Monday, June 30, 2008
What? That's just plain wrong!
Okay, the finger has a fracture but no splint because it's the middle finger and they wanted to bind my entire hand- no thanks! I wouldn't even be able to wash my hair let alone brush my teeth, type or hold a fork. So there's my first "What?..."
Then there's my diamond inspection...oh I'm ill. My lovely engagement ring diamond is chipped and the prongs need to be replaced. Not a problem, I've been keeping up on my ring inspections all these years. The sales manager shows me where the damage is, now it's up to me- so, do I let them have it and send it in for replacement? It'll be gone for up to 6 weeks. Yes, I let them take it but it was hard for me to let it go. Lucien upgraded my engagement ring to a full carat 13 years ago for our 5 year wedding anniversary and now I find myself hoping to have it back in time for our 18th anniversary. So then I'm told that I'll have to pay for the new prongs as they aren't covered, how strange is that? Second and third "What?...", at least I got to come home with my anniversary band. My hand feels naked.
I'm off to the Sewing Center to use my $40 store credit. I needed to feel good about something today and I thought that this would be the thing/place to make me smile. I love shopping in the store, they've got all kinds of nice little things there- pattern books, every kind of sewing deedle-bob you could imagine, every kind of cool thread ever made and more! I came to get some thread in a particular color and while there I thought that I'd get some more bobbins and I wanted to look at getting a special kind of darning foot for my sewing machine. While there I see something from the corner of my eye- it's my old sewing machine (the one that died on me the day before Thanks Giving), it's for sale the price tag on it says $70. I felt this strange feeling wash over me, I suddenly felt conned and out and out lied to by the store owner as what he said came rushing back to me "oh I won't be able to use it for anything, maybe the screws will be of some use but the machine is unrepairable" and after I asked several times what will he give me for the machine and all of the sewing feet (because I knew that he could sell them and get some $$ for them), he reluctantly gave me a $5 store credit. I gave him ALL of the sewing feet, even the fancy ones that I bought because I thought that he would give me a store credit for more than $5 because he said that he could sell those. And now he has my old machine repaired and is selling it for $70,selling the fancy sewing feet as extras making money off of them too. It's nothing but gravy for him! Yes that was my fourth "What?..." of the day. I'm fine with him making a few dollars but lets not lie to your customers and try to get something that was obviously of some value to you and act as if your were taking it off of their hands and put on such an act as if you're taking out stinky trash- that's just plain wrong! Will I still shop there? Yes, but I can tell you that I'd most likely NOT ever buy a sewing machine from them.
So at the end of the day I find myself feeling a bit lost. I know that I'll feel better by tomorrow but now for the moment, I'm feeling a little heavy hearted.
Dog the Bounty Hunter
We actually got to see one of his offices on our Hawaiian vacation in August of 2005. I have pictures of it somewhere on this computer, I"ll have to go through and figure out where they are :-) This makes me happy after having a bit of a depressing day.
I ended up NOT working on any of my own projects yesterday but instead went with my husband to Menard's (a home improvement chain here in the mid-west) to pick out stain for the fence. After we came back I had to take a nap- getting up at O'dark thirty does that to me. A couple of hours later I'm feeling refreshed and ready to go! So I'm looking for my husband, he's not reading the paper, he's not n the computer, he's out staining the fence and is almost done! Wow! The fence looks great! He's put a lot of time, effort (and money) into the curb appeal of our home. It looks fantastic! Now all I need is a bistro set and a bench to make my down stairs patio area complete! And I've got my eye on some of that stuff over at Jolly Lane Nursery :-)
Is it 7 am yet? I'm impatient when it comes to waiting, LOL! Maybe having some more coffee will help me. Okay I've got another yummy mug of my favorite beverage, gave some attention to my cat, fed our fish, watered the house plants- is it 7 yet? Is it ok to call for an appointment yet? I told you that I was bad at waiting.
Quote of the day
Ellen DeGeneres, My Point and I Do Have One
but these days with the soaring gasoline prices, I think that maybe we are saying thank God we have gas, LOL!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Oh what next, LOL!
