beginning of the airshow.
Quote of the Day
-Margaret Sanger
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Celebrating our Military at Ellsworth AFB, SD
Quote of the Day
Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882 - 1945), Speech, September 22, 1936
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thunder Birds
Quote of the Day
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Thursday, May 28, 2009
The last day of school
Today was bittersweet, seeing my daughter receiving academic awards for the last time from this school and knowing that this is her last day in school with all of her friends. I love you Hannah and I hope that you are not too sad today.
Quote of the Day
-William Butler Yeats
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Things that amaze me
I physically can not make myself throw away good usable items into the trash, truly I can't do it. I know in my heart that there's always someone out there that could use it, so I donate the items to charity. Be it clothing, housewares, furniture, electronics, outdoor items and yes even food. If it's in good clean usable condition I donate it. When did we (America) become such a disposable throw away society? We really do need to sit down and rethink our priorities and help those that are less fortunate than ourselves.
As I drove down the street on my way to taking my daughter to school this morning I saw a huge stack of patio chairs in one neighbors trash pile and I thought to myself- Wow, what a waste! My daughter said the same thing out loud. I told her that it's a sin to be so wasteful and she agreed. My thoughts instantly turned to those that are on a fixed incomes, elderly retired folks would probably like a set of lawn chairs so they can sit outside and enjoy the fine day we're having. Maybe a single mom with kids on a tight budget would enjoy some lawn chairs too, so that she may sit out of doors watching her children play. It's little acts of kindness that really do show who we are inside.
Quote of the Day
-James Cromwell
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
just putz-en around
There's also the addressing our "We've Moved" cards and post cards. These are for those folks whom we do not have e-mail addresses for. And for those that we do have e-mail addresses for, they'll get that information sent electronically (what's e-mail all about but to save time and money right?).
For those out there wondering..yes, I finally managed to make a couple of spa appointments for myself. My 1 hour Swedish massage is later on this week and the facial, manicure and pedicure are next week. I can't believe that I'm finally taking time out for myself!
Quote of the Day
so true, so true, oh so very true!
Monday, May 25, 2009
28 days and counting
Today is Memorial Day - a Federal Holiday, no school for the kids and we have nothing planned. I just may take them to lunch at Pizza Hut (they love pizza from the hut ).
I've got a couple more things to set up before the move...the next big one being helping my daughter set up her "End of the School Year Big Bash" (that's what she's calling it). She wants to have a bunch of her teenage girlfriends here sometime this week for a slumber party, I say- bring it on!
Quilt show preparations...I'm making labels for my quilts and will get them sewn on this week. I'll have to turn in the quilts very soon so they can be on display at the quilt show. I can hardly wait to see all of the beautiful quilts on display. There will be vendors from many nearby states, I look forward to seeing what kinds of goodies they have for sale. last year I was able to find that seriously cool sea turtle batik fabric I had been searching for. You can be sure that I will be taking TONS of pictures at this event!
It's 9 am, time for me to get out of my jammies and to see what's going on in the world around. Actually I've been up for hours, it's just that I was too lazy to get dressed, LOL!
Memorial Day Trivia
Gen. James Garfield made a speech at Arlington National Cemetery, after which around 5,000 participants helped to decorate the graves of the more than 20,000 Union and Confederate soldiers who were buried there.
Since the late 1950’s on the Thursday just before Memorial day, around 1200 soldiers of the 3d U.S. Infantry place small American flags at each of the more than 260,000 gravestones at Arlington National Cemetery.
On Memorial Day, the flag should be at half-staff until noon only, then raised to the top of the staff.
Moina Michael came up with an idea of wearing red poppies on Memorial day in honor of those who died serving the nation during war. She was the first to wear one, and sold poppies to her friends and co-workers with the money going to benefit servicemen in need.
In the year 2000 the National Moment of Remembrance Resolution passed. At 3pm on Memorial Day all Americans are asked to voluntarily and informally observe in their own way a moment of remembrance and respect by pausing from whatever they are doing for a moment of silence or listening to Taps.
The south refused to honor the dead on Memorial Day until after World War I when the meaning of Memorial Day changed from honoring civil war dead to honoring Americans who died fighting in any war.
Quote of the Day
George W. Bush, Press Conference, White House, Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Is it Sunday already?
I've got...
* my cat scheduled with her last 2 veterinary appointments
* us booked into a hotel for our last few nights of lodging here in South Dakota
* my cat is scheduled to fly out to London on the 22nd of June
Now for me to have this house sold. One thing at a time and it will happen before I know it!
