Wednesday, April 30, 2008
My Crafty Goodness
So here we are with yarn in hand...Hannah cracks me up, there's one comment in particular that made me smile "Mom how can you do this and not get a hand cramp?". To be perfectly honest, that's why I don't crochet anything more than a scarf here and there...hand cramps, LOL! I love how she just rolled her eyes when I answered her. That girl and I are 2 peas of the same pod!
Besides the crocheting, I've also shown her some basic cross stitching, and basic sewing...but will have to start over with sewing again as this time I want her to make an entire project on her own from start to finish. She can stamp, make greeting cards and does scrapbooking too. Yes, my passions have crossed over to my daughter and in her pursuit of crafty goodness she is interested in many different kinds of crafts :-)
Now my son Andrew has inherited his Dad's gift of being able to work with machines and the boy is very mechanically inclined. He enjoys building and repairing things much like his Dad. So working on cars and other items gives them much joy :-)
Quote of the day
~Henry Miller
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Quilting News- Store Merger!
quilts, quilts and more quilts!
Now to get on with being creative...I'm ready to get cutting on Andrew's lap quilt, and to sew up another baby quilt! I've found in my stash of fabric some left overs from something I made YEARS AGO. This Peter Rabbit fabric is making a come back (I recently saw something similar in one of the local quilt stores). So I'm going to make 2 of these Peter Rabbit lattice baby quilts- just to have on hand. I'll have the tops done and quilt them at a later time. I really want to get to work on the lap quilt using those yummy brown and turquoise batik fabrics!
Time to usher the kids off to school and for me to get working on the final stages of putting this baby quilt together.
Quote of the day
Monday, April 28, 2008
Be Creative Every Day!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather, when I can be out in my future flower garden. I want it to be swimming in flowers! Gardenias, Lilacs, Hydrangeas, Azaleas, Peonies, Hibiscus and of course more roses!
So here I am with some new quilting ideas and fabric to work with- this turquoise and brown batik will make an awesome quilt for Andrew, I've got a fantastic pattern to work with and now all I have to get is some turquoise watermark batik fabric for an accent color to use as the binding.
This next couple of photo's are what I made for Kim's baby you see the baby card (the stamps are from Stampin Up). And next you see the lattice baby quilt done with pink, green and yellow....I adore that daisy fabric! I used pink with white dots fabric for the back of the quilt. It was a huge hit at the baby shower :-) Now for me to get with it and finish sewing on the binding so Kim can have it back.

Quote of the day
~William Butler Yeats
Sunday, April 27, 2008
useful information
The Sewing Machines Guide-information for the consumer.
going Hawaiian
Back to the baby was so refreshing to see the out pour of love and friendship we all have for Kim. It was a great assortment of gifts from the heart from our small group of friends. This was NOT one of those blow out type of baby showers that looked as if someone just broke into a baby boutique and a toy store and took everything off of the shelves and placed it in front of the new Mom to be. This was a small and intimate yet very fun gathering of close friends. The Hawaiian theme was perfect for our bitterly cold, windy soon to be very nasty winter weather. Somehow I don't think that Kim will miss this kind of weather once she gets to Hawaii ( I know I wouldn't). I've got a little bit more work to do on her baby quilt so I can give it to her for keeps. There's nothing like showing a partially done quilt at a baby shower to tease your friend with. :-)
Fabric on the brain
Yesterday's freaky snow storm threw me through a loop. The air was cold, but then the sky just turned black and the wind picked up and was howling- suddenly everything was plastered with snow-it was blowing sideways. The snow had stuck to everything, the ground was covered everything was white. This is one of the reasons it scares me to live out here- bad weather can whip up fast!
Quote of the day
J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets, 1999
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Quilting- my newest hobby aka obsession
I've also decided that I want to purchase a 2nd sewing machine. After reading many articles on the subject and realizing the other day how handy a 2nd one would be...I've made up my mind on the matter! I want to have a 2nd one for many reasons- First off it would be nice to have a 2nd one to take to classes and quilting workshops (leaving the nicer one at home). Secondly, It would be nice to have it set up just for straight stitches when my HT is set up for quilting and Thirdly, it would be a great to have a 2nd machine so I can teach Hannah how to sew (without her messing up my good one). I know that Hannah would love to take some sewing classes and beginner quilting classes, and having a machine that's going to be our tote around "class taking" machine will be good for both of us. I've decided to get another Janome brand sewing machine as the sewing feet will be interchangeable and for me, the needle threader and drop in bobbin system is a MUST! Now for me to break the news to my husband...this will really make him roll his eyes!
