Friday, February 29, 2008
Leap Year Trivia
serted, or intercalated, at the end of February. A leap
year consists of 366 days, whereas other years, called
common years, have 365 days.
The vernal equinox is the time when the sun is directly
above the Earth's equator, moving from the southern to
the northern hemisphere. The mean time between two suc-
cessive vernal equinoxes is called a tropical year–also
known as a solar year–and is about 365.24 days long.
Using a calendar with 365 days every year would result
in a loss of 0.24 days, or almost six hours per year.
By adding a leap year approximately every fourth year,
the difference between the calendar and the seasons can
be reduced significantly, and the calendar will align
with the seasons much more accurately.
A tradition was introduced many centuries ago to allow women
to propose to men during a leap year. This privilege of pro-
posing was restricted to leap day in some areas.
Leap day was sometimes known as 'Bachelors' Day'. A man was
expected to pay a penalty, such as a gown or money, if he
refused a marriage offer from a woman. The tradition's
origin stemmed from an old Irish tale referring to St.
Bridget striking a deal with St Patrick to allow women to
propose to men every four years. This old custom was pro-
bably made to balance the traditional roles of men and
women in a similar way to how the leap day balances the
It was also considered to be unlucky for someone to be born
on a leap day in Scotland and for couples to marry on a leap
year, including on a leap day, in Greece.
Being creative...
Anyway...I'm going to go hang out in my scrapbook nook and make something fun! I'll be back a little later to show you what I've made.
Quote of the Day
of being happy."
~ Robert Louis Stevenson
Thursday, February 28, 2008
A great evening was had by all!
The mini cheesecakes went over VERY well. Who doesn't like to come home with a" little something" :-)
Now for me to have a cup of mint tea and unwind. I'm so glad that our program went so well. The room was charming, the food delicious and the company simply wonderful!
My stampin up consultant has a blog spot!
Some trivia my birth stone- the Pearl
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For other uses, see Pearl (disambiguation).
A black pearl and a shell of the black-lipped pearl oyster
Saltwater pearl oyster farm, Seram, Indonesia
A pearl is a hard, rounded object produced within the soft tissue (specifically the mantle) of a living shelled mollusk. Just like the shell of mollusks, a pearl is composed of calcium carbonate in minute crystalline form, which has been deposited in concentric layers. The ideal pearl is perfectly round and smooth, but many other shapes of pearls occur, see baroque pearl.
The finest quality pearls have been highly valued as gemstones and objects of beauty for many centuries, and the word pearl has become a metaphor for something rare, fine, and admirable.
Almost any shelled mollusk can, by natural processes, produce some kind of "pearl" when an irritating microscopic object becomes trapped within the mollusk's mantle folds, but virtually none of these "pearls" are considered to be gemstones.
True iridescent pearls, the most desirable pearls, are produced by two groups of molluscan bivalves or clams. One family lives in the sea: the pearl oysters. The other, very different group of bivalves live in freshwater, and these are the river mussels, for example, see the freshwater pearl mussel.
Saltwater pearls can grow in several species of marine pearl oysters in the family Pteriidae. Freshwater pearls grow within certain (but by no means all) species of freshwater mussels in the order Unionida, the families Unionidae and Margaritiferidae. All of these bivalves are able to make true pearls because they have a thick inner shell layer composed of "mother of pearl" or nacre. The mantle of the living bivalve can create a pearl in the same way that it creates the pearly inner layer of the shell.
Fine gem quality saltwater and freshwater pearls can and do sometimes occur completely naturally, but this is a rare occurrence. Many hundreds of pearl oysters or pearl mussels have to be gathered and opened (killed) in order to find even one pearl, and for many centuries that was the only way pearls were obtained. This was the main reason why pearls fetched such extraordinary prices in the past. In modern times however, almost all the pearls for sale were formed with a good deal of expert intervention from human pearl farmers.
A true pearl is made from layers of nacre, by the same living process as is used in the secretion of the mother of pearl which lines the shell. A "natural pearl" is one that formed without any human intervention at all, in the wild, and these are very rare. A "cultured pearl" on the other hand, is one that has been formed on a pearl farm. The great majority of pearls on the market are cultured pearls.
Imitation or fake pearls are also widely sold in inexpensive jewelry, but the quality of the iridescence is usually very poor, and generally speaking, fake pearls are usually quite easy to distinguish from the real thing.