I've been busy being "creative"
I'm assessing Hannah's quilt fabric and now she says she needs a new bed skirt- but wait....she wants me to make her one using some fabric from her quilt. Well I better hurry up and figure out how much I need because the quilt store only gets in 1 bolt of any fabric and that's it! The shop owner doesn't order any more because there's always something else coming out on the market. Quilters are much like scrapbookers- as they always want the latest items, just that it's patterned fabrics and not patterned paper. I've also got to measure the window and make my window treatment plans and figure out which fabrics to use for that- ugh! I saw that Hobby Lobby is having a sale on 54 inch decorator fabric, I wonder if they have a green and cream toile, I think that it's worth checking out. Time to grab a tape measure and my note book...I've got numbers to crunch and I need to design a window treatment. I've got an idea in mind and I can't wait to get the numbers (measurements) done up. I've been asked if I would consider doing this for others for money, I thought about it but am not sure that they would want to pay me what I'm worth. So for now this is something that I do just for me...for my family home. I've decided that when I finish Hannah's quilt top that I'm sending it out to be professionally done, I want to get a large Fleur De Lis put into the center of each of the blocks and some swirly vines in the other areas.
The design I want is like this one you see here. It would be an outline stitch design. Hannah likes the idea as it goes with her French Country theme, our French last name not to mention her French heritage. Her Great Grammy Dorrie (on her Dad's side) was from New Orleans and her Grandpa Lucien from Quebec and was French Canadian.

Quote of the day
~ Theodore Roosevelt
Saturday, June 28, 2008
People Watching
Quote of the day
Eric Hoffer (1902 - 1983)
Friday, June 27, 2008
Rain- enough is enough!
We have a very green subdivision. Talk about the perfect time for putting in sod- you'd never have to worry about getting a big water bill this year! One thing for sure is that lawn mowers are getting quite the work out around here! Weeds- they're getting a lot of water and if you don't nip them early on, they can get out of control pretty darn quick! Just in the rock and flower bed areas around our home this past week and a half, my family and I have plucked out and filled to the top 3 brown paper bags full of weeds. They grown rather quickly with abundant sunshine and water. I didn't want to become a slave to my garden but these weeds are forcing me to be out there every day plucking them out. If you don't stay on top of them, weeds can take over a garden rather quickly.
Diamond Trivia
if it is placed in an oven and the temperature is raised
to about 1405 degrees Fahrenheit, it will simply vanish,
without even ash remaining. Only a little carbon dioxide
will have been released.
Diamonds are formed over a period of a billion or more
years deep within earth's crust - about 90 miles deep -
and is pushed to the surface by volcanoes. Most diamonds
are found in volcanic rock, called Kimberlite, or in the
sea after having been carried away by rivers when they
were pushed to the surface.
A diamond is 58 times harder than the next hardest mineral
on earth, corundum, from which rubies and sapphires are
formed. It was only during the 15th century that it was
discovered that the only way to cut diamonds was with other
diamonds. Yet, diamonds are brittle. If you hit one hard
with a hammer, it will shatter.
The world's largest diamond was the Cullinan, found in
South Africa in 1905. It weighed 3,106.75 carats uncut. It
was cut into the Great Star of Africa, weighing 530.2
carats, the Lesser Star of Africa, which weighs 317.40
carats, and 104 other diamonds of nearly flawless color
and clarity. They now form part of the British crown jewels.
Not all diamonds are white. Impurities lend diamonds a
shade of blue, red, orange, yellow, green and even black.
A green diamond is the rarest. It is not the rarest
gemstone, however. That title goes to a pure red ruby.
Diamonds actually are found in fair abundance; thousands
are mined every year. 80% of them are not suitable for
jewelry - they are used in industry. Only diamonds of
higher clarity are sourced to the jewelry stores.
A diamond carat differs from a gold carat. The gold carat
indicates purity - pure gold being 24 carats. One diamond
carat is 0.007055 oz. The word carat derives from the carob
bean. Gem dealers used to balance their scales with carob
beans because these beans all have same weight.
Quote of the day
~ Mark Twain
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Sewing and Quilting

Craft Group Fun!
