Friday, October 31, 2008
more Halloween trivia
It's not just for kids! Halloween While 82 percent of children take part in Halloween festivities, a surprising
67 percent of adults also join in the fun.
Candy corn, anyone? With an estimated $ 1.93 billion in candy sales, Halloween is the sweetest holiday of the year, beating out Easter, Valentine's Day, and Christmas. In fact, one quarter of all the candy sold each year is purchased between September 15 and November 10.
U.S. consumers spend as much as $ 1.5 billion on costumes each year, and more than $ 2.5 billion on other Halloween paraphernalia, such as decorations and crafts — more than $ 100 million of which is spent online.
The first Halloween card was made in the early 1900s. These days, U.S. consumers spend about $ 50 million on Halloween greetings.
Happy Halloween!
I realized last night that I never left the house yesterday. Sure I took out some trash, but the garbage can is located in our garage. I got so involved working on piecing together 4 table runners that I never realized that I never once stepped out of doors. Now what I was working on was... one large table runner (as in extra long) for our sofa table and the other 3 table runners were of the Autumn/ Pumpkin variety. I'm going to cut out some leaves and do some applique work today. I feel that the leaves are needed to add some extra pizzazz to those table runners.
I must have restless body syndrome as I'm always doing something when it comes to being creative that's for sure. I can't stand being idle, I'm serious I even hate sitting in church as I feel as if I should be doing something other than just listening. I see myself bringing in some cross stitching or crocheting with me to work on while the sermon is going on, LOL!!! Oh I know that's bad, but it's really how I feel.
I'm off to get working on some leaf appliques.
Pumpkin Trivia
The top pumpkin production states are Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania and California.
Pumpkins are fruits. A pumpkin is a type of squash and is a member of the gourd family (Cucurbitacae), which include squash, cucumbers, gherkins, and melons.
Pumpkin seeds should be planted between the last week of May and the middle of June. They take between 90 and 120 days to grow and are picked in October when they are bright orange in color. Their seeds can be saved to grow new pumpkins the next year.
The largest pumpkin pie ever made was over five feet in diameter and weighed over 350 pounds. It used 80 pounds of cooked pumpkin, 36 pounds of sugar, 12 dozen eggs and took six hours to bake.
Colonists sliced off pumpkin tops; removed seeds and filled the insides with milk, spices and honey. This was baked in hot ashes and is the origin of pumpkin pie.
Quote of the Day
~Steve Almond
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I'm rolling my eyes
Quote of the Day
~Kin Hubbard
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
If you want to laugh...
Mission of Madness
I still haven't made it over to Sam's Club, but I did manage to get the other things on my list done. Plus I managed to make an Autumn themed table runner and am working on another Halloween themed table runner. I figure that by making smaller quilted pieces such as table runners that I'll get better at piecing triangles and better at the quilting process in general.
Now I'm off to my Scrapbook Nook, it needs to get tidied up before my new wireless mouse and keyboard arrive, WhooHoo!
Quote of the Day
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Tuesday's to-do list
On my To Do list today-
*cut out the backing fabric and quilt batting and get to work on the table runners
*run out to Sam's Club and pick up onions and cream cheese
*call refuse company have them empty the cardboard recycle bin
*cut 2½ strips for strip quilt project
*Iron fabric for November table runner
Dang I better get a move on eh?
Quote of the Day
Philippians 4:13
Monday, October 27, 2008
Autumn and Creativity
Autumn is when my mojo really gets going and I create scrapbook pages like no one knows! There I am, tucked away in my cozy little scrapbook nook, looking out the window to see the leaves whirling around in the air. Feeling inspired to create pages from vacations and family outings. My darling husband did something for me that he's been saying for a while now...he put a computer in my scrapbook nook. So no more running up and down the stairs for pictures to be printed...I can do it all in one room! Life is indeed very good!
Christmas is right around the corner and I've got Christmas gift giving on my mind. I plan to make the majority of the gifts we'll be giving this year, be it stationary, note cards, my gourmet cheesecake, my gourmet triple chocolate brownies (these are hard to give away because they're lucky to make it past the entry to the kitchen) or a quilted item. I'm already half way there...I've got 14 table runner tops sewn and all they need it to be sandwiched and quilted- woohoo! I've got a few more card sets to create and some more stationary to make- these make wonderful last minute gifts for when friends stop by unexpectedly. I like to keep a handful of small items such as those under the tree for those unexpected occasions. I also like to keep plenty of mini cheesecakes in my freezer too!