Pearls have been harvested, or more recently cultivated, primarily for use in jewelry, but in the past they were also stitched onto lavish clothing, as worn, for example, by royalty. Pearls have also been crushed and used in cosmetics, medicines, or in paint formulations.
Pearl is considered to be the birthstone for June.
The History of Pearls-
Long known as the "Queen of Gems," pearls possess a history and allure far beyond what today's wearer may recognize. Throughout much of recorded history, a natural pearl necklace comprised of matched spheres was a treasure of almost incomparable value, in fact the most expensive jewelry in the world. Now we see pearls almost as accessories, relatively inexpensive decorations to accompany more costly gemstones.Before the creation of cultured pearls in the early 1900s, natural pearls were so rare and expensive that they were reserved almost exclusively for the noble and very rich. A jewelry item that today's working women might take for granted, a 16-inch strand of perhaps 50 pearls, often costs between $500 and $5,000. At the height of the Roman Empire, when pearl fever reached its peak, the historian Suetonius wrote that the Roman general Vitellius financed an entire military campaign by selling just one of his mother's pearl earrings.No one will ever know who were the earliest people to collect and wear pearls. George Frederick Kunz, whom I like to call America's first gemologist, in his 1908 masterpiece, The Book of the Pearl, states his belief that an ancient fish-eating tribe, perhaps along the coast of India, initially appreciated the shape and lustre of saltwater pearls, which they discovered while opening oysters for food. No matter the origin, a reverence for pearls spread throughout the world over the ensuing millennia. India's sacred books and epic tales abound with pearl references. One legend has the Hindu god Krishna discovering pearls when he plucks the first one from the sea and presents it to his daughter Pandaïa on her wedding day. China's long recorded history also provides ample evidence of the importance of pearls. In the Shu King, a 23rd-century B.C. book, the scribe sniffs that as tribute, a lesser king sent "strings of pearls not quite round." In Egypt, decorative mother-of-pearl was used at least as far back as 4200 B.C., but the use of pearls themselves seems to have been later, perhaps related to the Persian conquest in the fifth century B.C. Rome's pearl craze reached its zenith during the first century B.C. Roman women upholstered couches with pearls and sewed so many into their gowns that they actually walked on their pearl-encrusted hems. Caligula, having made his horse a consul, decorated it with a pearl necklace.
The Romans and Egyptians prized pearls above all other gems.
Pearls, in fact, played the pivotal role at the most celebrated banquet in literature. To convince Rome that Egypt possessed a heritage and wealth that put it above conquest, Cleopatra wagered Marc Antony she could give the most expensive dinner in history. The Roman reclined as the queen sat with an empty plate and a goblet of wine (or vinegar). She crushed one large pearl of a pair of earrings, dissolved it in the liquid, then drank it down. Astonished, Antony declined his dinner -- the matching pearl -- and admitted she had won. Pliny, the world's first gemologist, writes in his famous Natural History that the two pearls were worth an estimated 60 million sesterces, or 1,875,000 ounces of fine silver ($9,375,000 with silver at $5/ounce).
The Arabs have shown the greatest love for pearls. The depth of their affection for pearls is enshrined in the Koran, especially within its description of Paradise, which says: "The stones are pearls and jacinths; the fruits of the trees are pearls and emeralds; and each person admitted to the delights of the celestial kingdom is provided with a tent of pearls, jacinths, and emeralds; is crowned with pearls of incomparable lustre, and is attended by beautiful maidens resembling hidden pearls."
Pearl Harbors
During the long history of pearls, the principal oyster beds lay in the Persian Gulf, along the coasts of India and Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), and in the Red Sea. Chinese pearls came mainly from freshwater rivers and ponds, whereas Japanese pearls were found near the coast in salt water. Nearly all the pearls in commerce originated from those few sources. Over the next millennium only three substantive events altered what appeared to be a very stable pattern. Considering the minimal state of pearling in the United States today, it is impressive that two of the three developments occurred in the New World.As Europe raced to capitalize on what Columbus had stumbled upon, the major powers of the day concentrated on spheres of influence. Spain focused its efforts in Central and South America and the Caribbean. Along both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of Central America, the Spanish forced slaves to dive for pearls. The English colonizers along North America's Atlantic coast and French explorers to the north and west, all found native Americans wearing pearls, and they discovered freshwater pearls in the Ohio, Mississippi, and Tennessee River basins. So many gems were exported to Europe that the New World quickly gained the appellation "Land of Pearls."
