Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Getting ready for the State Fair
So now I'm going to pull some layouts together that I want to enter in the Fair this year. I'll make some note cards as well plus enter some photo's (need to get them printed in 8x10 glossy format).
So even if you don't enter anything in the Fair please go an check it out! It's fun for the entire family!
It's Tuesday Gromit
I'm one of those people that naturally and on their own wake up around 5 am and am wide awake. But today I got up at around 6 and was still feeling rather sleepy. Weird is all I can say about that. So I drag myself out of bed so I can see our son off as he leaves for a leadership event on the other side of the state. I'm going to miss him while he's away.
So here we are...just Hannah, the cat and me...3 chicks on our own today. I think that this calls for total chick food! Yup that's it, it's a chick food chick drinks total chick day!
I want to mention that a dear friend of mine is having a birthday today...Happy Birthday Cindy! If you can, please drop by www.3scrappyboys.com and wish Cindy a Happy Birthday!
Other things on my agenda it to get more information together for a news letter for our HOA. Get more information from the 3 sanitation companies that service our local area and give some scoop on our ever rising water bills.
I've got to crank out a board report for OSC, get a menu list done and get invitations out to various nonprofit charities that depend upon volunteers. I've also got to shop for the Bingo Prizes for the September function- eek!
I've got to work some more on the garage. It got too hot in there to continue working on sorting through things yesterday. I've really got to make a big push to get it done though.
I did manage to get some more boxes cleared out of the guest room/home office. I even went though a big box, sorted the items and out those items where they need to go... you know- the donate, keep and toss piles and then sort it further from there.
Monday, July 30, 2007
What I did today...
I’ve been keeping myself fairly busy today…
*Got up at 5 am, drank enough coffee to keep a small village of elves awake for a week
*Took my son to the High School for yet another round of leadership school, this one being sponsored through the Douglas High School JROTC program
* Made a double batch of Manicotti today (with meat- ground chicken to be exact)
*Washed about a zillion loads of dirty clothes
*Talked to my youngest brother in law, he’s having surgery tomorrow and he had some anesthesia and recovery time questions for me. I’ll call him in a couple of days to see how he is doing. I won’t call tomorrow…he’s going to be rather out of it with the drugs, LOL!
*Did some HOA stuff, getting information together for a news letter
*spoke with the VP from OSC and she put together a smashing letter to send to the different volunteer organizations in our area.
*Cleared 2 boxes of crap from the garage- was it ever hot out there too!
*And now for me to watch some more awesome programming on The Discovery Channel- it’s Shark Week!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
blog challenge- Top 10 things on my mind right now...uncensored
2- Need to call the 3 different Sanitation companies on Monday and get more detailed outline of what they can offer our HOA as to recycling and trash pick up.
3- OSC programs- meeting tomorrow with OSC president need to cover what programs I've got planned for the year.
4- Our water bill is pretty high this month and next month it's going to be at least 3 times this amount...I want to vomit just thinking about it.
5-I wonder what my husband and children are going to come back with...they went to Lowes so it can be just about anything.
6-I just love those new nightstands that I bought yesterday. It's an early anniversary present to my husband and myself! The unfinished furniture store is the place for me!
7-I need to go to the nursery and pick up some plants and plug them in my flower beds.
8- I wonder how my friend René is feeling today. She was feeling rather overwhelmed with things the other day. René if you're reading this...don't stress about the glue on the wood flooring, if you wait long enough it'll wear off, LOL! Now you know that I'm just joking, take your time, take Robins attitude...don't stress out on those things that really don't matter.
9-who will be the next HGTV Design Star? I'm watching this and I love it!
10- I hope that my Dad is having a "good" day/week. My heart goes out to anyone who is also having to deal with a parent that has Alzheimer's. My Dad now has days where he doesn't recognize people- people being his immediate family. I try to keep myself alive in his heart and memories by sending him a different hand made card each week just talking about what has been going on with my children and husband.
Be all you can be!
So the first thing that I'm doing is to get us a contract with a sanitation company that wants our business and is willing to meet the needs of a growing community. Monday I will be calling the representatives from the 3 sanitation companies and go over some things with them and have them send me a new proposal. I will then include that information in a letter and send it to each and every home owner in our subdivision. Well vote on it and get it into play. The sooner we get it done the sooner we can get on to other topics at hand. I've also got a couple of great people to take on the positions of VP and secretary/treasurer. We're going to be starting up a welcoming committee and I'm going to make a huge effort to great all of the new neighbors just moving into in our subdivision and I'd love to be able to meet the ones that have been here a while too!
