Wednesday, June 18, 2008

As if...

I make myself laugh when I use the term "As If". I just completed an Air Force quality of life survey- oh was it an eye opener. Some of the questions were so off the wall. So my "As If" would be...As if I would ever be in a relationship like that, sheesh! There were a lot of questions pertaining to "is your husband beating you?" If so with what? I was not prepared for those kinds of questions what so ever!

Now to get on with some other "As If" stuff, which all makes me laugh to one degree or another...

Today's "as if" topic-Mowing the grass. As if I'm going to mow the lawn. Why do I have teenage son? I feed him and he repays me in manual labor, it's a symbiotic relationship- I feed and clothe him and he mows the lawn and washes cars.

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