Mother-of-pearl, the iridescent coating inside oyster shells, once formed the foundation of a thriving button industry in the U.S.
What is now the United States became famous for two products. Its best freshwater pearls fueled a ready market overseas, purchased by people who, unlike the then less sophisticated frontier Americans, knew the rarity and value of large, round, lustrous pearls. Many of the best examples made their way into Europe's royal gem collections, where they can still be seen on display, usually misidentified as saltwater pearls from the Orient. America also produced mother-of-pearl buttons, which it exported all over the world. Iowa became the center of the trade, shipping billions of iridescent fasteners until World War II, when newly invented plastic virtually drove quality buttons out of the market.While North America set a new standard for large freshwater pearls, white saltwater pearls from the coasts of Panama and Venezuela competed with pearls from Bahrain, and black saltwater pearls from the Bay of California (in what is now Mexico) provided an alternative to Tahitian blacks. More pearls arrived in Spain than the country's aristocratic market could absorb. As with the emeralds it was mining in Colombia, Spain found ready buyers for its new pearls across Europe and in India.Those pearl supplies continued into the 1800s, until overfishing in Central American waters and in North American streams depleted the beds. Pollution also took its toll as the United States industrialized. Then, toward the end of the last century, the single event that forever reshaped the pearl trade slowly unfolded in the isolated island nation of Japan.
A Culture is Born...
Kokichi Mikimoto, the son of a noodle maker, had a dream and a hard-working wife, Ume. Together they set about to do what no one else had done -- entice oysters to produce round pearls on demand. Mikimoto did not know that government biologist Tokichi Nishikawa and carpenter Tatsuhei Mise had each independently discovered the secret of pearl culturing -- inserting a piece of oyster epithelial membrane (the lip of mantle tissue) with a nucleus of shell or metal into an oyster's body or mantle causes the tissue to form a pearl sack. That sack then secretes nacre to coat the nucleus, thus creating a pearl.Mise received a 1907 patent for his grafting needle. When Nishikawa applied for a patent for nucleating, he realized that he and Mise had discovered the same thing. In a compromise, the pair signed an agreement uniting their common discovery as the Mise-Nishikawa method, which remains the heart of pearl culturing. Mikimoto had received an 1896 patent for producing hemispherical pearls, or mabes, and a 1908 patent for culturing in mantle tissue. But he could not use the Mise-Nishikawa method without invalidating his own patents. So he altered the patent application to cover a technique to make round pearls in mantle tissue, which was granted in 1916. With this technicality, Mikimoto began an unprecedented expansion, buying rights to the Mise-Niskikawa method and eclipsing those originators of cultured pearls, leaving their names only for history books.
Mikimoto's efforts made pearls in a range of styles and prices available to consumers worldwide.
Largely by trial and error over a number of years, Mikimoto did contribute one crucial discovery. Whereas Nishikawa nucleated with silver and gold beads, Mikimoto experimented with everything from glass to lead to clay to wood. He found he had the highest success rates when he inserted round nuclei cut from U.S. mussel shells. Although some countries continue to test other nuclei, U.S. mussel shells have been the basis for virtually all cultured saltwater pearls for 90 years.Even though third with his patents and his secrets, Mikimoto revolutionized pearling. Ever the flamboyant showman and promoter, he badgered jewelers and governments to accept his cultured products as pearls. His workers created massive pearl structures, which he displayed at every major international exposition. By mastering the techniques, Mikimoto, then hundreds of other Japanese firms, made pearls available to virtually everyone in the world.Fred Ward is a gemologist and author of the book Pearls (Gem Book Publishers, Bethesda, Maryland, 1998), from which this article was adapted.
To find more information on Pearls please check out
Did you know...
A diamond is the hardest natural substance on earth, but
if it is placed in an oven and the temperature is raised
to about 763 degrees Celsius (1405 degrees Fahrenheit),
it will simply vanish, without even ash remaining. Only
a little carbon dioxide will have been released.
A diamond will not dissolve in acid. The only thing that can destroy it is intense heat.
A lump of pure gold the size of a matchbox can be flattened into a sheet the size of a tennis court.
Absolutely pure gold is so soft that it can be molded with the hands.
