Sunday, June 22, 2008

Discovering buried treasures

I like to think that little treasures are hidden throughout my house, you just have to open your eyes to see them. You too can use/apply this same philosophy to your own home.

Here's an example of finding a buried treasure...recently (like this past week) I was cleaning/weeding/pruning my closet of unwanted clothing for our community garage sale when I came across a bag FULL of scrapbooking goodies! I have no idea how on earth it ended up in my closet but there it was. So I hung it on closet door knob so I wouldn't forget it. Okay, I forgot about it's a few days later and I'm wondering why the door keeps bouncing off the wall and won't stay open- OH! There's that bag of scrapping goodies I came across earlier in the week. Now I take it down stairs and walk into my Scrapbook Nook and discover 2 more bags of paper crafting goodies- my last 2 purchases from my Stampin Up consultant (are you reading this Peg?). So this is getting me excited about the ladies coming to my house tomorrow...I love this group and they get me motivated to work on paper crafting stuff!

I'm going through things in our home office/guest room and I came across a ball of yarn and a crochet hook- more treasure! This was Hannah's work, the little project that she started when I was teaching her to crochet.

Third and final treasure...I have a basket next to my sewing table that has been filling up with fabric scraps. I weed though it to cut them into strips or squares for charm packs and what's underneath of it all? A huge stack of cotton sheeting dishtowels waiting to be embroidered. This reminds me that me that I need to start teaching Hannah the art of embroidery and we can start right here with these dishtowels!

What treasures await discovery in your home???

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