These are the latest fun things she's brought to us... This is what I call a "Pocket Book"- it's made from 1 sheet of double sided cardstock and you score, fold and cut at certain intervals. What a darling mini album this would make for your kids (okay, so it's a girl thing) to hold pictures of their friends- you know...those little school photo's that are always floating around the house. Or use as a graduation gift holder and put money and thoughtful words of encouragement for the future on every page. The ideas are endless!

Quote of the day
Will Rogers, New York Times Aug. 31 1924
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Garden Work
1001 Ideas
Now to get on with my day- I've got three more areas in the front yard that need flowers and 2 of those areas have been prepped for me by my husband and daughter last night.
Quote of the day
~Dee Hock
I'm tired and I cant get back to sleep
I've read 3 entire magazine articles, figured out how to make Hannah's quilt pattern larger to accommodate her bed and am thinking about hand sewing on some binding to my latest little quilting project. I've even had a large glass of milk. When will it kick in and when will I start to feel sleepy????
I'll read some news, hopefully it'll bore me to sleep.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Having strength to go on...
I just took action on an issue that I consider very important. I urge you to take action yourself and spread the word!
To take action on this issue, click on the link below:
Autism Society of America
Nacho Cheese Waterfall
Quote of the day
J. R. R. Tolkien (1892 - 1973)
Monday, June 23, 2008
It's Monday...
My quote for today is ever so true and only in a way that George Carlin could say it. I've read oodles of his quotes this morning and I have to say that I either smirked or out right laughed at every single one! Here's one of my favorites
"Ever notice that anyone going slower than you is an idiot, but anyone going faster is a maniac?"
George Carlin (1937 - 2008)
Now to get ready...I've got friends coming over in a few hours for paper crafting fun!
The passing of an Icon
Quote of the day
George Carlin, US comedian and actor (1937 - 2008)
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Discovering buried treasures
Here's an example of finding a buried treasure...recently (like this past week) I was cleaning/weeding/pruning my closet of unwanted clothing for our community garage sale when I came across a bag FULL of scrapbooking goodies! I have no idea how on earth it ended up in my closet but there it was. So I hung it on closet door knob so I wouldn't forget it. Okay, I forgot about it's a few days later and I'm wondering why the door keeps bouncing off the wall and won't stay open- OH! There's that bag of scrapping goodies I came across earlier in the week. Now I take it down stairs and walk into my Scrapbook Nook and discover 2 more bags of paper crafting goodies- my last 2 purchases from my Stampin Up consultant (are you reading this Peg?). So this is getting me excited about the ladies coming to my house tomorrow...I love this group and they get me motivated to work on paper crafting stuff!
I'm going through things in our home office/guest room and I came across a ball of yarn and a crochet hook- more treasure! This was Hannah's work, the little project that she started when I was teaching her to crochet.
Third and final treasure...I have a basket next to my sewing table that has been filling up with fabric scraps. I weed though it to cut them into strips or squares for charm packs and what's underneath of it all? A huge stack of cotton sheeting dishtowels waiting to be embroidered. This reminds me that me that I need to start teaching Hannah the art of embroidery and we can start right here with these dishtowels!
What treasures await discovery in your home???
Quote of the day
Randy K. Milholland, Something Positive Comic, 08-16-05
Saturday, June 21, 2008
I've been a little busy today
The sun came out in full force and it was HOT! I was mostly inside of the garage and didn't think to put sunscreen on myself. Like um, who does at 5am? I was more interested in my coffee at 5 am than anything else. My 2 pm we were wiped out and we called it a day! We came inside to escape the heat. My poor little plants need a drink every hour on the hour. My die hard husband is outside staining the deck - he just finished the front porch. Oh my word, does our front porch ever look fantastic! I hope that I can put my potted plants on the porch soon :-) And it's going to be finished in time for my friends in the stamping/crafting group to see it too! Which reminds me, time to get out the cream cheese and make some more of my yummy mini New York Cheesecakes! I promised them all a treat for meeting at my house this month instead of our usual meeting place :-)
Quote of the day
Real Live Preacher, Weblog, August 27, 2003
Friday, June 20, 2008
My Cookbook Nook: Heirlooms- have you tried them?
Come and see what I'm growing in my terracotta pots on my back porch!
I've got quite a bit on my plate today!
