Saturday, June 30, 2007
2 Peas Blog Challenge: If you could do anything what would you do???
It's good to be back home!
Now on to the good stuff...we have 3 beautiful trees in our front yard AND a lovely wooden fence. Granted the yard work has not been started, but I feel that the landscaper and his crew will get on that shortly.
More house scoop...the black granite sink that I purchased with my garage sale proceeds before I left for vacation is being installed today Ü Oh how I LOVE my hubby! He's been working hard around here, he got the cabinet doors stained and 3 acrylic coats put on the doors too! I'm going to have to post some pictures of his handiwork, Yes I do realize that I am rather lucky in having a husband that loves to do home improvement projects.
Laundry, laundry, laundry I think that my middle name is Laundry. Four loads and I'm still going strong on getting the laundry washed, dried, folded and put away. I've got the guest bathroom cleaned and I even took pictures of it (need them for a scrapbook layout I've got planned).
Now to put away the items and drag away the boxes from the things that I shipped to myself while on vacation. I did shop, some were new items and some were things from my childhood home. Things like the Turkey Platter that my mother used from every Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinner for as long as I can remember. I found out on this visit home that it had once belonged to my great-grandmother on my father's side of the family- now that is what I would call a family heirloom. Or the Carnival Glass bowls, one always and I mean always held these bright green colored granny smith apple flavored hard candies the other much larger bowl always had fruit in it, be it apples, bananas or oranges. It's items like that that I remember always being a part of the house, one in the living room on the cocktail/coffee table and the other in the middle of the dining table. Yup, I need to find a new home for my treasures.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
I'm back home...almost
Our visit with my mom out in California went well. I'm happy to report that the care facility where my Dad currently resides is lovely! The staff is wonderful and the place is charming! I can't believe the feeling that I got from the place, it felt like a real home. The residents all respect one another and the staff is top notch. It's a quiet peaceful place with a beautiful backyard for the resident to walk in and relax in. My Dad's room has a sliding glass door that opens up the back porch and the view is of the flower garden. We had only one episode where he did not recognize us, yes it was heart breaking but with his condition it's to be expected. The good thing is that we were able to leave on a happy note with my Dad recognizing us and knowing who we are.
We're taking a few days of R&R here in Denver. Today took us to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science- there's a special exhibit on the Titanic and of course we went! We plan on going to the Zoo and the US Mint before leaving to go back home to our house in South Dakota.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Going to Denver today
I've decided not to bring the laptop with me, it's just one more thing to drag around and I can do without having to drag around extra baggage through the various airports.
I'm still not packed. Granted I have clothes heaped into a pile but nothing is packed. I don't know exactly when it happened but some time through the years I went form being excited about packing a suit case to absolutely hating it.
Alright I need coffee, I'm getting nothing done without my usual half a pot of java in the morning.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Happy Father's Day!
While at Church our son called on my cell phone...yes I was one of those people who didn't turn off their phone while in church. To be perfectly honest I forgot to turn off the ringer. I think that our Andrew has become a little home sick. I was starting to get worried that he was having too good of a time but now I know that yes he still is a boy, a boy who misses his Mom and Dad. I felt bad when he asked if we were coming out for his graduation on Friday I had to tell him that Hannah and I will be in California at that time- I left it open for Lucien to talk to Andrew and let him know that he wouldn't be able to make it either. Personally speaking I was surprised that Andrew even wanted to go Leadership school only because it was so far away (it's in Louisiana and we're in South Dakota). I'll see our boy again on the 27th of June when he and his Dad pick us up from the Denver airport.
Okay I need to get back to packing the suit case...what a chore! And to think I used to be one of those people that was packed and ready to go 2 weeks before my trip, LOL!
Saturday, June 16, 2007
2 peas blog challenge- What other creative talents do you possess, besides papercrafting?
Oh my gosh as if you didn't's COOKING!!!!! And I don't mean the kind of cooking that is heating up a can of soup, I'm into the make your own soup from scratch kind of thing. Using fresh herbs makes such a HUGE difference in the way food smells while cooking and the taste is soooooo much better!