The freezing temperatures and the 45 to 60 mph winds yesterday had me wanting to go through the storage area underneath of our stairs. It was a little disorganized but not much. I was able to get things put in their proper places, made the Christmas tree and the containers of Christmas decorations easier to access and the most important thing...I got my sweaters out from the storage area!
Even my daughter is feeling the Autumn air and the creativity it brings with it. I'm going to take a picture of her pumpkin and show you what she's made...this kid obviously has seen too many M. Night Shyamalan movies, LOL! I think that Mr. Shyamalan would be proud, LOL!
There's no school today but that doesn't mean that I'm not doing something. The Black Hills Quilters Guild is meeting today and is working on Project Warmth quilts-I want to go check that out. I plan on bringing Hannah with me, so she can meet these wonderful quilting ladies.
Quote of the Day
~Sam Ewing
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Winter is coming
Saturday afternoon was spent shopping with my daughter- she needed some winter apparel (we got it just in time too). We still need to venture to out again (to Kohl's this time) to find some leggings to go with the cute long sweater tops. This reminds me- I need to take some pictures of my little fashionista.
Frost is all over the windows and I don't dare venture out to the drive way this morning in my jammies to pick up our newspaper - something about it being 30 and the wind-chill making it feel like it's 15 outside makes me think that the newspaper can sit out there until the cows come home.
So my goal for today is to keep warm and of course to enjoy my time with my family.
Quote of the Day
~John Fischer
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Shopping on the Internet
Author Trivia
Geisel. His middle name was Seuss.
Beatrix Potter, author of Peter Rabbit, had a real pet
rabbit named "Peter". She put Peter on a leash and walked
him through her neighborhood in London.
Many of Agatha Christie's stories involved people getting
poisoned. She knew so much about chemicals because she
worked in a hospital laboratory during World War II.
Charles Dickens had two pet ravens, both known as Grip.
Upon Grip I's demise, Dickens had his beloved bird stuffed.
These days, Grip can be seen at the Free Library of
Philadelphia's Rare Books Department, where he stands guard
over the Poe and Dickens collections.
During World War I, Edith Wharton traveled to the Western
Front in France, both to write about the battlefields for
American publications and to help the Red Cross create
hostels and schools for those displaced by war.
Flannery O'Connor had a special fondness for peacocks,
which she often used in her fiction to represent Christ.
When she returned to live on the family farm as an adult,
she raised an unusually large flock of peacocks, which she
tended to until her death in 1964.
I've seen it all!

I'm starting to feel rather "zen" when I quilt. I organize my place before I start quilting and tidy up when I'm done for the day. I tend to do my best work when it's quite and no one is around me. Scrapbooking on the other hand, well it can be quite messy at time and leave a rather large mess (from all of the stuff I drag out). But either way I'm glad that I have become the well rounded crafter that I am today. When asked "Sandie, isn't there anything that you don't do?" Oh yeah there are lots of crafting things that I'm interested in but I for what ever reason, I don't DO them...Stained Glass, Knitting, Tatting, Oil Painting, Carpentry, Rug Making, and Basket Weaving to name a few, LOL!
I was talking with my friend Irene last night and she was telling me how she recently took a beading class (it was on Thursday, that's why she didn't make it to lunch with us) and she was telling me how expensive her beading hobby had become. Funny things about her beading hobby and my quilting hobby- first off the 2 shops are right next door to one another (no joke) and secondly hobbies in general they seem to take on a life of their own. We got a good laugh out of telling one another about how we started small with our hobbies and now we both look at items (me at fabric & thread and she at beads and bead like items) with a new eye. We can look at an item and see things that we want to create with said item. But it also take time to create (this is where patience is the key factor). Sit down and draw out the plans, taking ones time to bring those creative ideas out into the light. I had to laugh because I told Irene that at least beading take up a pretty small space- then she replied "go right ahead and think that" and she laughed. Apparently beading can become quite addictive and you find yourself buying oodles becase they are small and before you know it, you'll have an armoire filled with boxes and baggies full of beads of various colors, shapes and sizes. I'm happy to stick with fabrics and threads Ü
Quote of the day
~Noela Evans
Friday, October 24, 2008
A safe place
Quote of the Day
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thursday, October 23, 2008
learning from your children
Sometimes I think Maxine should run for president.