It's Saturday!
Quote of the day
Martha Washington (1732 - 1802)
Friday, April 25, 2008
A Quilters Shop Hop
In case you are like me and didn't know that there were 9 stores let me give you that information...
Dakota Quilt Co.
1004 North Main
Spearfish, SD
Fabric Junction
1609 Junction Ave.
Sturgis, SD
The Thimble Cottage Quilt Village
902 Mount Rushmore Road
Rapid City, SD
The Sewing Center
120 Knollwood Drive Ste A
Rapid City, SD
The Quilt Corral Too
120 Knollwood Drive Ste C
Rapid City, SD
The Quilt Connection
318 Mount Rushmore Road
Rapid City, SD 355-0178
The Quilt Connection at Mistletoe Ranch
23835 Hwy 3852
Hill City, SD
The Quilt Shop
325 Mount Rushmore Road Ste 4
Custer, SD
Nuts and Bolts Fabric Shop
500 Second Street
Edgemont, SD
With the price of gas being the way it is, and now it's snowing...not to mention that I have no one to pal around with me on this venture...alas I'll have to be content with my 4 quilt patterns.
Quote of the day
~George Elliot
Thursday, April 24, 2008
How my day has been so far...
After I came home I got back to work on my latest quilt...oh is it ever CUTE! I'm trying to get as much done on it as possible since Kim's baby shower is this Saturday. I had originally planned to host one myself but have been hindered my my "foot issues". I can't begin to tell you how happy I was to have received an invitation to a shower for Kim...hosted by friends. Now I can concentrate on showering her with oodles of baby gifts that are certain to become family heirlooms. This is also her farewell party so I'll have a gift for that part as well. There's even a theme, it's"Hawaiian - how perfect since she and her family are moving to Hawaii!
Now for me to sandwich it all together and get this puppy ready for quilting!
The big day is here...
Quote of the day
~Alan Cohen
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Spring Cleaning anyone?
So yesterday I started with one bedroom and then went to the other. I found things that made me shake my head...half eaten sandwich and other interesting items that make me wonder about my children. I let them know how lucky they are not to have bugs invading their bedrooms (it's the Mom in me that makes me say that).
I should have taken before and after pictures, if only as a reminder to my children that they need to pick up after themselves on a daily basis.
Now I'm off to look at my fabric stash ans create a new baby quilt. I took the seam ripper to one I made before I had my ¼ inch seam allowance sewing foot. Nothing matched up, the squares and rectangles were off and the corners didn't align properly (that's probably why I put it aside and didn't work any more on it). So I was able to reuse most of the fabric, some just has to be cut down in size to work with this new pattern.
Quote of the day
~Erma Bombeck
All of us have moments in out lives that test our courage. Taking children into a house with a white carpet is one of them.
~Erma Bombeck
Today is a double serving of Erma Bombeck, her insight into children, friendships and life in general are humorous and precious.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
I have...Paint Envy
I went inside of B&K's home yesterday and it's GEORGOUS! It's not their furnishings (as those are very similar as to what we have in our own home) but rather the paint on their walls! Oh my word it's out of this world fantastic! The colors are ones I would use in my own home and they even have the Tuscan style gold textured looking wall that I want. This is terrible, I have Paint Envy, LOL! You see, the hardest part about figuring out what colors to paint our walls have to due with a couple of different factors...1- us being here another 2 years and worrying about the colors we choose to paint the walls to have an effect on our resale and 2- the fact that we have VERY tall ceilings.
So now we have a ladder that will reach tall heights and it ours doesn't do it, then we can borrows B&K's ladder :-) The colors in their home are bold yet warm, rich and inviting...I want that for our home!
Since I can't do too much today (the flooring people are supposed to show up) I'm gutting my closet from all of it's winter wear. Sure it's still cold out but I'm sick of seeing sweater central in my closet! So out it goes and in with Spring and Summer wear!