I also enjoy counted cross stitching. My friend Lori took the time to show me how to do it right- after I had taken a class on how to do counted cross stitching, LOL! We were stationed at Loring AFB, Maine at the time and let me tell you at the time there wasn't much else to do up there. After our move to Texas and I was stitching like there was no tomorrow, I was even designing my own patterns. After discovering scrapbooking my needle work passion subsided. Then I met my friend Susan in Virginia, oh my gosh that woman can stitch! I've never seen work more excellent than hers, I wish I had her talent! She got me interested in needlework again and introduced me to hand dyed has never been the same for me since!
My Scrapbook Nook

What makes me smile...
Happy 1 year Anniversary to my blog spot!
Scrapbooking is so much more to me than just a craft, it's my creative outlet. I love to take photograph's and better yet, to bring them to life. By assembling paper in such a manner to have those who look at my albums to be able to have a connection from their eyes to their hearts.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Two Scrapbook Stores are closing...
But when I was in there today it was pretty much the same old stuff that they've had since before we moved here in 2003, same printed papers, same albums, same rubber stamps, same punches and so on. Not much has changed. I wish them much luck and happiness on their future ventures.
I've got to start packing
So today I've pulled out 2 laundry baskets, one for my daughter and the other for me. I'm pulling things out to put in the baskets TODAY. I've also got to have my wedding rings checked before I go plus a few other things need to get done. Ahhhh, such is a day in my life. Tons of things to get done and not enough time to do them all in.
We heard from our boy...FINALLY, sheesh!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
I love cooking
I invite you to check it out! I've been asked how I make roasted garlic and everyone thinks that there's some sort of magic ingredient or secret way of cooking it...well I spilled the beans on the so called's slow roasting. so go check it out!
Now for me to get those baking potatoes in the oven Ü
Day 2 without our boy around...
With my boy in mind I'm going to tidy up his room, change his bedding out so it's nice and fresh when he gets home. I'm sure that he will appreciate sleeping on clean sheets and a room that smells like Downy fabric softener rather than a bunch of sweaty teenage boys.
My neighbor has lost his mind, LOL!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
I feel a little sad...
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
2 peas in a bucket blog challenge 6-12-07
I knew that it was going to be fairly popular. But if you're wondering if I thought that it would be to the extent that it is now? No way! There are still new companies arriving every day with this business. I remember hearing it being talked of on a radio talk show as a fad that the Mormon's had started, I burst out laughing! I still crack up at that comment! Yeah, some people are just so small minded, LOL!
on the agenda...
I need to run to the mall to get my wedding rings checked. I hate going into the mall for this only because I tend to "browse" the jewelery cases, LOL! I'm a necklace, bracelet and earrings kind of chick while I have girlfriends who could care less about such things.
Got to get the girl (my daughter) some sneakers. Oh how I hate shoe shopping with her but wait...she's almost 12 it could be better now. But then again I could wait and do it while we are in California on our visit the grandparents.
Baking- I want to bake a cheesecake for a dear friend while her husbands' family are here visiting. If there's anything I enjoy it's being able to make entertaining a bit easier for my friends- hence I bake them yummy desserts Ü that they can serve to their house guests. I know how stressful it can be to have a house full of company. There's that cleaning the house from top to bottom before the arrive plus the added stress of entertaining them-not just cooking for them but driving them around to scenic places and such while they are here. You only have so much time during the day to get things done and if you're driving them to Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse or the Badlands, lets face it dessert is the last thing you want to be making, it's more like Margarita and Miller Time, LOL!
It's time for me to chase my boy out the door to get himself a hair cut!
Kudos to...
I'm going to play with my new flowers today!
