Monday, April 27, 2009


I woke up this morning from a dream that has left me thinking about how busy I am all of the time and laughing at it at the same time. You see, I dreamt that I was in that reality show The Amazing Race. But this show was called "Sandie's Amazing Race" and how I was trying to accomplish dozens of tasks in a set period of time before our move to England. Keep in mind that while I was preforming the tasks I was also trying to maintain a household, keeping my kids happy, myself happy and not lose my mind when technical difficulties occurred. I've read that dreams come from your subconscious and that they stem from things that weigh heavily on your mind. That said, that still doesn't explain the part where I'm perched on a marshmallow floating down a stream of chocolate milk.

With coffee in hand I greet the day with a smile and wait to see what happens. Lets see how many items I get through on my "to do" list today. Will I sell the Subaru today? Will a bona fide offer be made on our house today? Who knows. What I do know is this... I welcome the day that God has made and I step forth into the light of his love and I let him guide me.

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