Thursday, June 19, 2008

Is it Monsoon Season and someone just forgot to tell me?

Rain- we're been getting a lot of it! It's pouring rain, it's rain like this that makes me think it's a monsoon and I'm hoping that my plants don't get washed away!

Besides hearing the pounding rain beating hard against our bedroom window- I awoke to the strangest sound that come from outside of our bedroom window. When I hear strange sounds there is no way I can go back to sleep, I HAVE to get up and check it out. Saw nothing out of the ordinary, until I looked at the neighbors side yard. Nothing to account for the noise I heard but saw something to make chuckle. I'll have to give that story at another time- with pictures.

So I go around the house looking everywhere, still find nothing to account for the odd noises. Then I realized, I had left some plants outside, ones that I had not put into the ground yet-AUGH! Keep in mind it's 4:30 am and I'm outside in the pouring rain in my jammies gathering my plants that have been scattered by the wind and rain like a mother hen gathering her chicks in bad weather- good thing the majority of my neighbors are all asleep at that time. Where's my husband? Snoozing away, ever so peacefully in our bed, LOL! He and the children can sleep like no one knows. I have to be sick, recovering from a surgery or on a lot of pain medication to be able to sleep in, and even that's questionable. I never did figure out what the strange/odd sound was.

Here I am, coffee in hand writing about my morning adventures while most folks haven't even stepped out of bed. I'm checking out the weather on line and it looks as if there won't be any more working in my flower beds today. I planted 5 more rose bushes yesterday (I adore roses) all in different colors, they are all located in my front flower bed (the one w/o trees). I've got plans for that area, and I want it to be a delight to the senses both visual and on the olfactory (sense of smell) and full of roses!

Since it's supposed to be raining off and all all day long I'm going to work on another type of rose garden- a new little project I thought up the other day and I reworked my numbers and have adjusted the size of the squares and borders to accommodate the width and length of our dressers in our bedroom. A couple of rose garden table runners for our dressers for our rose garden themed bedroom. I can almost smell the roses just by thinking about them!

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