Monday, June 11, 2007
Making a Circle Journal
So here I am putting together a surprise circle journal for my girlfriends that were in my scrapbooking group. I'm finishing up the pages and will be bringing them out to them this afternoon as soon as I get them put together for them to journal on. Oh are they going to be surprised! I bought them all 6x6 albums to put those pages into when they are done Ü
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Besides Scrapbooking...
counted cross stitching
gourmet cooking- some call this a hobby I call it a passion
container gardening
yup those are my main ones, now lets hear about yours. Fell free to tell me about them in the comments section
The Garage Sale
I sold the dishwasher and the over the range microwave oven to a young Air Force couple who recently purchased a house. I gave them quite a good deal on it too and I feel GOOD about that! Knowing that we helped out a military couple to fix up their home with brand new appliances - priceless! I also look at it as they helped me out so I can get that new kitchen sink that I want Ü. You know the saying "Good things come to those who wait"? I'll be waiting just a bit longer for my sink since they were on sale at Menard's this week and they sold out. Was I bummed? Of course I was, but we got a rain check for the item. But who knows...I could be pleasantly surprised when I get back form California and my husband could have it installed for me Ü.
Not so many scrapbooking items sold this time around. I had one guy wanting to know if I had any albums for sale (he was a scrapbooker). He was wanting some Creative Memories brand albums and he wanted to pay 25¢- each for them, yes I contained my laughter until after he left. I know that some people shop garage sales every weekend looking for the best possible deals to make their $$ stretch and that's okay. And when you come across nice things that are of a terrific price it's got to be delightful. I take pride on knowing that I did not try to sell junk to people, that I sold clean unsoiled items, items that work, toys with all of their pieces - I'm just that way. When I say that something is NEW I mean NEW, never used kind of new.
While the garage sale was going on when scrapbookers came (trust me I can recognize a scrapbooker when I see one). They saw all of those lettering templates and alphabet stickers for sale and they asked if if I gave up scrapbooking. I told them no, just culling the herd so to speak. One lady just cracked me up...Are you sure you want to sell all this? There's so much "good stuff" here. I reassured her that I was not lacking in scrapbooking supplies department in any way and that I was VERY active in scrapbooking. I did not tell her that I had an entire room devoted to scrapbooking as I thought that she would have passed out right there on the spot. We talked at length on the subject and during that time I found out that she was new to the craft/hobby of scrapbooking and thrilled to be finding such good stuff at my garage sale. Before she left I made her take more stickers-free of course, LOL!
While at Menard's I went to the plant department...where I found and bought some more plants for my container garden. I've learned a valuable lesson with bulb flowers...after they are done blooming they start to rot. I will not be wasting my money buying bulb flowers again. They are short lived and then they rot...nice! I bought some more herbs and some Lavender, oh how I adore Lavender! And I know that it's a hearty plant that has wonderfully scented blossoms and just rubbing the leaves of the plant gives a wonderful scent. So as soon as we got home I put the new plants into pots and gave them all a good drink.
I realized later on that my sunscreen had worn off because I look a bit like a pink lobster. I blame it on the sweater, LOL! I put it on, I took it off, put it on again and took it off again. Must have done that a dozen times. Oh well, it's nothing that I can't live with... It's not too bad.
All in all it was a pretty good day. We ended it with all 4 of us watching a movie together "The DaVinci Code"- oh yeah that was a great movie!
Saturday, June 09, 2007
My Scrappy Mess

As you can tell stuff was piled up all over the place. It's always total chaos before everything is put into it's own place. So here it is My Scrapbook Nook, almost tidy....

Being the organizer that I am
The Garage Sale...Yes we're having one today. Lets try this again and see if we can make some money as I want a black granite sink (and they are currently on sale). I'll make everyone start helping me in an hour. They're all dead asleep right now. I hope that someone finds out home improvement items "must have" items for their home.
I've got a carpenter coming over at 9am to put on some cabinet doors in the kitchen. So why did I hire someone versus having my handyman husband do it? Well here's why...
I'd like to access the space behind this tiny door. There's oodles of storage space for my larger roasting pans and other big items- see next picture I have the doors and hinges all I need is someone with the expertise to make it happen. And well, hes coming over today Ü, he's the husband to one of the Colonels at the base and he comes highly recommended.
Now for some more coffee and to get that garage sale set up and ready to go!
Friday, June 08, 2007
Good Buys
You never know when you'll come across a good deal so keep your eyes peeled!
I'm almost ready
Thursday, June 07, 2007
I'm cleaning my room!