Quote of the day
~Erma Bombeck
Monday, April 21, 2008
Home Improvement
He also bought a cool cabinet for the kids bathroom- they needed some extra storage. Hannah needs more storage because she's a girl and they need more space in general, LOL! Andrew because he wears contacts and just makes a mess of the bathroom in general, LOL! My wonderful husband installed the cabinet last night and now to get it organized :-)
Quote of the day
~Martin Luther King Jr.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Dreaming about...Scrapbooking
Yesterday I quilted and last night I finished hand sewing the binding on my Fathers Day present for my Dad. His chief complaint has been that it's too cold in his room. So I thought that a lap quilt would be great for him. I miss him a great deal. Now do I wait until closer to Father's Day to send it or do I send it along with my Mother's Day lap quilt for my Mom?
It's a beautiful Sunday morning, I'm going to take in some of this splendor and have coffee on the deck.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Here I am...
I'm writing my sister about a recent visit I paid to a local quilt shop. I've been to this shop several times in the past few months and although her shop shop is lovely, it's also very old fashioned looking - and not a single display has been changed in months. Every quilt displayed in the place has an old fashioned antique look to it or was done with country calico fabric - there are some that may find this charming but there was nothing on display done in modern fabric trends. There was not one thing done in bold vibrant colors, nothing done with batik fabrics and all of the baby stuff was done in these washed out muted pastel colors- blah! There are tons of great patterns to be had, but the inspiration was rather lacking. I did enjoy the themed rooms but alas some of the stuff was a bit too country looking to capture the eye of younger people. I felt that the displays needed to be updated with a more modern flair to fit the designs tastes of today. To be honest, I've not bought any fabric there.
I also wrote my sister about the intimidation factor of buying a sewing machine. I'm sure that I'm giving her quite the chuckle. I don't think that she would have ever thought that they could be so very expensive. You see, my sister is not a sewer, not by any means. My sister likes to work with yarn, her hobbies are crocheting and plastic canvas work. So like my every growing stash of fabric, my sister I'm sure has amassed quite the stash of yarn from her hobbies. :-)
My mother-in-law confessed to me that she has got quite the "stash" of yarn going on at her house. She loves to knit and crochet and takes every opportunity to buy yarn when she finds it on sale. She was telling me about some sort of pigeon hole cubby display shelf that she got when the men's clothing store she worked at was being remodeled. It sounds seriously cool and I'm looking forward to seeing it. For someone who loves to work with sounds like the perfect way to keep everything organized and it's a great way to see what you have on hand.
Quote of the Day
~Kim Basinger
Friday, April 18, 2008
I survived...
Now as far as having a board for next year we have a parliamentarian, a President, 1st and 2nd Vice Presidents (charitable and non-charitable) and maybe even a recording secretary...other than that everything is pretty much open.
The meal was excellent...then again not too much can go wrong with a baked potato bar. The ladies looked great and I have to give many thinks to Kristy M. who did such an awesome job with the ladies hair. I'm so impressed that I'm going to make an appointment with her to get Hannah's hair cut (she's been on me to get her hair cut for a few days now).
Now for some coffee and to get to some things that I want to work on after the kids leave for school.
Quote of the day
~Norman Vincent Peale
Thursday, April 17, 2008
I just want to get tonight over with!
The Make Over function is the one program that just about all of our OSC members look forward to attending every year. But this year it wasn't to be as years past. Competition for attendance being - Blue Man Group is in town playing a concert that same night. This one I feel, was doomed from the word "go". It has been an uphill battle to get this function off of the ground, from getting OSC members to volunteering to have makeovers (free haircuts and make-up done by professionals) - I only needed 4 and was able to get "2" after sending 3 e-mails begging for participants. Then I find out that our cosmetics ladies can't make it- but they can do the make up at the store before the event. Then the woman who was supposed to do the hair can't, which made have to find another hair stylist at the last minute- ugh! I'm not sure if we'll be getting the goody bags that the cosmetics ladies put together for our group, I'm not sure if we'll have a door prize, I'm not sure of a lot of things for tonight's program. I think I'm developing an ulcer. If it wasn't for my dear friend Kim, this entire night would be in the crapper.
I'll be there wearing Crocs with my beautiful skirt and sweater set. I'll feel like a total idiot, but alas what else am I to do? I have to attend the function and I can't wear any other shoes because of my intense foot pain. Damn, this sucks!