Yup, I'm going to be plenty busy this coming year that's for sure!
Look what I made!

Friday, July 27, 2007
Happy Birthday Hannah!
For her birthday we went to lunch at her favorite place...Mongolian Grill. I think it's because she can get a bowl full of noodles with her choice of veggies and meats. We're building a birthday cake but it's not an ordinary one, it's a train. I got the cake pan at http://www.williams-sonoma.com it's called the railway cake pan. Our daughter loves trains and this is just the most perfect thing for her. I made the little cakes last night and today we're adding on the candy decorations with royal icing.
I'll add in pictures later on of the cake and our birthday girl.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
dumb laws in South Dakota...
*No horses are allowed into Fountain Inn unless they are wearing pants.
*It is illegal to lie down and fall asleep in a cheese factory.
*Movies that show police officers being struck, beaten, or treated in an offensive manner are forbidden.
*If there are more than 5 Native Americans on your property you may shoot them.
*in the City of Spearfish-If three or more Indians are walking down the street together, they can be considered a war party and fired upon.
After the rain...
The storm has left us with cooler temperatures and a great deal of humidity. So much humidity that I feel as if I'm back in Virginia. It's just nasty sticky, it's not comfortable to go outside. I popped outside once and I went back inside immedieatly. I just checked the humidity level...it's at 78%, yuck! What a great day to get some stuff done around the house where it's cool and free of humidity levels that make it hard to breathe.
Altered Art
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
My Mother is in my head...
So what memories are you scrapbooking today?
Shopping at my LSS
Now to see if I can find those Bazzill flowers here in town...I bought them at a little yarn shop I wonder if they are still in business...I'm going to check that out in another hour.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Cable TV- what are you watching?
The Planet Earth Series is awesome! If you haven't seen it yet, tune into one of the episodes, you will be instantly hooked! The photography is amazing...you wouldn't expect anything less than phenomenal from National Geographic and they won't let you down with this mini series.
Shark Week- more family entertainment from the Discovery Channel. Who doesn't like Shark Week? It's so informative and fascinating at the same time. And there's new programs this season, woohoo! I have my DVR ready to record the new shows!
Animal Planet is bringing back Meerkat Manor on August 10th- it's an all new season and my entire family is giddy with excitement about it! So what has Flower and her troop been up to?
The History Channel with it's mini series Ice Road Truckers is topping the ratings charts this summer. We record and watch it later in the week. It's pretty interesting and that driving on a road made from ice gives it the thrill factor that keeps us on the edge of our seats.
Besides the Weather Channel and the News Channels...what's on your TV these days???
Monday, July 23, 2007
Things that my children do that is driving me crazy this summer...
*The fact that no one seems to care if they push their chair back in place after sitting at either dining table for any amount of time-augh! I hate seeing chairs pushed out into walking areas.
*Why is it that they seldom clean up after themselves? And when I do hound them like there's no tomorrow they bring those dishes up from their rooms but they don't get them into the dishwasher? They're soon to find out that they'll not be getting anything to drink or a plate for their food...why? Because we ran out of cups and plates because they're where? Down in your rooms that's where!
*Putting wet towels in the clothes hamper. Why after their entire lives of me telling them NO TOWELS in the clothes hampers are they and my husband suddenly putting wet/smelly towels in the clothes hampers? There is nothing worse than mold and/or mildew on clothing caused by stinky wet towels!
*The funniest thing is when the cable goes out...both kids suddenly appear out of thin air saying "Mom we're bored" my reply is "Oh my word...like there's nothing else in the entire world do to...go read a book, ride a bike and write a letter to a friend who has moved away- but what ever it is stop telling me that there's nothing to do!"
But if this is all that I have to complain about... I suppose that I do have it pretty good after all. But the towel thing really is starting to bug the crap out of me, LOL! I pulled out some pretty rank ones from a couple of clothes hampers this morning and I'm still stewing about it!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
3 Scrappy Boys
Saturday, July 21, 2007
It's Organizing day
The permanent storage items arrived on Thursday. I made sure to have a box to items that we are going to donate, I did this right from the start. It's much better than bringing it all into the house and going form there. So here I am with oodles of things to go through and you know what...it wasn't that bad. I made decisions right there on the spot as to what stayed and what was coming into the house. You have to keep in mind that these are items that I have not seen in almost 4 years, of course there are going to be quite a few things that I would have purged during that time. I think that I've done very well in the purging department! Now to finish my work and figure out what to do with all of these wine glasses, LOL!!!