An ounce of gold can be stretched into a wire 50 miles long.
Colored diamonds are caused by impurities such as nitrogen (yellow), boron (blue). With red diamonds being due to deformities in the structure of the stone, and green ones being the result of irradiation.
Diamond is the hardest naturally occurring substance, and is also one of the most valuable natural substances. Diamonds are crystals formed almost entirely of carbon. Because of its hardness, the diamond is the most enduring of all gemstones. They are among the most costly jewels in the world, partly because they are rare, Only four important diamond fields have been found - in Africa, South America, India, and the Soviet Union.
Mercury is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature.
Mineral deposits in caves: The ones growing upward are stalagmites, the ones growing downward are stalactites.
Natural gas has no odor. The smell is added artificially so that leaks can be detected.
Sea water, loaded with mineral salts, weighs about a pound and a half more per cubit foot than fresh water at the same temperature.
Ten per cent of the salt mined in the world each year is used to de-ice the roads in America.
The air we breathe is 78% nitrogen, 21.5% oxygen, .5% argon and other gases.
The Chinese were using aluminum to make things as early as 300 AD Western civilization didn't rediscover aluminum until 1827.
The Cullinan Diamond is the largest gem-quality diamond ever discovered. Found in 1905, the original 3,100 carats were cut to make jewels for the British Crown Jewels and the British Royal family's collection.
The largest gold nugget ever found weighed 172 lbs., 13 oz.
The largest hailstone ever recorded was 17.5 inches in diameter - bigger than a basketball.
The most abundant metal in the Earth's crust is aluminum.
The only rock that floats in water is pumice.
The three most common elements in the universe are 1) hydrogen; 2) helium; 3) oxygen.
My check list
*Make reservations, pick menu items and make room arrangement/table placement for event- done
*Purchase supplies needed to make cheesecakes for take home dessert surprizes- done
*Call in final head count for event- done
*Make 40 four inch cheesecakes- done
*Design & print 40 bingo fliers with games, rules and listing of prizes- done
*Buy Bingo prizes- done
*Have craft table items ready and load into automobile- done
*Have 1st Sergeants food pantry items loaded into automobile- done
*Have Bingo cards packed and ready for event- done
*Make photocopies of all receipts- make detallied list of which of my programs accounts they come out of and e-mail them to our main fund treasurer for reimbursement-done
*Design and make gift bags for each of the cheesecakes-
Puerto Rico

Our 1st formal night on ship

Quote of the day
Mahatma Gandhi (1869 - 1948)
I know that I've probably used this quote before but wanted to share it with you as this quote had me all over it all day yesterday!
The only true happiness comes from squandering ourselves for a purpose.
William Cowper (1731 - 1800)
This quote is for today- I hope that everyone has as much fun tonight at OSC's function as I did planning it and shopping for it.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Happy being me :-)
I will be sad when Kim moves to Hawaii in June, but happy in the knowledge that we're going to be life long friends. I happen to plan to fly out and visit her and her family while they are stationed in Hawaii (and yes I'm bringing the entire family).
Now for me to get my grove on and get baking another 20 cheesecakes for tomorrow OSC event, LOL!
My easy bake oven...
Well I better get going, I'm meeting with my girlfriend Kim and we're going to the Spa together...I'm buying bingo prizes and maybe I'll just make myself an appointment ;-)
Quote of the Day
- EB White
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
while at sea...
I also bought some nice stuff from the spa- Elemis Exotic Frangipani Oil and Elemis Skin nourishing bath milk. Both are the ultimate in indulgence and ever so wonderful! The Elemis Exotic Lime and Ginger Salt Glow was another must have product! It took away all of the dry skin and left me with fresh happy skin that was glowing! It was a true indulgence but worth every penny!
Our Vacation...the first 3 days
Got on the airplane- it was headed for Dallas, we slept. Changed planes and the next stop was Miami. Now that is an old run down airport. Granted parts of it we half ways decent but over all it was shabby, dirty and the folks working there were mean and CRABBY! It took nearly1½ hours for us and all other people on that flight to get our luggage. Talk about unorganized, that airport leaves something to be desired.
Okay the cruise line has transportation for us to a hotel- what a very nice hotel it was too! First class accommodations to say the least! The restaurant in the hotel was top notch and the service and staff were very friendly.