She was right on with this one!
A lot of people have been concentrating on the problems we've been
having in this country lately: illegal immigration,
hurricane recovery, alligators attacking people in Florida ...
Not me. I concentrate on solutions for the problems. It's a win-win situation.
1) Dig a moat the length of the Mexican border.
2) Send the dirt to New Orleans to raise the level of the levies.
3) Put the Florida alligators in the moat along the Mexican border.
Any other problems you'd like for me to solve today? Yes!
Think about these:
1. Cows 2.
The Constitution
3. The Ten Commandments
C O W S...Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that during the mad cow epidemic our government could track a single cow, born in Canada almost three years ago, right to the stall where she slept in the state of Washington ? And, they tracked her calves to their stalls. But they are unable to locate 11 million illegal aliens wandering around our country. Maybe we should give each of them a cow.
T H E C O N S T I T U T I O N...They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq .... Why don't we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys, it has worked for over 200 years, and we're not using it anymore.
T H E T E N C O M M A N D M E N T S...The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments posted in a courthouse is this: You cannot post 'Thou Shalt Not Steal,' 'Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery,' and 'Thou Shall Not Lie' in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians...It creates a hostile work environment.
PART OF THE PROBLEM Also, Think about this: If you don't want to forward this for fear of offending someone-- YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM! It is Time for America to Speak up! Yep, I passed it on!
Quote of the day
~Albert Ellis
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Going on a fabric run...
I'm off to keep warm and to make some holiday table runners...can you say Christmas presents? I can!
Scrapbooking and Quilting- the best of both worlds
I keep all of my paper crafting supplies located in my scrapbook nook. I love my Nook, it's such a wonderful happy place to create and be. In the future I'd like to have a larger place so I could house all of my crafting in one place. But that would take a child moving out and I don't see that happening for at least a couple more years. Now when Andrew goes off to college in 2 years- look out! LOL!
Stitch & Gab meets today, I have no idea if anyone is going to show up. I've got to vacuum, tidy up my Elves Workshop and make sure that there aren't any needles on the floor. Hannah was sewing barefoot yesterday and found two needles the old fashioned way- with the souls of her feet- ouch! Sorry Hannah!
Quote of the Day
Hugh Elliott, Standing Room Only weblog, May 6, 2003
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
crafty ideas
I'm on the tail end of this quilt top and then my husbands says to me...Honey I see that you didn't do the double inner border are you planning on adding as a single border? EEEK! I Thank the Lord every day for my husband! You see the pattern was for a lap quilt that I converted into a twin sized pattern and I had forgot that in my calculations that I had decided on putting in a double border- oops! But I like it better this way, with the solid border, then the pieced border and then another solid border then the binding. I figure that I better start adding pictures so you all will know what the heck I'm talking about.
Now for me to get to work and have another delicious mug of Dunkin Donuts Coffee, oh yeah! No Dunkin Donuts out here anywhere (I don't even know if there's one in the entire state) but we have their coffee...I'm sooooo happy!
Quote of the day
~Carmen Electra
I secretly feel this way about coffee
Monday, October 20, 2008
Laughter is the best medicine!
And the crafts we made today- WOW! Peggy always has something fun and new to show us- I love it!
So now I'm off to work some more on Hannah's quilting project (I'm on the tail end of it now). Wouldn't it be something if I could have it finished before Hannah got home? I better quite typing and get back to work!
Quilting and Crafting
Speaking of sewing projects...I'm on the tail end of Hannah's quilt! I'm sewing the 2nd border which consists of a lot of 2½ x 8½ inch rectangles. The corners are mitered and even though it might look as if it was easy to do, I'm here to tell you that it wasn't. I got through half of the quilt top's 2nd border. What a long process it is to sew hundreds of these narrow strips of fabric together. Once this quilt top is done I'll be sending it off to be professionally quilted! I want this quilt to have a professional looking finish and I've decided to use one of the members of the quilters guild who does long arm quilting (one who has been highly recommended).
