Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Scheduling my time

I don't know about you but I'm so bogged down with things that need to get done... be it around home or other projects that I'm committed to getting done. I'm find myself running out of time to get anything done. So I've started to schedule my time (I've been doing this for a while now). I use Microsoft outlook for my calendar and I schedule blocks of time to get certain things done. Sometimes my schedules get off kilter but hey- life happens. Take yesterday...I had to go downtown after the luncheon to purchase a ceiling fan for our bedroom, an unscheduled event which bumped my cheesecake and brownie baking time frame. The brownies didn't get made but the cheesecake did. I can make brownies this morning while hunting down photo's on the computer for a handful of projects.

Now while I'm in this blocked time frame I'm not making phone calls (unless it's scheduled) or answering the phone because it's a major distraction and it'll make me get off track. I get my job done and move on to the next one on my list. Today it's changing out sheets on all of our beds and then of course making the beds and of course washing more clothes, LOL! Now for me to get on with the tasks at time frame for blogging is quickly coming to a close, LOL!

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