Wednesday, August 20, 2008


There's a saying "There's a special place in heaven for mothers of boys", I can only hope that it's true for my mother-in-laws sake as she raised 4 boys and with her husband that made 5 males and 1 female. I'm sure that the toilet seat was always up too-eeew! Man that had to be rough!

I encouraged my son to invite his friends over for a burger burn- I don't know what I was thinking, LOL! So as the boys are on the deck Andrew is trying to get the grill lit, I HAD to intervene before my son blew up the grill and burnt down the house, LOL! Here's a mistruth "men are the kings of the grill". Who started that saying anyway? I can be sure that it wasn't a woman, okay unless she was being sarcastic which sounds more like it, LOL! As I'm watching these teenage boys grilling burgers coming in asking for all kinds of things- seasoning salt for one (I don't use that stuff since it's filled with MSG and isn't good for you AT ALL). The look on Drew's face was "what? YOU don't have THAT seasoning?". When I tried to explain to him what it was he let let me know that was his Mom's only seasoning at home. Well with that remark I had a quick flash back to my own childhood- you see, it was the only seasoning my mom ever used too- YUCK! I gave the boys my sea salt and pepper grinders and let them "cook" their burgers. In the end I was the one to get the cheese on the patty's, put the meat on the buns and serve them up. It seems that teenage boys quickly lose interest if it can't be done in 2 minutes or less- the time it takes to heat up a hot-pocket in the microwave oven.

All in all, it was a good evening and the guys had fun. Today is the last day of summer vacation as school officially starts tomorrow.

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