Tuesday, March 20, 2007

another day of packing...

Here we go again, another day of packing up our belongings.  I’m not sure if I’m ready for it. When I was on my way back from taking the kids to school this morning a wave of nausea washed over me and I haven’t been able to shake it. It was as if someone flipped a switch I was feeling okay to suddenly I’m going to be sick to my stomach.  I was in the middle school parking lot and suddenly felt this overwhelmingly urge to vomit. Once I arrived home and got out of my kid mobile, as I walked up the drive way I had to try very hard to not throw up right there. Oh my goodness, it was horrible! I thought Hmmmm okay I better hurry up and eat breakfast. Okay I ate breakfast and I still feel horribly ill.  I don’t have a headache; it’s a yucky upset stomach which is making me feel light headed. I feel as if I was on a roller coaster ride on a full stomach- yuck!


I have so much to get done, yet I don’t feel up to it at the moment. I’m going to pack up my part of the clothes closet here in the master bedroom.  That’ll be a lot easier than packing up the scrapbook nook.  I’m going to tape the drawers closed on the plastic carts in my nook and call it good, oh do I wish that I would have thought of that 2 days ago…that would have saved me much time and undo stress.  


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