While over at 2 peas today I'm seeing some great looking scrapbook rooms, all cleaned up and tidy for picture taking. Mine looks like Typhoon swept through it. I've taken some before pictures now to get some after pictures.
another good thing JUST happened to me!
Alright my military girlfriends check out this site!
2 peas blog challenge...what good thing happened to me today

My 2nd terrific find was this small chrome shelf, much like my large one...but baby sized! I love it!!!! This little gem was only $20, WOW! It can hold up to 150 pounds per shelf (evenly distributed weight- so says the box). Yes this too will be going into my scrapbook nook.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007
an update on our dinner plans
So now to plan "b" on the restaurant plans...Minerva's always has excellent service and a great menu- not to mention thing that the kids will eat.
Dinner on my B-day
the place
I have heard that the food at this place is to die for and after reading the menu I think so but the true test if with the husband and kids in tow.
Flowers Flowers Flowers
I've got my birthday layout done (I think that I mentioned it before) and it's got oodles of flowers on it!
You know what I just did...I am sooooooooo bad. A couple of weeks ago I found (and bought) at my LSS the ...Prima flowers of the month. Oh my gosh reel me in like a fish on a hook! All they had was one set of the Jan-Feb-Mar flowers. I asked if they would be getting more of them in and the manager reassured me Yes they would. So when I was in yesterday the store owner was there and I asked her about them and she said no, that she would not be ordering them again. So I did a Google search and bought them on line. Maybe before I leave they'll get here. If not, then I have a pleasant thing waiting for me at home. WooHoo I'm going to have more cool flowers to use in my layouts!
My favorite embellishments are- in no particular order...
ric rac
Me on being 45

Last year on my birthday I had a military spouses group meeting to attend and guess what...same goes this year (just a different military spouses group) what's up with that? Oh well, at least I'm getting out of the house and am not moping around the house because I'm now 45. I look at it this way... At least I don't look my age Ü. Not that being 45 years old has a look per say, but for my years I do consider myself having kept pretty well under the radar for crows feet, wrinkles and oodles of gray hair. What can I say, I wear hats in the summer, sun glasses and sun screen all year round- okay so genetics plays a big part in it too, LOL! But seriously, before you go in the sun, put on sunscreen of no less than 30 SPF. During the hotter months (when the earth is closest to the sun)I wear 45 SPF on my face, hence the no wrinkles thing happening here. And lets not forget to put that Sunscreen on your ears, neck and chest.
I'm going to get a friend to take a picture of me birthday picture. I've got a layout all ready to go I just need to put my picture in it and my journaling and I'm done! What will I wear today? Do I want it to be something bright and tropical in nature like orange pink and lime green with a dash of white or do I want to go with burgundy, a deeper tone of green and khaki? Hm mm Maybe I could do both, one for the daytime and the other for the evening when we go out to dinner. But I want a picture of me in the bright colors for the layout.
Now on to thinking about other things...Am I happy where I am at this stage in my life? Yes of course I am. I've got a husband and children who love me, I live in a comfortable home and I truly lack for nothing. I have wonderful friends and a faith in the Lord that is unwavering. I truly do thank the Lord for everything that I have and the person I have become.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
The Honey -Do list
I went to Lowe's and bought another chrome shelf and put it together with the help of my kids. Alright so Andrew was much more of a help than Hannah was with that project. You should see that new shelf and how good it looks in my scrapbook nook Ü. I put the smaller one in the closet for storage of board games and some other odds and ends from my scrapbook nook.
Now for the real kicker- I bought some relatively inexpensive vinyl flooring for the space that is underneath of the stairs/entry way. It's a large area 9' 8" in by 9' 4"...not too shabby of a storage space if you ask me! I had to by the vinyl in a 10'x12' section, ugh! Had the kids help me drag it in the house and down the stairs. I got it cut and installed BEFORE the hubby came home from work. I feel immensely proud of myself for getting this done today!