Already at the crack of dawn I'm working... I've got a load in the washing machine, I'm getting our "stuff" ready for the garage sale tomorrow (priced and arranged) and have plans for getting the rest of my flowering plants in the flower garden in the back yard. Besides that, I'm working on 6 quilting projects, all of them are at various stages have plans to make a half dozen New York Cheesecakes (the small 4 inch ones) in the next couple of days, I've got to clear the clutter the guest room and get that stuff packed up and put away.
I keep thinking about the garage sale tomorrow and it reminds me that I need to have the men in my family drag some furniture out to the garage for the "sale" I'm tired just thinking about all of the work that needs to be done. Now off to Menard's to get some more deck wash- apparently our teenage son used both bottles for cleaning the front porch-oops!
Quote of the day
~Deepak Chopra
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Is it Monsoon Season and someone just forgot to tell me?
Besides hearing the pounding rain beating hard against our bedroom window- I awoke to the strangest sound that come from outside of our bedroom window. When I hear strange sounds there is no way I can go back to sleep, I HAVE to get up and check it out. Saw nothing out of the ordinary, until I looked at the neighbors side yard. Nothing to account for the noise I heard but saw something to make chuckle. I'll have to give that story at another time- with pictures.
So I go around the house looking everywhere, still find nothing to account for the odd noises. Then I realized, I had left some plants outside, ones that I had not put into the ground yet-AUGH! Keep in mind it's 4:30 am and I'm outside in the pouring rain in my jammies gathering my plants that have been scattered by the wind and rain like a mother hen gathering her chicks in bad weather- good thing the majority of my neighbors are all asleep at that time. Where's my husband? Snoozing away, ever so peacefully in our bed, LOL! He and the children can sleep like no one knows. I have to be sick, recovering from a surgery or on a lot of pain medication to be able to sleep in, and even that's questionable. I never did figure out what the strange/odd sound was.
Here I am, coffee in hand writing about my morning adventures while most folks haven't even stepped out of bed. I'm checking out the weather on line and it looks as if there won't be any more working in my flower beds today. I planted 5 more rose bushes yesterday (I adore roses) all in different colors, they are all located in my front flower bed (the one w/o trees). I've got plans for that area, and I want it to be a delight to the senses both visual and on the olfactory (sense of smell) and full of roses!
Since it's supposed to be raining off and all all day long I'm going to work on another type of rose garden- a new little project I thought up the other day and I reworked my numbers and have adjusted the size of the squares and borders to accommodate the width and length of our dressers in our bedroom. A couple of rose garden table runners for our dressers for our rose garden themed bedroom. I can almost smell the roses just by thinking about them!
Quote of the day
Walt Disney (1901 - 1966)
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
As if...
Now to get on with some other "As If" stuff, which all makes me laugh to one degree or another...
Today's "as if" topic-Mowing the grass. As if I'm going to mow the lawn. Why do I have teenage son? I feed him and he repays me in manual labor, it's a symbiotic relationship- I feed and clothe him and he mows the lawn and washes cars.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I love flowers!
So I've got about a gazillion flowers planted in the front and back flowers bed areas, some are blooming right now and others have buds that are about to open. I've got all kinds of different flowers and for the most part they all smell good, well with the exception of the Geraniums- those never smell good, they look good but smell rather funky.
Have you ever priced a sun dial? Holy Catfish those babies are not cheap! I looked into it today and was floored at how expensive they are. Now for me to rethink what else I'd like to have go into my garden.
I'm starting to feel better about having another round of my girlfriends moving away and leaving me here.:-( Last year was bad and this year is the same. I'm keeping myself very busy with quilting, scrapbooking, card making and gardening projects and am looking forward to reaping the fruits of my labors. I refuse to let myself feel lost so I keep busy all of the time. I do have to say that I miss my girlfriend Kim the most, I hope that she's not getting too stressed out with the big move to Hawaii. I've not heard from her yet so I'm hoping that no news is good news. Kim if you're reading this please know that you are loved and thought of every day. I even made one of your favorite goodies the other day- fudge filled cheesecake!
