Thursday, May 10, 2007

Senator John Thune comes through!

Is it obvious that I have "school issues" today? LOL! Yesterday we won a hollow victory. You see, the school busing contract ran out back in March. We got the contract extended and busing was to go on until the end of the school year (May 25th). Well that left us without school busing for the 2007/2008 school year.

Okay a small group of us got together and put on our thinking caps. Together we drew out a plan, we knew what we needed to get done- the hard part was not having our brain storming session not turn into a complaining session (with only inviting a handful of folks it was accomplished). Senator John Thune came through for us, but lets face it, we only have the funding for the buses on base for 2007/2008, are we going to have to go through this every year? I'd like to see a more permanent solution to this obvious long term problem.

Contact: Kyle Downey (202) 228-5939

May 8, 2007
Jessica Ferguson (202) 224-4238

Andi Fouberg (202) 228-5381

Thune Announces Funding for Ellsworth Busing

-- Air Force Makes $400,000 Available Following Thune’s Request --

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Senator John Thune today announced that the Department of Defense has agreed to provide Ellsworth Air Force Base with $400,000 to cover their costs associated with busing students from the base to schools within the Douglas School District.

“This is great news for the students and their concerned parents at Ellsworth Air Force Base,” said Thune. “When first hearing about this funding shortfall, my office reached out to the Pentagon to inform them of the problem and to pledge my support to work together to find a solution. Parents have enough to be anxious about without worrying about how their children will safely travel to and from school.”


Kyle Downey

Communications Director

Senator John Thune

202-228-5939 - direct

202-222-5017 - cell

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