Happy Birthday Andrew...one day late

(the 5th installment of the Harry Potter books made into movies).At the end of the evening we ask him how was his birthday and we got this...the thumbs up. What a happy boy excuse me...what a happy teenager we have!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
I wonder about people...
Then there's this neighbor of ours...let me just say that I've never seen a worse case of "keeping up with the Jones' in my life! I have to roll my eyes when I think of this couple. A good friend and neighbor told me when we first moved into our new home to observe this couple. I laugh at the antics of this woman and her husband. It's all about keeping up appearances with those two. If they see you having something that makes them not to have the latest and greatest, well then they are off to go out and buy one for themselves.
The first thing this woman did was to buy a new stainless steel grill like ours. I didn't think much of it at first as a grill is a grill and if you need a new one well you need a new one. But when I overheard her talking to her husband about it I had to laugh. She saw ours and suddenly her black grill was no longer any good. Now if you want to talk about needing a new grill here you go... our black grill was on it's last legs! First off it was 7 years old, the handle that you use to lift the grill top up was broken in half, we've had to replace the burner elements inside of it, replaced the grill racks twice and lets face it the side burner was rusted out and I wasn't going to sink any more money into it.
Good friends of ours who live in the neighborhood recently had their deck extended, a 2nd set of stairs was added (one set goes down to the grass area of their yard and another set goes down to the concrete patio) they've also changed the railings- WOW it looks very nice! Talk about adding greatly to the future resale value of their beautiful home. Now this other neighbor is badgering her husband about getting their deck added on to and how she wants one just like our friends' deck. I feel that it's just a matter of time until she calls the landscaper and has him add on to their yard with concrete curbing around their trees and the addition of flower beds. I see this couple digging themselves into a financial hole that they won't be able to get out off all because they crave attention, to cut it short they want to be the envy of the neighborhood. The man has already ruined his lawn by cutting it twice a week during the hottest time of the year in the desire of having the best manicured lawn in the neighborhood. When it's this hot (in the 90's to 100's) you need to let your grass grow longer, to the 3 to 4 inch range. And I heard from another friend in our neighborhood that the "keeping up appearances neighbor" was complaining to him about his water bill being so high and that he has altogether stopped watering his lawn...oh my gosh what an idiot! Well if the guy would stop scalping his lawn and let it grow he wouldn't have those huge brown spots in his yard! I shake my head and wonder about this couple.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
The Landscaping is done...

Blog Challenge - List 5 things you are thankful for today
List 5 things that you are thankful for today..
*My husband - I give thanks to the Lord every single day for putting him in my life. He is my inspiration. If you think I'm creative...you should see my husband, he's the true creative one in this family!
*My Children- without them I don't think that I would laugh as much as I do. Trust me when I say that my kids are always doing something on a daily basis that makes me laugh!
*Our Home- after living 3½ years in base housing I still feel as if I'm dreaming that we're really here, living in this beautiful spacious home.
*The Air Force- without it, I would not of met my husband, would not have moved as much as I have in the past 17 years and would not have made the friendships that I have.
*My PINK Columbia sandals- oh my word are these things ever so comfortable! I can wear them all day long and my feet don't ache! Now that's a good pair of sandals!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
2 Peas blog challenge for Tuesday 7/17/2007
*make my bed- I can not start my day without the bed being made!
*make a pot of coffee- must have coffee each and every day!
*read the news on line from at least 4 different news sources_ I like to be informed about what is going on in the world and in my own neck of the woods.
*water my container garden- my herbs and flowers must be watered daily since it's been so darn HOT!
*wipe down the kitchen counter- We have a cat and I KNOW that she walks on the counter tops during the night. So I use my Lysol disinfecting cleaning wipes and clean everything before we have breakfast!
I've got my groove back!
*I want to be president of our home owners association. I'm tired of nothing being done, no information going out about anything. I want to whip it into shape, make our homeowners abide by the by laws and keep the neighborhood informed of things changing in our town. We've had a few "issues" with things in our subdivision and I want to get everyone involved in a neighborhood watch program. Many things can and will be addressed at our next HOA meeting at the end of the month. Recently the town of Box Elder has been informed that the sanitation service contract will be cancelled as of August 31st. I've taken it upon myself to get in contact with the 3 sanitation firms that service our area, I'm having them write up proposals and send them to me. I want them to include recycling of glass, paper, aluminum cans, steel cans plus a yard waste recycle pick up.