Today makes me smile
Well I stumbled upon a little treasure at an adorable on line store called Lizzie B, cute stuff abounds there! Let there be Chocolate and Chick Chatter are my favorites as they make me smile from ear to ear!
My mind is flooded with quilt pattern ideas for making table runners. I was drawing some out last night and want to get started on them this morning.
The funny things that happen to your kids...our son went to the mall with his friends yesterday and while there his muffler fell off of his car. Apparently that's something that teenage boys find a little embarrassing. No wonder why this child of ours wants to trade in his car, it's a bit of a money pit to say the least. Since we bought it for him we've bought it new tires, replaced the a/c unit, fixed the drivers and front passengers seats, put in seat heaters for the same two seats, new door panel on drivers side, new shocks, new brakes- but this is stuff that's required on just about any used car purchase. Poor kid, he really wants to trade it in now.
Having had 2 mugs of coffee already, I have no more excuses not to start on my list of things to do today. I better make it 3 mugs of coffee to stay on the safe side of things, I have herbs and a tomato plant to put into pots :-)
Quote of the day
Margaret Thatcher (1925 - ), in Observer April 4, 1989
Monday, June 16, 2008
2 Peas blog challenge
are you kidding? No way!
I love visitors!
Besides Scrapbooking....
Do you have other hobbies (besides the obvious) that you enjoy doing? I challenge those that read my blog and keep a blog to write about in their blogs. Here's a list of things that I enjoy...
counted cross stitching
archeology studies/forensic science
gourmet cooking- some call this a hobby I call it a passion
baking sweet desserts
container gardening
stamping/ making greeting cards
yup those are my main ones, now lets hear about yours. I'd love to hear from you, so please tell me about your hobbies in the comments section!
The Vendors :-)
About the quilt racks, granted they were lovely but they were a bit too large in design for my personal taste. I want to have something in an Amish or Mission style but that's just me, these would be nice in just about any home. They were lovely pieces and appropriately priced for the quality of work and the quality of work was very good!
Fabrics- oh my word was there a lot of fabric available at the quilt show! I got VERY excited when I saw that one of the vendors had the batik fabric with the sea turtle design that I've been looking for :-) Oh you can be certain that I made sure to buy 3 yards of it! Who knows when I'll see Sea Turtle Batik fabric here in South Dakota ever again, LOL!

Accessories- Many vendors had unique accessories, fancy schmancy scissors, rotary tools, cutting mats, quilting templates, stationary with quilting themes and more! I bought some Gingher dress makers shears that I had been admiring at my local quilt shop but the vendor had them for $18 less than the local store- go figure! I'm not stupid, I can spot a steal when I see it! You bet I bought them from the vendor! Here's a picture of them :-) Aren't they cute?
I have more scoop on the quilt show to tell you about but some military friends that moved last summer (ones we haven't seen in a year) are coming over to I'll have to get back to this later!

The amazing things I saw at the quilt show
This basket of flowers and veggies is fantastic! I could easily hang this on display in my home!
Sails boats, it's just too sweet! Makes me miss New England in a major way!
This is art! I love to look at this wall hanging! Makes me feel like I'm one with nature!
And this is one cool quilt! The attention to detail is amazing! This pattern is or was offered by a local company Pearl Louise designs from The Thimble Cottage here in Rapid City. I'm going to check into this and see if the pattern is still available.
I LOVE this design, look closely at the attention to detail. There's a girl holding a mug and a black kitty on the chair it reminds me greatly of my Hannah and our kitty. This wall hanging is amazing!
A quilt that's called Chocolate Every Day, this pattern was offered by a local quilt- the Quilt Connection to be exact. I've got to see about getting this quilt pattern, it makes me think about my Hannah (the girl is ALL about CHOCOLATE).
This piece is simply stunning! It's done on one piece of fabric and all of the color you see is done with thread! This is just awe inspiring, don't you think so? Done with thread- Wow!
These next three are 3 variations of the same pattern "Mexican Star". I actually bought this pattern on clearance for $2.00 earlier this year. And now it's a HOT item once again and is being sold at every quilt shop in town for $8.95 plus every vendor at the quilt show had this pattern for sale- again for $8.95, this pattern is HOT STUFF! I love the Christmas colors! It's fantastic!