While at Lowe's I came across some seriously terrific buys! I've been wanting a roman style shade for the window in the kitchen and today I found one and guess what it was brand new in box marked down from $40.00 to $5.00! Then there's my other great buy, Waverly drapery panels, regularly $40.00 each marked all the way down to $2.00! I like the print so I bought 2 of them! Heck for that price I can cut them into valances and not care! I can't find Waverly fabric by the yard that cheap and here I have sewn long floor length panels, woohoo! I also broke down and bought curtain rods today, no more searching for them in the garage!
Baking Day
I'm of to whip up some grilled cheese sandwiches for the family as both of the ovens are occupied at the moment. Ü
funny questions I'm asked about scrapbooking...
What products did I use when I first started scrapbooking? Believe it or not Creative Memories products and what ever I could find at the Michael's craft and hobby store in Abilene (which wasn't much).The reaction I got from stating that I started off by using Creative Memories products made me laugh...YOU used CM products? No way!
With your husband being career military you must have a ton of military themed layouts (that was more of a statement than a question- I get a lot of those too). My answer, no not really. What I do have a lot of layouts of is our children, the various vacation spots we've been to over the years, points of interest that sort of thing.
When asked what are my favorite pictures/layouts that I have done of my children my reply is...There's this picture I took of Hannah we were on a picnic by the ocean she was 9 years old looking out at the ocean and her hair was blowing. I'll have to find that layout and share it. And of our son Andrew, we were at my husbands parents house in winter- snow all around and the kids were sledding. Andrew looked like he was deep in thought about something (probably contemplating going down a steep hill). I love that picture he must have been 12 years old.
It's hard to picture myself loving one particular picture of my children. I'm sure that you feel the same way. There's this picture of Hannah when she was 4 years old that my husband and I adore. And then there's the picture of Andrew when he was 2 years old, asleep on the floor of his bedroom with all of his little hot wheels cars lined up like a parking lot in front of him and his hand was still clutching one while sleeping- adorable!
Monday, June 04, 2007
counting the days...
I'm also counting the days until our trip to California to see my parents. I've got my print out of wi-fi spots around town. Looks like I'll be spending a lot of time at McDonalds and Starbucks, LOL! Hannah wants to go to the outlet mall...and I want to take her Ü. So much for me not spending any money, LOL!
Okay I've farted away my day on "stuff", now for me to get to baking something yummy. I've got to make some birthday cheesecakes! One for Kim and one for me!
You know your husband is in the military when...
8 am change of command ceremony for the Medical Group
10 am retirement ceremony for past Medical Group Commander
11:30 am Farewell Luncheon for Deputy Commander of the Maintenance Group
food food food, it was everywhere! After each ceremony tables of food! Sheesh it was nothing but people dressed in blues, bdu's or flight suits with the occasional civilian thrown in here and there. Each ceremony was touching in it own way. The thank yous that were given to family and friends for being so supportive throughout their military members' career...each being more tear provoking than the last. Did I shed a tear? You know I did! These folks and their families will be missed greatly. The slide show presentations were awesome! I loved watching them and I could see others getting teary eyed as they watched the pictures that documented life as a military family. It means so much to me be to be there supporting my husband in his career, moving or in our case at the moment now moving and buying a house to do a double tour. But to be there (at an assignment) together as a family, and sometimes you can't be together in body because of a remote assignment , deployments and extended TDy's. But to be there on the same page looking in the same direction...knowing that your life partner is there for you every step of the way through good times and bad. It's at these kinds of ceremonies that the spouse is thanked in front of her husbands peers (or wife's peers). It's heart felt to have your husband say it out loud in front of God and everyone how much your being there has truly meant to him over the know they really mean it when their voice cracks and you see them shed a few tears. It's uplifting when you hear them thanking the Lord for their family, friends and Air Force Career. I wish both families GodSPeed and a safe journey to their next destination.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Blog you do it?
So is essence it's about this...what is beauty? Who are they (magazines) to say that overweight children or people in general are not beautiful? Who is to say that we wouldn't want to see a layout done with pictures of overweight individuals? I think it's wrong to assume that everyone in the scrapbooking world is skinny. We all are God's children, made in his image right? It's just something to think about.
Blog Challange- what do you look forward to ...
