Last night I attended my 3rd holiday party and I loved every minute of it! The program director (Angela) of our group (OSC- Officer Spouses Club) has done such a marvelous job in selecting programs, menus and entertainment. The club will be missing her when she and her family PCS (military term for move). The young lady that played the Harp was out of this world! One of my personal favorite instruments is the Harp. A hush came over the crowd and I swear I've never heard us (as a group) be so silent for so long. So here I am (on the left) with one of the ladies who attended the function. It's not that I'm very short, it's that my friend is VERY tall, LOL!
Last night I brought in a New York Cheesecake for our raffle at the end of the meeting/function. Oh my gosh, I was very flattered at the response it received. Many ladies brought items for the raffle table (it's another way for our groups to make some extra $$). Although I didn't win anything from the raffle table, I was very happy for those that did. As for who won the cheesecake, the dear sweet lady who heads up of Key Spouse program here at Ellsworth. I do not think that there could have been a more appreciative winner. She was so happy to be bringing home a cheesecake to her husband...his favorite dessert in the entire world!
I'm baking more cheesecakes today plus am going out to get a couple more 8 inch spring-form pans. I have no idea where mine have gotten off to. I could have sworn that I had more that just the one, same goes for the 9 inch spring form pan. Oh well...I'm off this morning to get some more and a few more baking supplies (I need need more graham cracker crumbs).
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