Spent the night, slept well. Sunday morning off we go to the cruise ship. The cattle line wasn't bad at all. We were processed quite quickly and then we were aboard the ship. Carnival Victory, not a shabby place to stay for a week.

Notice how there isn't a picture of myself here...oh there's a story to it. During the entire trip our daughter who I used to trust with my camera and think was a good photographer decided to be a clown and screw up every picture I asked her to take. The are days when I just shake my head.
What spice are you?
You Are Basil |
![]() You are quite popular and loved by post people. You have a mild temperament, but your style is definitely distinctive. You are sweet, attractive, and you often smell good. |
Quotes of the day
Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul.
And sings the tune
Without the words,
and never stops at all.
Emily Dickinson (1830 - 1886)
Guard well within yourself that treasure, kindness. Know how to give without hesitation, how to lose without regret, how to acquire without meanness.
George Sand (1804 - 1876)
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.
Aesop (620 BC - 560 BC)
And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.
John F. Kennedy (1917 - 1963), Inaugural address, January 20, 1961
I personally know all too well how hectic life in general can get- multiply it by 5 and that's what you get while your spouse is away on deployment. Have children? Multiply that number by 10. It can be rough at times, there's no getting around it. But with a strong network of friends there for you with words of encouragement, a shoulder to cry on (when you need it), an ear to listen to you when you need to vent your frustrations (need I add without judgment) and a hand to help without hesitation- you will make it through.
Most military spouses that I know have been through at least 1 deployment, but last year I found myself among a handful of senior spouses who have never had their husbands away for more than a week or two at most.
Please pray with me as I ask our Heavenly Father that he continue to bestow upon me the strength, wisdom, understanding and kindness of heart that is needed to give the kind of support needed to help our military families here at EAFB going through a deployment. Helping them to maintain a stable home life, work life and a social outlet for the entire family. Amen.
Back to life in South Dakota...
Not being home more than a handful of hours, I happened to have been visited twice yesterday, first by our neighbors dropping off our house key and the other in the afternoon by my Stampin Up consultant (she dropped off my order from earlier this month). Once I get things all put away I'll crack open those stamp boxes and get them put away.
I also need to make over 30 of my mini cheesecakes today for Thursday nights function, ssh-lets keep it a secret as it's a big surprise for the spouses attending the function. So to get ready to head out the door and off to the commissary in an hour!
Monday, February 25, 2008
can you say Jet Lag?
I hope that you can watch the video, it's a laugh to be sure. I'll be loading up some pictures once I get them all labeled. I didn't take as many pictures as I usually do while we're on vacation, this time it was only 240-250 give or take a 10 pictures.
be prepared to laugh...
Quote of the day
~ Ben Bergor
We're back home
I've got to unpack the suitcases, and start on my Mount Washmore adventure, LOL! It's some sort of horrible process- you wash clothes for 2 days before a trip and you wash clothes for 2 days after a trip.
I made that cute little Trip Journal to document our adventures and never once used it, LOL! I can pretty much let the pictures speak for themselves. Each of us have stories of funny things that happened to us while on this vacation. We made one another laugh pretty hard too!
So we're back, happy, healthy and best of all tan :-) I've got to get the camera out of the carry on and upload pictures. I also spent a small fortune on family photo's from the cruise. Hey when they have their professional photographers taking pictures...why not get some prints was my motto!
I've got to jump back into the thick of things and get back to work. Tons of OSC stuff to do, got to work on getting some more of my programs director stuff done for the next few months of events (nothing like being a party planner- tons to do all of the time). I also need to work on another HOA newsletter- ah there's no rest for me after getting back from this vacation and that's for sure!
Friday, February 15, 2008
Miami bound
vacation bound...
Now I'm off to do the 101 things on my check off list...
* see how the kids are doing with the chores I've assigned them
*to iron at least 5 men's shirts
*pack the suits cases for the men in my family
*to make sure that the bathrooms have been cleaned
*to sweep and mop the kitchen floor
*water plants
*check airline reservations
*scoop kitty litter box
and soooo many more things that are just too numerous to list.
A boy and his Lego
Quotes for while I'm away
A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug.
~Patricia Neal
Of one thing I am certain, the body is not the measure of healing - peace is the measure.
~George Melton
To sit in the shade on a fine day, and look upon verdure is the most perfect refreshment.