Quote of the Day
-President George W. Bush
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Send Handmade Cards
I'm always thrilled when my friends give me cards that they've made. I know some of the best card makers around these parts! Peggy (you've seen her stuff on her blog) is an amazingly patient teacher! Her card ideas are stepping stones for us to leap off of...she's opened my eyes to so many wonderful ideas! Sarah is always willing to try something new and different she has the heart of a true artist. :-) Ellen and Donna, I've been so impressed with their and from the first day I met them! Their stuff is fantastic! Full of glitz, glamour and oh so very sophisticated- they've always got me ooh and aaahing over their work! So any time any of them gives me a card, first I put it on display for a while then I tuck it into a little album that I've made.
But I'm soon to get involved in something's making Cards for Hero's. Please click on the link that's hidden in the name for more information. I plan on getting the spouses group together to make cards for this fantastic organization! IF you want to participate click on the link and they'll tell you how you can!

Quote of the Day
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Friday, May 22, 2009
One month from today...
Now for me to wake my sleepy kids for the 3rd time...maybe they should have some of my coffee ;-) That would perk them right up!

My Boy Andrew
Quote of the Day
-Margaret Mead
Thursday, May 21, 2009
My farewell
I took this picture of one of the trees that was covered in blossoms right outside of the restaurant
Quote of the Day
-Albert Einstein
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
one week from today...
Portmeirion my next kitchen obsession

...a post from the sleep deprived
So today I am very much sleep deprived.
The paper crafting group Ladies are taking me to Hill City today for lunch and some general milling around. I let the kids and the realtor know that I’m not going to be “available” today. It’s been in the 90’s for the past 2 days and today it’s supposed to be in the low 70’s with some wind and rain…I say, bring it on! It's been nice to be warm, but it was just a little too warm for me!
My life has once again become a series of little emergencies…Hannah noticed last night that a bracket popped off her braces, I told her that she needed to pick a day that she could afford to miss some school and she freaked out with that. Her reply, “I can’t afford to miss any school, I've got projects due, I've got to be in the class to hand in my assignments”. Her next orthodontic appointment is on June 2nd, I wonder if it can wait until then. My girlfriends and I have had this trip to Hill City planned for over a month, I’m not about to cancel it! I've still got to make an appointment for my mammogram, make my spa day appointment (I've a gift certificate to use), finish my quilts for the quilt show and about 1001 other things to get done before the 28th of this month. There are days when there’s not enough time in the day to get everything done that I want to, then there are days when there’s not enough caffeine in the world for me to get the work done.
Quote of the Day
- Katharine Whitehorn
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
It's Tuesday Gromit
I suppose that I could drive into town and do some errands while I'm waiting for a phone call. I'll write later and spill the beans.
Quote of the Day
- Jerry Seinfeld
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sew what?
If you're local and are reading my blog- please introduce yourself. Do you plan on going to the Black Hills Quilters Guild Quilt Show? It's going to be fantastic! And in August you must plan to go to the Central States Fair with your family and see all of the wonderful things people have made- the hand crafted items are simply lovely to look at!
Ps- I've got a may not end up being anything but I'll know more by 3 pm
Quote of the Day
-Charles Dudley Warner
Sunday, May 17, 2009
10-Year-Old California Girl Battles Breast Cancer
For those of us that have daughters and those that have granddaughters, Breast Cancer Awareness is important. Please pop over to Fox News and read this story...breast cancer at 10 years old, who would have ever of thought it. I'm once again having a talk with my daughter about it.
My Sunday...
*I helped my son rearrange his bedroom and now it feels much larger.
*Working as a team, we got the house ready to show today.
*Got a call from my realtor letting me know that the open house went well, now to wait and see if anyone makes an offer.
*Took the kids clothes shopping- Andrew to get some suits for school this fall and Hannah to get a swimsuit. Not a very fair trade there BUT her time will come for school uniforms later on this summer and of course there's shoe shopping in our future, and I know how my girl LOVES shoes!
*Had lunch out with my kids at our favorite Chinese restaurant. As always the food was excellent and so was the service!
Now it's time to relax with a cup of tea and my latest book.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
the love of reading books
I've started to make my summer reading list and I can hardly wait to see what wonderful book shops await me in England next month!
Donate Donate Donate
So anyway...I came across clothing that I know he's outgrown. So from there I went to Hannah and asked her is she any clothing that she no longer is interested in having...she brought out an outfit that she got over a year ago. I was surprised to see that she still had it in her closet. I've gone through this latest batch of clothing and decided to give away some more sweaters and even some summer clothing.