Quote of the day
~Dr. Rob Gilbert
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
I wonder, is it really just a coincidence?
Quote of the day
Anatole France
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Time spent with friends...
So let me share with you some of the items we've made...

Monday, April 14, 2008
The seasons of South Dakota
Now as promised, here's a picture (or two) of my latest finished quilting project. I love the fabrics that I used to make this table runner. The project was challenging for me, especially considering that this was my first time working with triangles and working an "on point" project. By doing smaller projects, it's helping me to gain experience and confidence in my abilities- so I can tackle larger and more difficult projects in the future.

Quote of the day
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Baby Showers...
Scrappers Block
If you all haven't figured it out yet...I've got scrappers block. I've had it for a couple of months now. I've got these great pictures from our cruise (even had them printed) and nothing. I've got a layout sketched and I know what I want to do for a title and so forth but alas, that's as far as I've gotten with that bundle of pictures.
Quilting on the other hand...Holy Catfish Batman! I've taken off with it and there's no turning back! I've gone and quilted two table runners yesterday, hand sewn the binding on one and am half way through sewing the other binding on. One of the draw backs of hand sewing...oh is my right middle finger is ever sore for being poked with the quilting needle! Obviously I should be using a thimble, LOL!
I had recently bought a few quilting magazines in my quest for more knowledge of the craft/hobby. One of the table runners I made came out of the "Fons & Porter's Love of Quilting- Easy Quilts" summer 2008 issue. The project that I chose is called "Paisley on Point- table runner". I liked the pattern but the colors and such that was used on the project although were pretty they were not to my personal tastes- not to mention that I didn't want to be on a treasure hunt of sorts trying to find those fabrics (this is so very much like trying to copy a scrapbooking layout). The really funny part with this is that I had bought the fabric for this project while my m-i-l was here and I thought that I liked it all...I did buy 2 different fat quarter prints for the "cream" colored sections and would make my final selection at home. The funny part is that I ended up not using either one, instead I went with a piece of fabric that I bought at the so called discount fabric store. Although I saw no real discounts on any fabric in the place I still managed to spend $30 there on a few choice pieces of fabric, LOL! Okay so no real true money saving bargains BUT there was a HUGE selection of beautiful fabrics to be found! Okay back to my project...I found 2 out of this world floral fabrics at this store, and I bought them! I ended up using both of them to make table runners. I am in love with how they both turned out! I showed you one of the fabrics (see my Tuesday April 8th post) and the project I made using that fabric (it's now quilted with the binding on). Flowers are my thing, always have been always will be!
My m-i-l went home on Wednesday and that's when I got to work on my 2nd table runner. It too was a challenge for me, I've never worked a project like this, on point process was new to me, the working with triangles was the biggest challenge and getting the points to match up and adding borders... well needless to say my trusty seam ripper proved to be a most handy tool! But I made ti through the process and am proud to say that I'm nearly done sewing on the binding! Look for a picture later on today or tomorrow of my latest little quilting project!
Quote of the day
~J. Willard Marriott
Saturday, April 12, 2008
The challenge of interior decorating
As I'm sitting here at my little computer desk I'm thinking about decorating this room. It's a mish-mash of Air Force memorabilia, my Mary Engelbreit pillows and table runners left over from Hannah's bedroom in Virginia and my collection of sea shells. The comforter on the bed is one that we used for our guest room in Virginia. That room had a New England Blueberry theme to it, the white and shades of blue were very restful. But alas, we're back to having our computer in a bedroom of sorts (at least it's no longer in the master bedroom). With 2 rooms to make window treatments for I find myself at an impasse. What to make, what theme to decorate the bedroom in? I'm keeping the pillows regardless of their theme, I'll just have to take the pillows out of the little covers and store them for later use.
I've been longing to do a tone on tone beach/sea shell theme for a room. To turn it into a restful haven. But will my spouse go for that idea? Especially since we are living in the mid-west, no beaches here with exception of a prehistoric beach (hence the finding of sea shells in the Crystal Cavern area in the hills). I dearly miss the ocean, I miss the smells and the sounds, I miss being able to walk on the sand and the cool water lapping up around my ankles, I miss squishing the sand between my toes. I hope to one day live near the ocean... again.
