Saturday, May 02, 2009

It's National Scrapbooking Day!

I bet that you thought that I had forgotten all about this day. HA! I didn't, not even with all of the quilting and other things going on I still have scrapbooking on my mind. I'm taking my quote of the day and am going to use it to make a layout about myself. I'm going to get Hannah to take another picture of me (she took the one that's my blog photo) I hope to bribe her with a Lindt chocolate bunny rabbit (I have some stashed away). Maybe I'll get a nice picture of Hannah and the chocolate bunny bribe (insert sneaky mom laughter here).

So about the layout I plan to make (and hopefully share) it's all about the journaling and being a little artistic. Create a layout about yourself today, about the person you are now and how you got to be where you are at this point in time. I'm going to start writing in my note pad about things I want to touch on and then I'll get to it!

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