In the kitchen...oh my gosh who of us doesn't have at least a zillion of those Glad company plastic containers that lunch meats come in? I'm culling the herd and am keeping 4 of them, the rest will be either given away, donated or recycled. Those plastic containers are handy for all kinds of things, but I don't need so many of them. I'm saying goodbye to my electric can opener. I don't use it, I prefer to use my hand crank can opener. So off it goes and a few other little things.
I recently donated a great number of items to the food bank- our Post Office is having a food drive this week and I dropped off several plastic bags of food items there on Thursday. here's something to make you laugh... I had recently shipped off ALL of my round and rectangular cake pans, my Angel Food Cake pan, some spring form pans and my simple bunt cake pans to England. So there I am organizing the pantry for the open house tomorrow (yes another open house) and there's all of these cake mixes...and nothing to bake them in, LOL! So off to the food bank they go! There was all kinds of stuff that I sent to the food bank, but I did have to laugh at myself for shipping my Angel food cake pan off and not realizing that I had 4 boxes of Angel food cake mix- oops! Well I look at it this way, my stupidity is another persons gain and I'm glad to be able to help others.
I've got to get myself ready for the day, then later on I'll drive downtown to drop off my latest batch of items for donation, pick up my Mary Engelbreit quilt from the Professional Quilter (she called yesterday and it's ready) and maybe I'll have lunch downtown too!
Quote of the Day
-Mother Theresa
Friday, May 15, 2009
Getting my teenage son Organized
You may not see me for hours...if you don't hear from me by 3pm call out search and rescue I could have been swallowed up by a black hole in the universe that was hiding in my sons room :-o
Quote of the Day
-Thomas Carlyle
Thursday, May 14, 2009
At Peggy & Buds ranch
B-1 Bomber flyovers
WARNING...this IS an Enabler Alert!

Have you been to Peg's blog?
I want to thank Peggy for the awesome time I had with her and the wonderful ladies that make up our paper crafting group. Talk about having FUN! I've got to take pictures of what we about having unique and fun ways using those new Sizzix dies that are Stampin Up exclusives! I adore containers, and the little boxes and bags we've been making are just a hoot! I've decided that Hannah and I need to make one of those paper chest of drawers for her nightstand- it is just too darn sweet! Thanks Peg for the inspiration! Want to see the matchbox drawer...Click HERE
Quote of the Day
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
making sense of the utterly ridiculous
After leaving the initial phone call with the company and finally getting a return call 2 days later (there was nothing speedy in that returned phone call). I give the information to the lady on the phone, she says that she will e-mail me some forms and that I am to scan them in and send them back to her. One of those forms is a contract that required a $75 non-refundable processing fee. I immediately write her back letting her know that we are a military family doing a PCS (permanent change of station aka moving) to England and that I do not feel comfortable signing a contract when I don't even know how much the charge will be. She e-mails me back letting me know that's fine and she will have an estimate for me Monday morning. Monday comes and goes and so does most of Tuesday. I call her and let her know that I'm still waiting, she tells me that she sent me the estimate, I let her know that I do not have it. Then she replies "Oh you're right, I haven't done that yet". Are you ready for the estimate? I almost crapped my pants! $1,600.00
Okay here's what's what...I can get a round trip ticket to London flying out of Rapid City, SD for 2 people and still have more than $300 left over! Needless to say I'm NOT going with that company! I'm now searching for ways to get my cat shipped over there w/o someone seriously padding their wallet!
So that being said, is that the most utterly ridiculous thing you've ever hear of or what?
Quote of the Day
-Robert W. Service
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
waking up blissfully happy!
Quote of the Day
-Gilda Radner
Monday, May 11, 2009
Science & Math Fair
The event was a huge success, tons of parents,teachers and children came to the event. Everyone had a great time!
I've got moving on my mind
I've managed to get 2 more large (18x18x16) boxes packed and ready to ship off to England full of things we're going to need...or what I'm going to need in the kitchen and in other rooms in our summer cottage. With 1 month 1 week and 4 days to go until we leave I still have plenty of things to do around here, there's still a lot more that I need to get ready for the movers to pack and other items that I'll pack and send to myself.
It's beginning to get hard for me to concentrate on things other than issues and topics that pertain to our move. I'm ready to throw in the towel and tell the moving company to come and pack it all up now and lets just go and be done with it and I'll sort it all out on the other end. I'm getting down to the little nit picky things like which dishes and other items to put into long term permanent storage, and what goes into crate #1 (we get access to items in it in late August) and then what goes into the rest of the crates (the stuff we won't see until November). It makes me feel dizzy just thinking about it.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day
Things on my mind...
