Tuesday, February 03, 2009

what a mess!

I did it to myself again...pulled out everything from a cabinet and am in the process of putting things into 3 piles- Toss- Keep- Sell/Donate. I'm taking pictures of the mess that I've created...and will take pictures of it when it's all cleaned up and re-organized.

The lower cabinet on the right hand side of my work area has turned into a "shove it in and close the door kind of area thanks to my kids. I strive to be organized but lately I've been driving myself nuts with having to tuck stuff away when someone comes to look at the house.

The constant perfectionist in me is always looking for a better way of doing something, to be more efficient in my manner of arranging items, of how I place items in storage, etc. I am my mother's worst nightmare come to life...a professional organizer, LOL! You see, my Mom is queen of clutter. Her house is not messy, it's just that all of her crafting items needs to be contained and organized. :-)

Alright I've had my snack and quick of drink of water time to get back to work!

1 comment:

Vee said...

I do the same thing - as soon as I've organised something I think there's a better way of doing it. Sounds as though you're being more productive than me though! Would love to see those pics!