Time to wake the family, get kids off to school, husband off to work and me out the door for a crafting group meet up and after that I've got some errands to get done.
Quote of the day
Carl Sagan (1934 - 1996)
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Quilting opens many doors
I came home feeling seriously motivated and energized by just being around such talented quilters. I met up with a group of ladies at the Quilt Connection to see what they have left. You see, the store is moving to a new location (closer to the highway) and they are having a HUGE clearance sale so they won't have to move so many bolts of fabric. I bought some Fat Quarters, I've got some ideas for a great table runner and I needed some Autumn colors for it Ü. After I came home I right away started working some more on Hannah's quilt. The next 4 hours seemed to fly by and before I knew it, I was done with the top piece, I had cut the border strips cut am getting ready to sew it together. The next part is sewing together all of the 2½x8½ strip that will make the 2nd border and to miter the corner pieces-eek! I can't believe that I'm kicking this out so quickly!
Now trust me this has also been a mental workout in math and patience. No matter how evenly and accurately I think that I've cut and sewn a piece of fabric, there's been something on every row that has had to be taken apart with the seam ripper, trimmed and sewn back together (no joke). I have to go slow and be patient, getting mad at ones self serves no purpose here. The issues arising in my quilting was/ is nothing that I could have foreseen, I measured and sewn exactly as the directions in the pattern dictated. I've prayed for God to grant me patience and understanding a lot over the past 2½ to 3 years and each time the Lord has given me a situation or a physical thing to do that requires patience (sometimes it requires more stamina than actual patience). So not only do I get a great lesson in being patient, I also have something to show for it!
When you think of God and having him answering a prayer there are a lot of ways in which we as human beings can interpret things, as for me...I think that the Lord brought quilting into my life at the perfect point in time. He knew that the majority of my close friends will have moved away at some point this year and that I need to fill my heart and my time with something else that would not leave me feeling empty or lonely. I have to give this one to my new friend Carol, "To be with people that have the same interests is simply wonderful!".
Quote of the day
-Eleanor Roosevelt
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Black Hills Quilters Guild
Quote of the Day
~Norman Podhoretz
Friday, October 17, 2008
Recycling Trivia...
It takes glass one million years to decompose, which means it can be recycled an infinite amount of times.
The first real recycling program was introduced in New York City in the 1890s.
One tree can filter up to 60 pounds of pollutants from the air each year.
Recycling plastic saves twice as much energy as burning it in an incinerator.
Since 1978, the weight of a soda bottle has been reduced by
29 percent.
Around 45% of the paper Americans use each year is recovered for recycling.
I've got crafting on my mind...
So far I have 2 people willing to brave going out to lunch with me next week but alas no takers on the Stitch & Gab group-yet. Trying to get folks motivated to get out and do something while their husbands are deployed is tough! But I refuse to give up! I'll get these ladies pumped up to do 'something", maybe I'll offer a cooking class, LOL!
OSS Change of Command
Quote of the day
~ Kurt Vonnegut
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The day that got away from me...
Time for me to hit the sheets! I've got quilting on the brain and all I want to do is to go to sleep!
Quote of the day
- Ellen Goodman
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Work is a 4 letter word!
I've got pictures to share of my latest card making and quilting projects. Stay tuned!
Coffee Trivia
Germany is the world's second largest consumer of coffee in terms of volume at 16 pounds per person.
Over 53 countries grow coffee worldwide, but all of them lie along the equator between the tropic of Cancer and Capricorn.
An acre of coffee trees can produce up to 10,000 pounds of coffee cherries. That amounts to approximately 2,000 pounds of beans after hulling or milling.
The percolator was invented in 1827 by a French man. It would boil the coffee producing a bitter tasting brew. Today most people use the drip or filtered method to brew their coffee.
Up until the 1870s most coffee was roasted at home in a frying pan over a charcoal fire. It wasn't until recent times that batch roasting became popular.
