Sunday, October 05, 2008

Sunday grocery shopping

Today is one of those Sundays where I wish that I would have stayed in bed. I went to church and then grocery shopping. The commissary was packed full of people today. The only other time I've seen it like this is just before Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter and Super Bowl Sunday. The line for the check out stands wrapped back past the bread section and around the corner towards the cheese section- eek! Where are all of these people coming from??? I felt luck that I was able to get milk, ½&½ and bread and those items were just about gone when I got to the dairy products section.

Here I am taking a few moments to update my blog while my ingredients for my homemade chicken pies are bubbling away on the stove. I've got to get my chicken pies in the oven then I can get on to other more pressing issues...pressing the fabric for the Americana quilt I'm attempting to finish up.

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