* I'm involved in making some layout pages for a family who suffered a recent loss. There's a plea for help with this over at 2 Peas. Who could resist making pages so the kids and husband can put pictures to those pages?
*I'm having a girlfriend over for lunch today and we're going to be working on some things for the 2007/2008 OSC board year programs. I can hardly wait to get started on this! I've got some great ideas for the upcoming social calendar for our club and I can't wait to get started on them!
*I've also sank myself hip deep in a card making project for the MSG spouses group- I've been making birthday and anniversary cards for everyone! I've also made a small stock pile of thinking of you cards to be sent to all of the spouses in my group who have a husband or wife who is currently deployed overseas.
I figured out that I do my best when having a ton of projects going on. I like to keep active and this should pretty much keep me busy for a while!
Monday, July 16, 2007
The grass has arrived!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
symptoms of depression...
I think that June sucked away my mojo and July is keeping it at bay. I need to get back into the swing of things... I need to get back in and finish clearing out the garage. Our permanent storage shipment is to arrive next week (eek) and I want to have a place to store the empty boxes and items that we're going to be donating. That would be 2 full crates of household goods that we have not seen in 3¾ years. I wonder...will we even want most of that stuff after we open the boxes and see the furniture? I hope and pray that they're all still in good condition. I suppose that I should get the guest room/home office ready for the additional furniture pieces, I hope and pray that the mattresses for the trundle bed aren't infested with bugs or rodents (I've heard some awful stories over the years about items being in storage for that long).
I bought some fabric yesterday to make some pillow cases for my daughter. She adores frogs and I thought that this would be a fun mother & daughter project. Maybe this will help to get me out of my slump.
Friday, July 13, 2007
We're almost done with the landscaping...almost

Thursday, July 12, 2007
2 peas blog challenge 7-12-07
For me (from my father's side of the family) it's Turkey Platter. On my recent visit home to visit my Mom in California I brought back (okay so I had it shipped) this Turkey Platter.
This Turkey platter was first owned by my paternal Great-grandmother, handed down to my paternal grandmother, then to my mom and now to me. Every holiday and I do mean every holiday where turkey was served THIS platter was used. Throughout my entire childhood and even in my adulthood this platter is strongly embedded in my memories. To me it represents a time when our family gathered together to give thanks for what we have. So when my Mom asked if I'd like to have the Turkey Platter you better believe that I took her up on the offer. I'm big into sentimentality.
On my Mother's side of the family it's 2 different pictures- first it's this inlaid wooden picture. My maternal grandfather (my mom's dad) got this when he was a young boy, it's done with different kinds of wood. The second is my grandparents wedding picture.
On my husbands side of the family- there are the paintings that his grandmother had done. I think that we own the majority of her artwork as that no one else thought that they were paintings of any sort of quality...Hello just because it's not a famous name on the bottom of the painting doesn't mean that they don't hold any sort of worth or value. What a true treasure to have...something like this is worth it's weight in gold in the sentimental value department.
another day of landscaping work...
Men can really tick me off when they think that they know more about things than women do, especially when it's things concerning MY HOUSE! I'm here to tell you than women and especially military wives aren't about to be walked all over by men who think that they know better in regards to what we need versus what we want when it comes to our homes. HELLO we do more time on station that our husbands do, so you men out there better listen up! When we say we want something done a certain way you better do it the way we want it!
My husband and I have this rule...he buys the cars and I buy the houses. He makes sure that we're safe on the road and I'm the one who makes sure that we're comfortable at home. Between the two of us I think that we do pretty well at taking care of our family.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
It's time to purge those unwanted items
I urge you all to purge some items from your stash...go through your scrapbooking supplies and donate some to a worthy cause. Every area has a children's receiving home (nice name for Orphanage), or how about Hospice House or any of the other wonderful organizations to do with children.
Monday, July 09, 2007
2 peas blog challenge- Do you have one book that you would recommend a friend to read?
Yes and actually there’s more than one. I highly recommend reading
Pride and Prejudice
Sense and Sensibility
All are by Jane Austen
And if your tastes run to murder mysteries I recommend Agatha Christie- any of her novels make for excellent reading!
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Scrapbooking in the "Nook"
Every time I have walked into My Scrapbook Nook this week I start putting things away. I have let stuff pile up quite a bit and it really shows. I'm just one of those people that can not work in a messy environment. I seriously con not function in a creative manner when surrounded by mess and disorder. So today I am making myself put the rest of my scrapbooking stuff that is spread all over the place...away! Then I will print off some pictures, put the finishing touches to a project that truly does need to get finished up and put in the mail.