So do I go with my heart and do an ocean theme? Or do I go with an Americana theme? While in Texas (a very patriotic place to live by the way) every other home had an Americana (red, white and blue) themed room or two. My friend Renee Smith had Americana themed everything! From her dishes, to table linens heck- her entire house was done up in a rustic red white and blue theme. The theme fit her and was perfect for that house style... it was charming beyond belief. Granted, it was a little too rustic for my taste, but it was totally charming none the less. Whatever the theme, I'll be making everything for the room. I'm going to do some more thinking on this...
Now for more coffee as it has my headache slowly melting away :-)
Quote of the day
~Dale Carnegie
Friday, April 11, 2008
What a yucky day!
I've already had to go out once in this mess...had to buy food, haven't done it in over 2 weeks. We were out of all of the essentials. I also dislike having to wear my veggies in poor weather such as this. My shoes were full of snow and freezing cold water. My feet were bright red from the extreme cold , so when I got home first thing to come off those shoes and wet socks! Unfortunately I do have to venture out again...orthodontic appointment for the eldest child.
So what to do on a yucky day...for me today is all about making comfort foods. My family will be happy to come home to a hearty home cooked meal that will satisfy even the hungriest of the bunch.
One of my favorite movies is "Signs", I know that some people deem this a horror Sci-Fi kind of movie but to me it speaks volumes on being able to see or read the signs that the Lord sends to us. To have faith, to know that we are not alone, that the Lord is always with us.
My having to "stay off of my feet" is putting a damper on my volunteering over at the base Thrift Shop. I have thought long and hard about applying for the manager position but now with my upcoming foot surgery, well that just doesn't make sense for me to apply for a job that I'll have to take 6 weeks off from in the near future. I do hope that others apply for the position. As far as I know, I was the only one to show any real interest in it...and now I'm forced to rescind any interests I might have had in working as a paid manager.
I know that the Lord is with me and he's helping me to be the best person I can be. It's because of him that I've taken up quilting. Last night as I was taking out a few incorrectly placed stitches in my latest project I realized what it was that had drawn me to quilting.... It the fact that I'm putting a part of myself into each quilt I make. I like to think that I'm putting my heart and my love into something that will be wrapped around my friends and family, that I'll be with them no matter where they are in the world.
The chicken of despair...
Quote of the Day
~Joseph Campbell
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Doing something nice for someone...
We were without water yesterday for the better part of the day and I hope that the problem has been resolved and that we do not have a recurrence of it again today. I've got laundry like no one knows...and I really need to get it all washed - today if possible. Oh the glamorous life I lead, LOL!
Quote of the day
~Bruce Barton
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
It's the little things...
My m-i-l left this afternoon to fly back home. I'm kind of sad to see her go, as I've truly enjoyed her company this past week. She promised me to start working on her quilted table runner project (it's the same pattern that I made the other day). I'm anxious to see how long it takes her to get it done. Now that I'm thinking about it, gosh I wish that I would have sent her off with a piece of batting for the middle! It just dawned on me that we didn't buy any quilt batting- sheesh!
It's seriously WINDY today! And the rain is just pounding!
After my doctor appointment I took Bette to Hancock Fabrics (the last fabric store on my list). She bought some fat quarters and a couple of other sewing supply items. Myself, I bought a spool of thread, some blue fabric for making some bindings and some muslin for backing my table runner. Now I'm ready to get working on my little project and finish it up so I can use it on our dining table :-) It started pouring rain while we were in the fabric store, by the time we got out of there is was really coming down hard! I was soaked to the skin and feeling like a duck by the time we got to the car.
So we come home to find that the Water Main has once again been ruptured- nice! Again it's at the front end of our subdivision (seems that's where it always bursts). This time it was the power company's question is this- don't they pay attention to where things are located underground? I made a couple of phone calls and was told that it's supposed to be fixed within a few's now 5½ hours later and still no water, hmmm. Thank goodness that I have some bottled water here -which reminds me, I'm going to stock up on some more tomorrow.