~Jane Austen (1775 - 1817)
If I have ever made any valuable discoveries, it has been owing more to patient attention, than to any other talent.
~Isaac Newton (1642 - 1727)
It's not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what's required.
~Sir Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965)
In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.
~Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC)
We spend most of our time and energy in a kind of horizontal thinking. We move along the surface of things [but] there are times when we stop. We sit still. We lose ourselves in a pile of leaves or its memory. We listen and breezes from a whole other world begin to whisper.
~James Carroll
Put duties aside at least an hour before bed and perform soothing, quiet activities that will help you relax.
~Dianne Hales
If a man insisted always on being serious, and never allowed himself a bit of fun and relaxation, he would go mad or become unstable without knowing it.
~Herodotus (484 BC - 430 BC)
Stress is an ignorant state. It believes that everything is an emergency. Nothing is that important.
~Natalie Goldberg
Thursday, February 14, 2008
391 years of wedded bliss
Today as I was out t the base looking to buy a suitcase for our trip I over heard two young women talking about a friend of theirs how they were shocked to learn that their friend broke up with her boyfriend just 2 weeks after he left for Iraq. How they thought that they were in love and how their friend had said how much she loved this young man and would wait for him only to learn that she broke up with him. Not many women (and it goes for men too) can deal with long separations. You have to be strong in your faith and commitment to one another. Open communication is a must, being able to over looking those stupid little things that make others go bonkers is another key thing in a good marriage. I personally have dealt with long separations, I won't lie they aren't easy. But with the help and encouragement from friends and family I've made it through and will make it through yet another long deployment.
So tomorrow we embark on a family vacation, one where we will take many pictures of us doing fun things as we possibly can. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.
I'm packing my bags...and everyone else's too!
Now for the "other stuff" -there's body wash, body lotion, the anti-frizz hair cream, shampoo and condition and lets not forget the sunscreen (yes I do use those things every day). I bought the thicker "freezer" 1 gallon zip-lock bags for the things that get packed into checked baggage (all the stuff I just mentioned. Of course I have to go through the "guy stuff" and see what they need to have with them and what can be in checked baggage. Andrew and his contact lens stuff, since that stuff doesn't come in 3 ounce bottles it has to go into checked baggage.
Being that I'm really looking hard at what I'm taking, I'm amazed at it all. I keep looking at the shoes and thinking to I need to bring 5 pairs? My answer... Um, yes I do, LOL! This isn't like going to visit family, where you can pop on over to the grocery store and pick up things like shampoo and toothpaste- this is a cruise ship that will charge you $12 for a 4 ounce bottle of some no name shampoo, LOL! I remember paying $8 for a 2 ounce tube of sunscreen at the Zoo last summer (I never told my husband how much it was, or he would have had a COW right there on the spot) I can only imagine how much it will be on a cruise ship where there isn't any where else to shop but there. Talk about captive shoppers, LOL!
I refuse to even attempt doing laundry, I did this once and it's the stuff nightmares are made out of. So I'd rather bring a couple more outfits than I think I case I spill on myself and that sort of thing, LOL! Come on, it's vacation time - who doesn't spill something on themselves? Heck I've got kids, I know that at least one of them will spill an entire drink on me (it happens on every vacation). So I think that I'm being smart in planning ahead, LOL!
Now to get with the program and have those suit cases well on their way of being packed.
Happy Valentines Day
I have zero intentions of doing any laundry on this trip- my motto..."bring more underwear kids", LOL! Hannah and I will be bringing 1 pair of socks each and that's for the return trip to Denver/Rapid City. Other than that it's sandals and heels all the way baby! It's a whopping 5º with the windchill bringing it down to -13º...I'm so ready to be someplace where the temperatures are in the 80º's and none of this freezing cold stuff is going on. I just's 85º in St. Thomas, I'm soooo ready to feel warm!
Well off I go, tons of stuff to do and a limited amount of time in which to get it all done.
Quote of the Day
Henry David Thoreau (1817 - 1862), Journal, July 25, 1839
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
What to know...before you go
grief, sadness and even anger
You see- I hit a white dog coming out of a snow bank. I didn't even see him until it was too late. There is ice on the roads out here and snow all around. When I got out of my vehicle to check on the dog, it had on a collar but no tags, and when the animal control unit came out, the dog was scanned and it didn't have a microchip. There was no way of knowing who the owner was.