I look forward to our trip this month to
Friendships and the Military way of life
But when friends move and it's inevitable that while in the military (any branch)they will. Don't look at it as being for forever...because you will see them again at another assignment, it's just a matter of time. Take the base commander and his wife...Jeff and Cheryl, Cheryl and I both have sons named Andrew who were in the same kindergarten class together while we were assigned to Dyess AFB in in Abilene, Texas. Our boys have now finished the 9th grade together, wow! Another couple of friends that I made while living in Texas were assigned here and are now leaving for other assignments, Georgia and Kristine. Will I miss them? Of course I will, but there's that wonderful things called e-mail and of course a good long distance plan is always a good thing Ü. Here's one for dear Jayne, a friend I made at out first assignment in Maine back in 1990 was stationed here when we first arrived. We lived down the street from one another and our daughters who had never met one-another became fast friends. Our sons were babies when we parted and left for assignments in different parts of the country. It all comes full circle, making friends, friends moving away and then meeting up at yet another assignment.
Okay so 2 of the steady members of my scrapbooking group are leaving soon...I'm having us all make a scrapbook page writing something meaningful to one another. I had someone take a pictures of the 4 of us at a function not too long ago and I'm going to design a layout where we can all write on it. It'll be a simple layout but sweet none the less. I plan on doing this for each friend that moves away, I feel that by giving them something personal like this that it lets them know that they do matter to me and my family.
Alright, enough of the warm fuzzies, I need more coffee!
A Blog Challenge to anyone who reads My Blog...
In every room (and I do mean every room- minus the garage) there are flowers. When you really look around you'll see them...there are pictures of of flowers that I have taken hanging on the walls, in our formal dining room there are dried flowers on top my china hutch, flowers on the tea cups and tea pots and most times there is a vase of fresh flowers on the table or buffet, in the kitchen I have a pitcher of silk Hydrangeas and another of Texas Bluebonnets aka Lupins, our Master Bedroom is all about roses even our master bathroom is about roses. The kids rooms, the laundry room the other 2 bathrooms and especially my scrapbook nook. I'm about flowers, always have been always will be. To me flowers signify life, love and purpose. The come in so many shapes and colors, they bring me happiness.
Friday, June 01, 2007
Breathing a sigh of relief!
The kids are thrilled that I bought food, I had them out it away (now where did they hide my York Peppermint Patties?). It's still rainy and dreary. I went to a change of command ceremony (We have a new base commander and first lady)this morning and during the ceremony the rain was pouring out of the sky in buckets. I was VERY glad that I had an up close parking spot, no trudging through the rain for me! The ceremony was touching as both Colonels had nice things to say about the support of their families with their careers in the military. I hope that the new base commander and his wife find this area enjoyable.
I'm going to take the weekend off and just relax. I'm really wanting to take a nap as I can hardly keep my eyes open right now. But alas...I have a pot of chili cooking on the stove. There's nothing like a bowl of my all veggie chili with cheese and some corn chips on a dreary rainy day! I'm all about comfort food on days like these.
I'm going to buy food today...
Buying food is one of those things, I've ordered Pizza twice this week, bought KFC once and basically left the kids to fend for themselves, LOL! Hot Pocket pizzas are a wonderment!
Laundry will be the other thing I have neglected all week- and it shows, LOL! There are over full hampers in the laundry room at this very moment.
The formal dining room table is piled with things that need to go back into the china hutch and armoire.
I've left my scrapbook nook looking like a hurricane had hit it (minus the water). What a disaster area that place is! Enter at your own risk should be the phrase of the day for that room! I don't know who is more glad that I have a door on that room myself or my husband, LOL!
It's now 6 am and I see a ton of things that I have neglected this week...heck right here in the office there are about 20 things that need to be put away. I'm tired and I have yet to started my day.
I couldn't see the trees for the forest...
So my friend Kim saved me from having an embarrassing journaling moment, LOL! She doesn't think so but I know better. I was so tired of looking at those scrapbooks pages that I could not see the trees with the forest being right there in front of me. I truly do appreciate her coming out and helping me with this project. Only 3 more tributes to write...that can be done later! Now to bag this album up and get it off to where it needs to go!