This one is done in desert colors and It too caught my eye- love those color combinations!
And here it is done up as a quilt. It's for of the Mexican Star design put together then made into a centerpiece for a bed quilt. What a great idea!
This kitty quilt is too cute for words! I think my kitty needs one of these, LOL!
This is art, no doubt about it! The watercolor effect is outstanding!
This quilt took 3 years to make. The woman who made it hand sewed everything! It took 2 years to sew the colored pieces on to the white background fabric and another year to hand quilt it. It reminds me greatly of a Spirograph that I used to play with when I was a kid. This is what I would call a labor of love. The time and patience it takes to make a quilt like this is mind boggling. I admit it here in front of God and everyone, I do not have the kind of patience it takes to make a beautiful piece of art like this and I will stand up and applaud anyone and everyone who does!
And this quilt- my favorite one in the entire show. Trust me it was hard to pick one that would be my favorite but this was it for me! The attention to detail, the colors and the design- yup it has ME written all over it! I wonder how much something like this would cost? How many thousands of dollars do you think I'd have to fork over for something like this?
This makes me think of Andy Warhol and his designs. I see my daughter Hannah having something like this on her bed or draped on a quilt rack.
Quote of the day
Margaret Mead (1901 - 1978)
community wide garage sale
Community Garage Sale
Saturday June 21st
7am until ?
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day!
Quote of the day
~Hugh Macleod
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Quote of the day
~Barbara Hall
Friday, June 13, 2008
Oh happy day!
Quilt Show- I want to pop my head in there today too! But I may not get to do that as I have quite a long list of things to do.
Well I better get started in getting ready- need to go to the nursery and buy some more plants as I need to fill up my flower garden, order some more bark mulch and see if I can have it delivered today or tomorrow. Call made, deliverly of mulch possibly this afternoon but delivered no later than tomorrow- woohoo! One thing down, only a dozen more to go, LOL!
Quote of the day
~Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Rotary Cutters- don't quilt without one!
I'm off to study the pattern directions for the table know me, I've always got to have more than one project going on at one time.
You passed 8th grade Geography
You Passed 8th Grade Geography |
![]() Congratulations, you got 10/10 correct! |
What European city do you belong in?
You Belong in Dublin |
![]() Friendly and down to earth, you want to enjoy Europe without snobbery or pretensions. You're the perfect person to go wild on a pub crawl... or enjoy a quiet bike ride through the old part of town. |
Thursday already?
I've got all of my Americana projects planned to put them into full view and get working on them. I'm throwing myself into this project an am not going to think about anything else (I hope not anyway).
There was a mix up at the Quilt Show and as it stands- the paperwork for my Chocolate Dreams quilt was not submitted by the quilt shop. Am I bummed my 2nd quilt not being in the big show? Only a little, not enough to let it ruin my thoughts about the quilt show or those that organize it. My husband was more bummed about it that I was (he's such a loving soul). He knew how hard I had been working on it to get it finished in time only to not have it be in the show. I do have my very first quilt in the show "Cheese and Crackers" will be there for everyone to see :-) Tomorrow is the big day and I can hardly wait to walk through the doors of the convention center to see all of the lovely quilts:-) I'm bringing my camera and will be taking oodles of pictures of everything that catches my eye :-) I hope to make a multi page scrapbook layout on the event!
Quote of the day
Elain Heffner
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Quilting on the brain
Now I did see in the magazine where I could buy a kit for this pattern on line , the cost was $45 (before shipping)...the price is a fair one when you consider the amount of fabric used to make the project but I'd much rather pick out my own fabric.
Now to see if my daughter is up and about and get her ready to go out :-) Today is the day to drop off our quilts for the Quilt Show! And I need to pick up a few supplies to create something today- be it a pillow top or a table runner!
The last picture of Sandie and Kim...for at least a year!
So here it is, the last picture of me and my best bud Kim. It's a terrible picture of the two of us together- but then again that's what happens when you let others use your camera, need I say more? It also doesn't help that we've both been crying, have red eyes, we both have that blotchy German skin and wigged out hair from the South Dakotawind, LOL!
