Tuesday, February 05, 2008


We either have too little of it or too much of it. I really dislike it when people tell me "Oh Sandie, you've got way too much time on your hands", now I usually hear this about my cooking endeavours or some craft project I've recently completed. I'm here to let you all know, that I have just as much "time" as everyone else, it's just that I like to be doing "something" with the time I have on hands, LOL! Granted there are times when I'd rather be snuggled up on the sofa under a heap of blankets sipping hot mint tea and nibbling on shortbread cookies while reading a book, but I also think of that as time well spent :-)

I'm getting ready to give some of my time to our military community today. Whatever you do with your time today... be sure to have fun!


BareFoot Finn said...

That is a good way to put it! Do you make lists? Do you have a routine?

I have a little cold today, so I have been under covers for most of it. And tea sounds great!

Thanks for your insight (and I love that quote about things that count.)!

Sandie said...

Do I make lists? You bet I do, LOL! I like to keep track of things that need to get done versus what I want to get done (there is a difference). The "time" thing is more about keeping sight of what is important to "you". No person's time is realy wasted unless they think believe it to be so. I believe that taking time for yourself is a good thing- be it to read a book or to work on any type of crafting project adds to your well being and over all positive self image :-)