Each year some seven million tons of green beans are produced world wide, most of which is hand picked.
Quote of the Day
~ Benjamin Franklin
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
busy busy busy
Quote of the Day
~ Groucho Marx
Monday, October 13, 2008
Stampin with Peg
Things to make you laugh...
I have 2 large sized picture windows in the front of my house, one in the formal dining room and the other in my craft room- both has a clear view of the road and all that goes on around my house. So yesterday as I look up from all of my cutting of fabric I see a child riding a bike and hes all suited up like he's riding his bike on the Arctic Tundra. I had a good hard laugh, not at the child but at his determination to be outside riding his bike. The only thing I can possibly imagine a child wanting to be out of doors that badly is that it must have been a new bike to make a child want to suit up in every bit of winter gear he owns, LOL! The determination of a child- it is a wonderful thing!
Quote of the day
- Maurice Maeterlinck
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Starting a new project or two...
We're rearranged the furniture in the living room and I love it! It's made the room feel more cozy and intimate and not such a big open space. the way we had the furniture arranged before was not conducive to conversation- furniture on one side of the room TV on the other side-blah! Just a bit of changing how things are arranged gives one a whole new outlook.
How long does it take to cut over 300 rectangles and a couple of dozen squares for a large size quilting project? Just a little over 3 hours is how long! Oh my aching back! And I still haven't finished, I still need to cut the fabric for the borders, binding and backing-ugh! What I wouldn't give to get one of those fancy shamcy cutting tables like my Mom has in her sewing room! They're currently on sale over at Hancock Fabrics but knowing my luck they're probably made in China, LOL! And of course then I'm also left with a storage issue- where would I keep it when I wasn't using it?
I've been talking about getting started on the project for MONTHS and it's official, I've gone and cut the bulk of the fabric for the project. Man oh man are my back muscles aching and my elbow throbbing like I hit it with a hammer! Hunched over the dining room table for a few hours with a ruler and a rotary cutter will do that to anyone. I hope that Hannah appreciates all of the work that's going into this project, because it's going to be a long process getting all of it together. Now to lay out the squares and get sewing on all of those rectangles and turning them into squares. I've got to clean up the formal dining room as I'm hosting crafting group at my house...where oh where is that vacuum cleaner of ours gotten off to?
Is it Tea Time yet? I'm so hungry for scones, jam and tea it's not funny! I see that I'm going to have to break down and make some scones!
I want to be able to get back to sleep but alas a few things have occurred as to make me wake up in the middle of the night;
*our daughter snuck into bed with me while I was sleeping- my husband came in and gave her the boot hence waking me up the first time.
*when my husband came to bed, he was cold! I mean meat locker cold! I told him that it should be illegal for anyone to get into bed and cuddle up next to their loved one and be that darn cold!
*the pounding rain and the wind. This is day #3 and frankly enough already! It's hard to get back to sleep when all you hear is rain beating against your house. And it doesn't help that there was a train going by at 3:15 am tooting it's horn ever so loudly, LOL! Most time I don't hear it but tonight it was so clear. I can only imagine how loud it must be for those folks that actually live in houses near the train tracks, the sound must be deafening.
So here I am, cold and wide awake when I had been warm and cozy in a deep blissful slumber. Something is just not right here...I can finally get some sleep and what happens? I'm rudely awakened by my freezing cold spouse, LOL! My eyes are too tired to even attempt to do some counted cross stitching or to work on the hand sewing that's required for stitching on the binding on to the 2 table runners I just finished quilting. I'll try reading, that always relaxes me enough to help me to get back to sleep. I really want to be asleep!
Quote of the Day
~Dale Carnegie
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Halloween Decorations
I took my Janome HT2008 sewing machine to the Sewing Center yesterday (I had no choice I had to take it in). I showed the repair guy the video that I had made and even he said that he's not seen anything like it. We shall see what is indeed wrong with this machine of mine. It could end up being the computer chip or just the foot pedal- who knows, LOL!