Myself and another kind soul who stopped to help me went around to all of the neighboring homes knocking on doors to see if the dog belonged to any of them- no one would answer their door (and I was pounding very hard). That right there is frightening, what if it was a really bad car accident and that there were people who were severely hurt or even dieing? People just do not want to get involved these days.
The police came out but no report was made. Then a woman in a truck stopped by that said that she was taking care of the dog and she made it very clear that it's not her dog. She saw the damaged done to the front of my vehicle and asked if it was caused by the accident and through my sobs I said yes. She said that she didn't think that her insurance would cover the accident, she then scooped up the dog, put it in the back of her truck and drove off. I was told by the animal control officer that I need to drive up the road a bit and pull off so I can compose myself. If it weren't for my friend sending her husband out to make sure I was okay I would have felt that no one gave a rats ass about how I was feeling (I was sobbing my eyes out). The police and animal control agent sure didn't seem to care that I was so upset about hurting an animal nor the fact that my car is damaged. Believe it or not but no report was written about the accident. I had to actually go into the police department and request that they write one up- they looked at me as if I was from Mars. Then the two of them told me, "Lady, it was only a dog- it'll cost you more in labor then it's worth in filing a claim with your insurance company". There's no mention if the lady who took the dog was even it's care taker or if it was taken to a veterinarian. I cried off and on all day long yesterday. It's still got me feeling rather shaken today. By all means make sure that your gates are closed when letting your dog out to go potty or if you don't have a fence be sure to put them on a leash! This ordeal has shaken me to the core and I'll be writing something about this very thing (leaving out the fact that I hit an animal with my car). Please keep me in your prayers so that I am able to move past this.
and on an even sadder note- I have to take pictures of the front of my vehicle today for the insurance company and there's dog hair stuck in the front of it- I swear I'm going to start crying again!
The Weather
I look at this vacation as a way to get away from the things that cause me stress, anxiety and worry. A way to bond and get in touch with the things that matter most in my life- my husband and children. To let the things that tend to give me undo stress t simply melt away from my mind. Because all too soon I'll have to come back to reality and deal with it all again.
The humor in a bottle of shampoo
Quote of the Day
John Lennon (1940 - 1980)
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Quote of the day
You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.
~Jack London (1876 - 1916)
Energy is the essence of life. Every day you decide how you're going to use it by knowing what you want and what it takes to reach that goal, and by maintaining focus.
~Oprah Winfrey
Monday, February 11, 2008
Boy oh Boy it's windy today!
Fun with Peggy!

I have one more card to post but alas...I need to charge the camera battery before I can take another picture. I have the BEST time with my STampin Up consultant and the group of ladies that she has put togehter, we do a lot of laughing, chatting and just having fun! So Peggy if you're reading this...THANKS, you're the Best!
Tripod- to bring it or not...
Quote of the Day
~Real Live Preacher, Weblog, December 26, 2002
Sunday, February 10, 2008
An interesting news article, one to make you smile
Quote of the Day
~Helen Keller, The Open Door (1957)
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Getting ready for vacation
Hannah was so sweet, "Mom, we've got to co-ordinate out formal wear" I have to tell ya that matching her Black and White dress was pretty easy, LOL! It was finding something that looks well with that pretty spring green dress of hers. I think I've found it, a beautiful floral print skirt and I'll wear one of my more formal looking tops with it. I plan on getting in the sun every single day unless it's raining. I'll be in the pool right there with my kids having fun in the sun! Now on to shoes...I always want to bring my entire closet with me when I go on one of these trips. I need to tell myself that I can not have more than 4 pairs of shoes with me (not including what I have on my feet), LOL! Now my secret is out...I have a different pair of shoes for every outfit, now is the time to downsize...before I start packing my suit case.
Hannah has all of her clothes picked out and ready to be packed, the boy is on his way to getting to that point. The spouse, he likes to pack at the very last minute (he's always been that way). Hannah and I will have our stuff packed and ready to go by Tuesday at the latest, the guys, probably by Friday morning, LOL!
It's hard to imagine that in 1 week we'll be on board a cruise ship going to the Eastern Caribbean. I've got my swim suit, sun glasses, sunscreen and my flips flops...lets go!
Winter winds
The wind more than anything else scares me. It can whip up so fast out here, toss things through the air and cause more damage that one can ever think possible. I think about the tornadoes that have occurred down south and how homes and lives have been lost. It's amazing that something we take for granted every day like the weather can cause such horrible destruction and total devastation.