I've contacted a couple of pet shipping companies and am waiting to hear back from them on the estimates. I have this sinking feeling that it's going to be very expensive. So one company calls me back and they e-mail me a contract for me to fill out and they want me to give them a $75 non-refundable deposit before they give me an, I really don't feel comfortable doing that and I let the person know that in an e-mail. There are companies that (and I hate to say it but it's true) take advantage of military families, especially ones that are moving overseas with pets.
I've got to make a newsletter for the subdivision, informing them that I'm moving and that we need to elect a new person to be HOA president not to mention that we also need to elect an entire new board-eek! I need to announce the date of the neighborhood garage sale and get the ad put into the newspaper.
Yesterday was spent organizing items in the bathrooms. Preparing things for shipping. You see, moving companies want their clients to have things like Bath and Body works foaming hand soap, body wash,body lotions etc. in Ziploc baggies before they will pack them up. I don't want to wait until the last minute to get these simple yet time consuming tasks done- so I did it yesterday. To be perfectly honest, it took me a lot longer than I thought it would.
Things we'll need more than 1 of (especially when the kids and I get there) are sheets and bedding, towels, pillows, hangers, dinnerware and cookware. I've started shipping off boxes with those kinds of things in them. Okay so I've not sent any dishes...this is my excuse for starting my Portmeirion dishware collection (I only have 1 complete place setting, 4 cups and saucers and 4 mugs), hehehe (that's my sneaky laugh). And don't you just love how I used the word "only"? LOL! Portmeirion is going to be my "thing" that I will have in our home which I will remember our time spent living in England. Then again I do plan on adding to my Spode Christmas Tree place settings...maybe just maybe I will finally get myself that sauce boat after nearly 14 plus years of wanting it, LOL!
I'm pulling out more stuff to donate to the woman's shelter and to the Salvation Army Thrift Shop. Looking back, I find it amazing how much stuff I've already donated/given away and how much more I'm now willing to part with. I want to be 100% ready when the moving company truck pulls up in front of our house and packs up of belongings. I want us to have our suitcases packed and ready to go to the airport. I want things to go as smoothly as possible without any of those nasty last minute hiccups.
Quote of the Day
-Kim Boyce
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Give Love Every Day
I put my foot down with my sons friends yesterday. Right as they entered our house I let them know that I will not tolerate them being disrespectful to me in any way and that they are not to talk negativly about our move in any way, shape, or form or they will no longer be welcome in our home- end of story. I got a yes ma'am out of all them and that was it. My boy is so torn between his friends and this move. It's sad that his best friend has been such a snot about our move- and has been putting all kinds of crap notions into our sons head. I let my son and his 2 friends know that I will win out and the only losers in all of this will be them. Today, my son is a nice happy young man and is not angry. It seems as if my being perfectly frank with them all has (maybe) started to sink in. With only 1 month, 1 week and 6 days until we leave I'm wanting to get on with preparing for this move. It's been rough and I know that I'm not totally out of the woods yet, so keep me and my family in your prayers.
Today I have happy and content children. I let them sleep in and relax. It's Mother's Day weekend, I have no plans on showing my house this weekend, it's family time for the 3 of us. I'm going to make those yummy ultimate cinnamon rolls (these are way better than cinnabon cinnamon rolls) -Terri if you're reading are going to LOVE these! When I get to England I promise that I will teach you how to make these delicious treats for your tea shop :-)
Quote of the Day
-Gail Lumet Buckley
Friday, May 08, 2009
a girl and her shoes
These are my Liz Claiborne mules, believe it or not, but they are truly comfortable!
And of course my Clark's Black suede sandals- another pair of truly comfortable yet stylish shoes. These have a small heal to them and a built in arch support...worth every penny!
Don't you love that waffle weave pattern in my skin? I was wearing my Old Navy ankle socks in my Crocs before I took these pictures and they left quite the imprint in my skin, LOL!
As you see, my feet are not pretty my big toes are mishapped (have been since birth). I've had surgery on both feet and there are numerous scars on each foot, maybe a few more on my left foot than my right. The last surgery left the toes on my left foot curly a bit and that is really starting to bug me but alas there's nothing I can do about that now is there. No matter what I always have my toe nails painted a bright cheery shade of pink. I have always been embarrassed about how my feet look then last year I said to heck with it! There are people with uglier feet than mine wearing cute strappy sandals and that was it for me! I let myself get my first pedicure last year and my feet have been happy ever since! Trust me when I say I'd do a pedicure over a manicure any day! Pedicures are the one indulgence I hope to be able to do for myself once I get to England! Which reminds me...I have a gift certificate to use!
AFJROTC Awards Banquet
There's my boy, he's the tall one in the back. He and the rest of this group are on the drill team.