Even though I'm without my favorite sewing machine, I managed to quilt one of my Halloween themed table runners using my ¾ sized Janome Gem Gold 2. I'll be honest, I don't work with this machine nearly enough to truly appreciate what it can do. With my HT being in the shop, I'm now going to use my Jem Gold a lot more! Granted the Jem Gold 2 doesn't have all of the bells and whistles (fancy stitches and features) that my HT2008 has BUT it's one powerful little work horse! My first sewing machine (a White 1510) was simple like one yet very powerful and could sew through most anything and I sewed all of my projects with it for nearly 17 years :-) So working with something a little more basic will be just fine! After all, I'm only piecing and quilting items, not adding fancy borders and such, LOL!
So with more rain mixed with snow forecast for today, I'm ready do do some more quilting and sewing!
I enjoy making table runners as they are oodles of fun and quick to make- okay so for the most they fun and quick, LOL! I was having a hard time getting my points to line up correctly, but after a few tries I got it right and from then on it was smooth sailing!
Quote of the Day
Warren G. Harding (1865 - 1923), Speech in Boston, 1920
Friday, October 10, 2008
Weather like what we're experiencing today will soon become the norm and warm sunny days will become a distant memory.
Reminder to self- take wool coats to the dry cleaners!
Sewing Machines
Quote of the Day
~ Carl von Clausewitz
(1780-1931), Prussian soldier, military historian and influential military theorist
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Stray Sock Sewing
The kitty on the front cover is just too darn adorable and it reminds me greatly of our little kitty Blackberry. I'm going to show this web site to my daughter Hannah and see what she says about it, LOL! This just makes me smile from ear to ear! I just had the neatest idea...wouldn't this make an excellent Christmas Gift? And I know just who it would be perfect for too! Heh heh heh!

I did it!
*Valances (2)-done
*Pillow Sham (1)
*Throw Pillows (3)
*Quilt (twin size)
Yes it's a bit of a project but I'm on it! I've ironed my 30 plus fat quarters (they are all different patterns and are in the muted shades of blue, green, yellow and cream/beige. I look at the fabric and smile. I needed to adjust the pattern as it's for a lap quilt and I want to make it into a twin size quilt. After some math calculations, I think that I've got it figured out (at least it looks good on paper). Valances are done and need to be hung up...this room is going to look oh so sweet when I am done!
Quote of the Day
~Mena Trott, Times Online, 12-06-06
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Creating the ultimate Scrapbook Room- flooring
I crack up when I see carpeting in 3 rooms- the kitchen, bathroom and a craft room. carpeting in any one of these rooms is a mistake! My friend Liz had carpeting in a house she and her husband rented when they were stationed in Oklahoma, the little base house we lived in before moving here (aka The Cottage) had carpeting in the kids bathroom- HUGE mistake! And when I used the formal living room as my scrapbooking area in our house in Virginia, it too had wall to wall carpeting. I found myself having to go into the kitchen and breakfast nook and do my stamping, inking and heat embossing.
When creating my latest scrapbook nook, I wanted a durable yet easy to clean up kind of flooring. My floor is a laminated wood flooring by Wilson Art, similar to Pergo - the only true difference it that it was less expensive :-) Since my room is on the ground floor, I wanted an insulated pad underneath of it- makes for a cushy walking surface and keeps out the cold. Clean up is a snap! If I drop and ink pad I get a baby wipe (which I keep on hand) and simply wipe up the ink! It's easy to keep clean, a quick swish of the broom or my floor vacuum and all of the paper snip-it's and blue tabs from my adhesive are quickly picked up. If I'm doing some heat embossing, I can get the blown off embossing powder off the floor with my swiffer duster or my swiffer wet mop quickly and easily. But don't think that you HAVE to get a laminated floor, there are many types of vinyl flooring or even tile flooring for that matter that are made to be long lasting to wear and tear, and to messy crafters such as myself this stuff is a blessing! LOL!
Can you imagine trying to get needles out of carpeting? I've dropped my container of sewing needles more than once on that floor! How about trying to pick up tiny eyelets and brads that have fallen on the carpet? Can you hum the tune to mission impossible? Or the worst- embossing powder and ink that's gotten on the carpet? Start crying now because because those things are almost impossible to get out!
Going with a nice washable flooring that has a good surface that's not textured is the way to go!
medical insurance-don't make me laugh!
