Thursday, March 26, 2009

Laughter is the best medicine

Yesterday was one laugh at myself moment after another. There I was having to melt snow on the stove so we could flush the toilets, I poured baby powder in my daughters hair that I could not for the life of my brush out and we had to take showers at the base gym. It wasn't until the 3rd hair washing session of the day that all of the baby powder finally come out of Hannah's hair. Needless to say, we'll never do that again.

I couldn't wash the dishes, clothes or even my hands. It's amazing how much we depend upon water and how it can stop you cold in your tracks when you suddenly have it take away.

In the end, my day wasn't a total circus event, LOL! I managed to make yet another table runner (I'm currently into instant gratification in my crafting). I've adjusted a pattern and can make it longer or shorter to accommodate my needs. I managed to finish the hand sewing of the binding on Hannah's dresser/table runner last night. I'm quite proud of the fact that I used left over pieces from her quilt top to make the entire table runner, from left over squares and rectangles to left over quilt binding, backing fabric and even quilt batting. There it is, my first official 100% recycled scrappy project!

I've also gone to town on the Americana thing...making table runners galore! I made one for the buffet/sofa table, one for my pie cabinet and of course the thing that started it all, the dresser aka chest of drawers in the guest room/home office. Not once did I leave the house to get any fabric or supplies of any sort (the snow storm kind of put a kibosh on that). Then again I was determined to use what I had on hand. I've been studying another table runner pattern and want to make it within the next few days. I've got to pull fabric for it and get on with the measuring thing (doing adjustments to the length and width) and make it for my buffet/sofa table.

Now for me to get on with things that didn't get done the mountain of laundry that has suddenly appeared.


thekatsmeow said...

Wow! What a day! You are certainly going through a lot of changes right now aren't you? You seem to be taking everything in stride, More Power To You! BTW, why did you put baby powder in your daughter's hair? LOL I did that once but it was to try to get Vaseline out of my hair (Initiation ritual from the Rainbow Girl's Club LOL) Did you finally get it all out? lol Poor thing!

Sandie said...

Here's the scoop on the baby powder in the hair- teenage hair is very oily. Compound that with a girl who didn't wash her hair for a few days and you can only imagine how oily it was plus the water main to our subdivision broke and we had ZERO water. The powder absorbs oil, but I didn't take into account how truly oily her hair was- what a royal mess! Nothing like making your teenage daughter cry to make you feel like a bad Mom.

Unknown said...

Hey! You weren't supposed to tell anyone about that. Talk about client privacy, who knows how many people could be reading this!