I started crying (again) half way through the change of command ceremony and couldn't stop myself. I was feeling so heart broken with the thought of not being able to call Kim up and invite her over for a craft session or to do scrapbooking with or to have lunch with. I'm sad at the thought that I won't be able to welcome her and baby Rachel home from the hospital next month.
I need to stop feeling sorry for myself and get myself busy with creating things for my home. I need to get involved in keeping my brain active and not to dwell on things that I have no control over...besides we can still talk on the phone and e-mail one another!
Quote of the day
~Robert Collier
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Change of Command
My quotes of the day reflect this "change of command", there's nothing good or bad, it's just the way things are.
Now for me to get ready for this event...where's my coffee? I need coffee!
Quote of the day
Real Live Preacher, Weblog, January 03, 2004
Nothing endures but change.
Heraclitus (540 BC - 480 BC), from Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers
Monday, June 09, 2008
It's a Monday, time to go go go!
I've got 1001 things on my mind, tons of great new ideas for what I want to do with our guest room/home office. We've decided to sell the bed but not the trundle unit. Andrew will be getting a larger bed, since he's a whopping 6' 2" tall, he kind of needs something a wee bit larger. And that in turn tells me that I'll also need to buy him bedding- sheets, comforter etc. I hope that I can still get the same Dockers bedding package at Kohl's or else I'll have to get him new window treatments as well.
I've got oodles of ideas running though my head about "stuff" in general...bedding for Andrew, new bed for Andrew, new bedding for Hannah, new sheets for our bed, making a quilt for the guest bed in my new Americana theme. Hannah wants an ocean theme but doesn't quite know what she wants- ugh! I've got projects that I want to get working on right now but am being torn to work in different directions than I want to at this moment. I've got my list of places I need to go and what I need to get while I'm there...see you after a while.
Volunteer Opportunities in your local community
I have been reading some stories on line how food banks across the country are seeing an increase as much as 20 to 30% with new families needing help coming in daily. Then I came across another article about gardening and if you are planting a vegetable garden to plant an extra row and donate the items harvested to your local food bank-which made me think about my father-in-law David. My father-in-law loves gardening it's his full time hobby and he plants a HUGE garden every year and donates a large portion of it to his town's food bank. He sees the need in his community growing, especially with the elderly. Prices on everything from gasoline to groceries to medication are going and with many of the elderly being on a fixed income things are as stretched as they can be.
I think about our young military families struggling to make ends meet. With deployments being anywhere from 6 to 18 months being separated and trying to make ends meet while living on one paycheck can be hard. I know that some will say "can't they live in "free housing"? Well yes most do live in military housing but it isn't "free", they do forfeit a portion of their pay to be able to live in a military community. A majority of our military families live in our off base housing community which is almost 15 miles away from the base. Soaring fuel prices are going to effect us all, especially those that do a daily commute to work. Every military base has it's own food bank program that is run entirely on volunteers. When I was the Ellsworth OSC Programs Chairperson I would host monthly drives for canned food, toiletries, household goods, diapers and baby food, pet food and pet care products in connection with our monthly OSC functions.
Which brings me to the South Dakota Food Banks and how they could use your help in these ways- donate food, donate money donate your time. If you're looking to do something this summer, why don't you consider volunteering at your local food bank.
My little patch of Heaven, my flower garden
Now of course we're nearly half done getting the plants into the ground and those big dark gray almost black storm clouds come rolling in and then it starts- to HAIL! It was dime size, large enough to shred our newly planted foliage. I was happy that it didn't last long but it sure give us a good scare! I'll have to purchase some more plants up later on in the week. There's no use to get any before Thursday as neither of us will be able have any time to work in the garden until the weekend. The Forecast - It's busy week for both Lucien and myself!
Quote of the day
Jim Hodges
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Saturday at home
It was nice weather for most of the day, giving the ground time to dry out. The volume of water in the creek has started to decrease quite quickly, which is a good sign. While mowing the backyard yesterday my husband altered me to a sad discovery- a next of 6 wee baby bunnies all had drowned in the horrible rain storms. There was nothing to do but to say a prayer and to bury them in the field behind our house. I know that this is part of nature and that there will be more wee baby bunnies being born in the coming days weeks and months. But it tugs on your heart strings none the less.