Okay here goes...I go downtown to the medical supply store to pick up my elbow brace but wait- they don't have it BUT they can order it and get it in about 4 to 6 weeks. Um, hello I kind of need it um, TODAY Please!!! It would have been nice that they told this to the Major who called them earlier that day and made arrangements for me to drive downtown and pick one up there. More on the place I was sent to- it's a little hole in the wall kind of place, right next to the train tracks through the center of town, lined with a few rickety old shelves with scattered stock. If you ask me, it looks rather fly by night. So this place sent me off to another place who "might" have what I'm looking for (did they call to see if they had the elbow brace before I went there- NO). As I'm on my way to this 2nd medical supply store who may or may not have what I need, I'm about to pass a Walgreen's store, a screech of the tires and I made a quick detour into the Walgreen's parking lot! I take my paper work and script for the brace and ask the pharmacist to help me. I got more help at a Walgreen's than I did from a medical supply store and I actually came home with what I needed! How stinking sad is that??? So much for having insurance that is supposed to pay for this brace- but then again I probably saved the government at least $100 by buying it myself! How much did it cost me? A mere $14, and if I had been able to get it at the medical supply store they probably would have bilked my insurance for at least $65, I'm sure of it!
Now as for the brace it's self, it's comfortable, machine washable and as you know- black goes with everything, LOL! Kudos and many thanks go to Walgreen's and their excellent customer service! They've got me coming back as a loyal customer!
Quote of the day
~Agatha Christie (1890 - 1976)
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
my Scrapbooking injury, LOL!
The funny part of this is that I consider this to be a scrapbooking related injury, LOL! Will I ever put up another one of those cool looking wall rub-ons? Yes I will but I'll be sure to take breaks and rest my arm.
Quote of the Day
~Jeph Jacques
Monday, October 06, 2008
It's a go go go kind of Monday
*dropped off daughter at middle school
*mailed some letter and got some postage at post office
*dropped off fabric left overs at a friends house -she home schools and is teaching a Home EC class on sewing
*totally cleaned the kitchen
*2 loads of laundry done... so far
*Ironed fabric for quilting project
*dropped off another load of books and other items at the Salvation Army
*wrote some letters to some friends- they are in the mail!
*and now I'm contemplating slicing the onions for French Onion soup or what my family calls "worm soup". Maybe I'll save that one for tomorrow. I think that I'll make myself a cup of tea and call it good!
Quote of the day
Michael J. Fox, quoted by Lorne A. Adrain in 'The Most Important Thing I Know'
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Sunday grocery shopping
Here I am taking a few moments to update my blog while my ingredients for my homemade chicken pies are bubbling away on the stove. I've got to get my chicken pies in the oven then I can get on to other more pressing issues...pressing the fabric for the Americana quilt I'm attempting to finish up.
Quote of the day
Pearl S. Buck
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Boo! It's October!
I set out to buy Warm Co. 100% cotton batting, an entire bolt of it new in box! How much comes on a bolt? 20 yards! I used a 40% off coupon and I am one happy lady! Now I can make all of my Christmas presents and NOT have to drive back into town unless I really want to, LOL! I figure that I'm saving oodles on having to drive into town, hoping that the store has what I want in stock. The best the batting ever goes on sale for is 30% off and lets face it 40% off is much better no matter how you slice it! I've got quite a few quilting projects planned, 2 items that currently need to be quilted and I'm about to start on some more table runners. I plan on using my Sizzix machine and making an appliqued Turkey table runner- this will be a crack up to say the least!
Now for what my husband and daughter set out to buy- Halloween decorations what else, LOL! So what did they come home with? Okay first it's 2 packages of spider webbing for the front porch. Then we went to Sam's Club- I'm getting some food stuffs and checking out prices on Queen Size mattresses (we need to replace ours before our next move). Meanwhile those two are looking at other things...weird things. What do we come home with? An automated motion activated gargoyle, just what every home needs right? We are going to scare the crap out of kids this year (more chocolate candies for us right?). I'm from California and we we never got into Halloween like the folks in New England do. I've seen some of the most outrageously decorated front yards ever while in Massachusetts. That is a set of folks that take Halloween seriously, LOL! maybe it has something to do with the Salem Witch trials, who really knows? LOL!