I know that organizations like the American Red Cross are on the scene, helping those folks out after such a disaster. If you don't know what the American Red Cross does, just click on the name and a link will take you to their site to tell you about their disaster services.
Quote of the Day
~Martha Washington (1732 - 1802)
Friday, February 08, 2008
My Favorite Scrapbooks Stores
While in Virginia and in the Hampton Roads area it's without a doubt...Picture to Page. The owners Tonya and Collin are a couple of ladies that started a business out of a garage and built it up on reputation for excellent service and the latest merchandise.
Lets talk about Massachusetts- when down on the cape I HAVE to shop at Colorful Creations this place is rivals any Archivers store (and I've been to a few Archivers stores). The selection of scrapbooking and stamping merchandise is fantastic! And the staff is oh so ever helpful too! There's other wonderful places to shop in MA such as Right at Home Scrapbooking in North Attleboro, A time for Memories in Grafton. These places are just YUMMY! Extra nice and knowledgeable staff to help answer any and all of your questions about products they have (and don't have) in their store).
While in California it's Green Tangerines and Mad About Scrapbooks. Talk about being able to buy stuff that just isn't available from a retail store in my own area- I bring paper takers with me when I go home to visit my folks! Green Tangerines is fantastic! VERY helpful staff and what an awesome selection of merchandise! I always come home with oodles of great papers that I can't find anywhere else. I've not been to Mad ABout Scrapbooks since they down sized and moved from Citrus Heights to Roseville. I hope that they still have the same great selection of merchandise.
one more week...
The heat went out at the Thrift Shop yesterday, I personally would have closed the place but Heidi being the dedicated person that she is persevered. I hung out for 1½ hours and left, I couldn't take it any more. My hands were so red and they just ached. I was home a good 2 hours until my hands no longer hurt. I've obviously got issues with working in a building that's got an indoor temperature of around 40º to 45º. I'm a California girl that's been moved all over the USA. I yearn to be warm, to be near the sea and to lead a simple life.
Quote of the Day
~Christopher Reeve
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Blog Challenge...How well do you know me?
How well do you know me?' Okay, this one is different - this is funny. YOU fill in the blanks about ME and send it back to ME. But FIRST send a blank one out to all your friends, including me, so we can return the favor to you. Be honest. They're really SCARY to get back. It only takes a few minutes, so just do it! First send this survey to everyone you know to see how well he or she knows you. Second, hit 'reply' and fill this survey out about the person who sent it to you and send it back to them.
Where did we meet?_________
Take a stab at my middle name?________________
Do I smoke?______________________
Color of my eyes?_____________________
Do I have any siblings?__________________
What's one of my favorite things to do?__________________
What's my favorite type of music?______________________
Am I shy or outgoing?____________________________
Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules?_______________________
Any special talents?_____________________________
How many children do I have?_______________________
If you and I were stranded on a desert island, what is one thing that I would bring?_________________________________
I can't wait to see the answers..
I can't help but to smile...
What are you today?
I'm a daughter
a sister
a cousin
an Aunt
a wife
a mother
a friend
a Catholic
a counselor
a healer
the HOA president for our subdivision
the programs director for EOSC
an advisor
a home owner
a pet owner
a care taker
a gourmet cook
a scrapbooker
a quilter (be it the novice that I am)
a volunteer
a home maker
and many more things. So, What are you today?
Quote of the Day
~Mary MacCracken
There is much truth to this quote, I've always been this way with my children and have to say that it amazes me how many people aren't honest with their children, especially when it comes to deployments.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Things that make you go Hmmmm...
My daughter and the quilt store
The colors and prints of the fabric were intoxicating. Hannah was everywhere, we ended up buying 12 MORE fat quarters (and we got the 13th free) and another quilt pattern. The new one is really cool, and once I get my Cheese and Crackers quilt projects done I'll work on it. Talk about getting our hearts pumping with excitement!
I'm excited to start these quilting projects and I look forward to doing sewing projects with my daughter.
Quote of the day
~Albert Einstein
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
I'm getting ready to give some of my time to our military community today. Whatever you do with your time today... be sure to have fun!
Quote of the Day
- Roald Dahl
Monday, February 04, 2008
Here they of my Scrapbook Nook