Quote of the Day
~Gloria Steinem
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
My latest quilting project
Here you see what I m-i-l bought this pattern at the Quilt Corral quilt shop in Hill City. I thought that I would "whip one out" before she left with her pattern (insert small chuckle here). I've not sandwiched this yet, but I do have the binding made and ready to be sewn on after I do the actual quilt work on the table runner. The colors and the pattern of this fabric are amazing! It reminds me greatly of scrapbooking wonder why I love quilting so much :-) The binding is the same floral pattern so table runner will look more uniform. The snow was blowing sideways yesterday while I was cutting and sewing this table runner together. It made me feel warm and cozy to create something that reminds me of bright sunshine filled days.
So... if it's a snow filled day where you are...pull out something to work on that reminds you of warmer days filled with the warmth of the sun :-)
Quote of the Day
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Monday, April 07, 2008
Every day is an adventure
Last night I watched the 2nd installment of the PBS Masterpiece Theater "Sense and Sensibility". I have to let you know that it was AWESOME! I loved the original (directed by Ang Lee with Emma Thompson and Kate Winslet) but this one is superb! I liked the duel scene and the other scene where Willoughby comes to see Marianne and Elinor rebuffs him and turns him away- LOVE IT! I am going to order this on DVD, there's no doubt about it! The actors and actresses were wonderful...right down to the charming little Miss Margaret Dashwood!
Quote of the Day
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Confirmation Day

Quote of the day
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Touring the quilting stores in my area...
Yesterday we drove up to Hill City to visit the original Quilt Corral- LOVE that store! I really enjoy the way she has her bolts of fabrics and fat quarters arranged. It made perfect sense to have the fat quarters in little cubbies right underneath the bolts of fabric in which they were cut from. The way she arranged her fabric made total sense too (it's the way I arrange my scrapbooking supplies) in a rainbow. Beige with beige, pink with pink and so forth. None of this- oh here's a grouping of blue and yellow, here's some Americana, here's something else and so forth. It made t easy to find what I was looking for. Will I go back there? Oh yeah!
Quote of the day
~Wendell Willkie
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Playing Tourist
Quote of the Day
~ George Burns
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Nothing is impossible...
Take my foot issues for one- the pain is through the roof this morning and I'm having a very hard time walking around. To be truthful I'm almost in total agony from getting myself to the kitchen for a mug of coffee. I'm calling the Podiatrist today, he's got to be able to do something for me, the pain is just getting out of control!
Things on my Wednesday to do list (these are in no certain order)...
*write my OSC Programs Board report- yes I know that it's rather last minute since the board meeting is in a few hours, LOL!
*attend OSC Board meeting- get Programs on agenda
*e-mail Theresa and let her know that my performance report is almost done
*Pick up Bette (my mother-in-law) from Airport
*buy self new seam ripper- old one is getting worn out, LOL!
*take Bette (my m-i-l) out for lunch
*call flooring people for the 3rd time- come fix the flooring in the foyer
*call Podiatrist -fix my foot pain!
*Put table cloth of formal dining table
*finish my letter to my sister
*send card to my Dad
*sandwich and pin Autumn Walk quilt top
*pin quilted table runner (it's already been sandwiched)
*bring quilted table runner with you today and sew binding on while waiting at board meeting and airport
*get cash -I kind of need to have some cash if I'm to get out of the Airport parking lot, LOL!
*get kids to empty recycling bins-they're flowing over as I type
*take Bette to Hobby Lobby after lunch for the big yarn sale :-) As she really loves to knit and crochet :-)
*call Mary B @ church and let her know that I'm bringing a meat and cheese tray instead of finger sandwiches.
My day is packed...lets see how much of it I can get done.
Quote of the Day
- Jonathan Winters
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Another day in my life...
My mother-in-law arrives tomorrow and I've got to get things in order for her visit. I like to have the guest room set up just for her, I like to have a little basket of goodies in the room for her to use. I like to have the guest bathroom set up with her favorite shampoo, conditioner and hairspray...things that she doesn't need to worry about packing in her suitcase.
I think that if I ever write a book about my experiences with quilting the title will be "The Seam Ripper is my Friend" :-) As I was distracted and accidentally sewed something on backwards yesterday- I can look back at it and laugh now but yesterday I wanted to poke myself in the eye for not paying closer attention to what I was doing.
alright I have dilly dallied long enough...time to get this show on the road!
Quote of the Day
this is so very true of my own self.