I miss having friends over to scrap with. I'm thinking about starting up a new round of scrapbook group very soon. Our scrapbook group is taking a break for the summer because we all have kids and they are into everything...soccer, swimming, baseball, tennis and gymnastics. Okay so that's more like everyone else's children and not mine, LOL! I "make" mine go to the base pool for a few hours on a near daily basis. The other part is that 2 of our members moved away to new assignments and now there's only 3 of us left. It's hard to get the ladies together in the summer months because of vacations and well other obligations (having kids in sports activities and such). But dang it if I'm not missing spending time with my girlfriends from our scrapbook group! I LOVED making a special lunch for us all and just hanging out talking about pictures we took and placed we've been. So why am I missing it so much?It was just an afternoon spent in the company of good friends. Hmmm, there's that bonding thing, spending quality time with girlfriends, sharing good food and experiencing much laughter. Sheesh! With all that, it's no wonder why I'm missing it so much!
Saturday, July 07, 2007
I love birthday parties!
It's going to be a scorcher!
For today I'm assigning myself a project to do in my scrapbook nook. I've got to finish my birthday picture layout and get one started about my Dad and his having Alzheimer's. Seeing him as a shell of his former self really has me thinking of how he used to be. I don't feel sad for me as I had a good relationship with him I feel sad for those that only have got to know him since he has been "in care". They will never truly now the gentle soul they now take care of.
I have these great 12x12 frames that are in natural but I'd really like them to be in black. I'm going to ask my DH and son is they would mind getting some paint and changing the color for me. I want to put some layouts in those frames but they have to get painted first.
I know that my intentions was for this to be a total scrapblog but here it is a mirror f my life. Would I change it if I could? Nope not for a moment. Scrapbooking is about real life and what goes on in it. I do plan on getting back on track with my picture a day as it got put on hold once we moved into this house.
Over at 2 peas I've been joining in on many different topics. One that I've very glad to have participated in is the reading of blogs from other scrappers. These are blogs from women (and a 14 year old young lady) who have the scrappin bug. My other favorite place to hag out on the web is www.3scrappyboys.com but be prepared...Cindy has got some things going on over there that are going to wow us all! I can hardly wait, I've very excited about this Ü
I need more coffee as my favorite pink mug is down to it's last drop. Coffee, that lovely brown liquid that warms your soul!
Friday, July 06, 2007
working around the house
I'm having the kids do some manual labor around the house, vacuuming, mopping floors, scrubbing bathtubs etc. Why should I have to do all of this work if I'm not the one making everything so grimy? Not to mention that they need to get off of their lazy hineys and help around the house. I know that Andrew helps quite a bit with the yard work but hey! We do not have a "yard" right now beyond the dirt I like to call Death Valley. LOL!
The only time I've been into my scrapbook nook is to put something on the counter top. I need to get in there and tidy up some stuff and make myself do some layouts. I'll get myself in there some time in the next week. I just want to get my house back in order before my head explodes.
I must be hallucinating...
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Spending the 4th of July with Friends
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
B-1 fly by at Mount Rushmore

Happy Independence Day!

It's early and it's already getting hot outside! So I can only assume that it will continue to get hotter as the day progresses- ugh! No one hates sweating more than myself and I'm already feeling sweaty-yuck! On days like this I would much rather stay indoors with the a/c on or bobbing around in a swimming pool. When it's like this we need to remember to drink lots of fluids so we don't get dehydrated.The photo you see here is one that my daughter took last night with my camera.
Fireworks at Mount Rushmore

Tuesday, July 03, 2007
I wonder about people...
Just another day on the Prairie
Monday, July 02, 2007
My Cookbook Nook: My new sink has been installed!
Click on the link and check out my new kitchen sink and get the scoop!
Molly Brown House Museum- Denver Colorado

Landscaping...I hope it starts today but I'm not holding my breath
So now I hear that he's going to have the crew come out this afternoon to start the power raking. Basically I'm being held hostage in my home waiting for this man and his crew to return...ugh!
July...a month long scrapbooking challenge from 2 peas
I like to participate in challenges that motivate me to get working on scrapbooking projects, especially ones that get me to use what I have on hand. Since I have quite a bit of stuff "on hand" this challenge is perfectly suited for me, LOL!
Now for me to print off some pictures and get to work!
Sunday, July 01, 2007
2 peas blog challenge- What paper lines are you just loving right now??
For me it’s Fancy Pants. There’s something about it right now that appeals to me.