Most children like to watch Cartoon Network, The Disney Channel or Nickelodeon on Saturdays-but not our daughter, it's all of those home make over shows for her on Saturdays! She's glued to HGTV and TLC! She made up a plan to rearrange her room, get rid of a couple of pieces of furniture and to replace with a couple of other pieces. Pretty cool plan but she loses out on her bookshelf and all of the storage space that it provided. But she was determined to get that (as she calls it) "that old thing" out of her room. It was something that we bought while we were stationed in either Maine or Texas- so either way, it's been something that we've had since before she was born, LOL! So Hannah convinces her Dad to take her out to do some shopping for some "new stuff" in her newly redesigned bedroom. They come back with a partition screen (which by the way IS seriously cool) and a new nightstand (she's been wanting a real nightstand for over a year now). They also came back with something that I wanted for my birthday- the RSVP Pink Onion Goggles, LOL! Since my darling husband bought the sewing cabinet for me I felt rather guilty asking for anything. This is something small and it didn't break the kids piggy banks, LOL!
I'm on the home stretch on my Chocolate Dreams quilt. The hand sewing takes a while and I like to do it while watching television. It should be finished by this evening then all I have to do it so make a a quilt label and sew it on. It's got to be done before Wednesday. Which reminds me, I need to get the label sewed onto my Cheese and Crackers quilt.
Now back to my design star Hannah- she's decided that she wants a new "theme" to her room- no more floral garden (which break my heart) but instead wants to go "Beach/Ocean" themed. I need to sit down with her today and discus what she wants her room to look like, what colors are we looking at doing and so forth. It's going to take quite a bit of design work to pull this off. I know that she wants me to make a special quilt for her room with a pillow sham, throw pillows, possibly a bed skirt and of course window treatments of some sort. Yesterday cracked me up, my darling husband was telling me what transpired on the father/daughter outing- the story about the throw pillows was priceless! Hannah spotted some throw pillows at Pier 1 Imports and even though they were on sale the cost for the 3 she has was $75 before the sales tax. Lucien tell Hannah that Mom (that's me) would kill him if he let her buy those pillows. So I get the story on what these pillows looked like and so forth and told them both that the pillow inserts for those throw pillows cost at the most about $4 each and fabric to cover them not more than maybe $4 plus the fact that I already have 4 or 6 of those pillow inserts here in the house. So it's time to bring my "Design Star" back into reality...that there's usually a sponsor for those makeover shows and someone also has to work their butt off making all of the stuff. Usually there's a team of people working on those kinds of projects but this will be just me on the sewing parts. I am curious to see what she comes up with. Oh well, it's not as if I'm working this summer - okay so it's more like the kind of work or working that includes getting a pay check, LOL!
Quote of the day
W. C. Fields
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Reading Books on line
So check it out and have some fun!
Quote of the day
Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, 1811
Friday, June 06, 2008
Bummed Out on my Birthday
From the news reports on KOTA (go to this link to read about the water damage) and there's also a video showing some water damage- it's not just a little bit of water in the home featured, it's a lot of water! You can see where there was 8 feet of water in one area of our little town. I'm grateful that we bought this house and not the one we had at first made a bid upon. I feel that God had sent his Angels down from Heaven to watch over us when we decided that we'd buy a home here in Box Elder, South Dakota. You see, part of the back yard in that house has been ravaged by the rain and they are experiencing some serious soil erosion. As a matter of fact at least 2 homes on Rando Court are experiencing serious soil erosion from the recent rain storms.
I checking the weather channel constantly and the news channel is always on so I can catch the latest blurb about what's going on out here. I hope that our break in the weather hangs on until the evening like the weather channel is predicting- I'd really like to use the grill today to cook my birthday kabobs. Sounds selfish I know, but there it is.
Quote of the day
~Theodore Roosevelt
Video of flooded Box Elder Creek
Thursday, June 05, 2008
I ask this- Can it rain any more than it already has?
Believe it or not but the water in the creek/river is even higher now that it was when I took the first pictures this morning at 5:30 am. I heard on the radio that the ground in the hills has become so saturated that people that live in the area up there are living with the very real threat of mud slides.