Here I am contemplating dinner and the rest of my family takes off...going to the mall for what? More spooky stuff for the house for Halloween. I'm got to finish up my Halloween table runners while they're not around- it's a surprise! Hah! I can play too! Now to drag out the ironing board and get to work on pressing some fabric...I've got some crafting to do and quick!
Creating the ultimate Scrapbook Room- storage
A place for everything and everything in it's place. That's where organization and storage come into play. You can't really become organized until you make a list of things you want to accomplish in your scrapbooking space. What all are you going to be "doing" in that space? It is just scrapbooking? Or is it more? If it's more than your room will have to accommodate more than one hobby. Not everyone has the same organizational needs, that's why I asked the question "what all are you going to be doing in your scrapbooking space? For me it's a bit of everything, the obvious is scrapbooking, there's card making and general paper crafting. As for my other hobbies; I store my needlework stuffs in the laundry room, my quilting & sewing stuffs have moved to the formal dining room (they are in plain view but hidden at the same time) and of course my cooking and baking are in the kitchen. But each area where my "crafting" takes place is organized, making it easy for me to find what I'm looking for at a moments glance.
P-Touch Label Maker- if you don't have one, get one! These are a MUST HAVE item in any household! I think that my husband and kids use it as much as I do!
Plastic Shoe Boxes- These are the back bone to organization! In my Scrapbook Nook I use them to contain my stamps, my collection of acrylic blocks, ink pads and embellishments. In my quilting corner I use them to contain my fat quarters, fat eighths, fabric scraps and patterns. They work for storing needlework projects and all kinds of embroidery flosses. Use that label maker to it's fullest potential and label that container!
Okay after all this talk on being organized, I better get down in my scrapbook nook and put my toys away!
Quote of the Day
William Arthur Ward
Friday, October 03, 2008
I'm surrounded by books!
On to going through yet another box of books...
Paper Crafting and coffee- 2 of my favorite things!
So lets talk about Paper Crafts! I've been a card making Momma this past week or so. I've been making a wide range of cards too- from birthday to thank you and thinking of you to Halloween and a large number of "we've moved" cards. I'm feeling the need to "beef up" my stash of greeting cards. Recently, I've been feeling this overwhelming "urge" to make more greeting cards. Maybe it has to do with cleaning out my scrapbook nook of unused tools and supplies and the desire to get back into the groove of making stuff. I want to use my supplies and share them and what better way to accomplish both things than in making and sending greetings cards!
Now that I'm thinking about it, I need to make some get well cards. I'm down to having 3 of them on hand and with cold and flu season coming upon us quickly- I better get to work on them and fast! I also want to work on some more "welcome to the neighborhood" cards for new homeowners here in our subdivision.
If you make cards, what are the kinds of cards that you make? The most popular are birthday and Christmas cards. The wife of one of my husbands childhood friends sends us a lovely hand made Christmas card each year. And each year she incorporates a picture of her children into the card. I love it! Now if I could actually get my children to cooperate so I could get a picture of the 2 of them together... But that's where these little school photo's come into play, tuck those into a Holiday card and there you are!
Okay it's been over 2 hours and I'm still not sleepy, I might was well make that post of coffee and get on with my day.
Quote of the day
~Edith Wharton
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Art is in the eye of the beholder
Check out to see what one person did with a sharpie marker- it's amazing! Now if he could come over and decorate my family room, that would be so cool!
Quote of the day
~Franklin P. Jones
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Oh Happy Day!
Now for the part that has me giddy with excitement...I'm getting all of that stuff that I purged from my Scrapbook Nook, the storage room and our closets crammed into my minivan and it's outta here! I can't stand it any longer, it's got to go! I found myself pulling items out of there- what was I thinking? I smacked my hand and made myself put it back into the pile. I knew that if it was hanging around for too long that I'd be having second thoughts, that I'd go back and start taking things out of it. Bad Sandie, bad Sandie!
Purses, clothing, household goods, scrapbooking and card making goodies; it's ALL out of here today! Oh it's such a Happy Day!
Quote of the day
~Eleanor Hamilton