Tuesday, September 30, 2008
10 things I love about My Scrapbook Nook
10- The Pergo flooring makes it easy to sweep up paper snip-its, brads and eyelets that have rolled off of the counter top and spilled embossing powder. Not to mention that rolling across the floor in my drafting chair is a lot of fun too!
9-My Drafting chair-what a comfortable chair, best of all its got high quality wheels that really move and the seat height can be easily adjusted.
8-Plastic drawers- granted I took the wheels off of mine but these are such a great things to have in any scrapbooking or crafting space. I love how the drawers are clear thus allowing you to see what’s in them.
7- The color of my room is so serene. The walls are painted with 2 colors; they are a shade apart and both are colors of the ocean waters you would see in the Caribbean. This place I call my scrapbook nook is my haven.
6-I've got 2 rather large picture windows in this latest Scrapbook Nook of mine. I've planted beautiful flowers directly outside of both windows. Upon opening my plantation blinds, I can instantly enjoy the beauty of natures color pallet, not to mention I can see the school bus picking up and dropping off the neighborhood children. I have a fantastic view!
5-My husband is a handy man of sorts and has put many great things into my scrapbook nook- one of my favorites being the power strip that he’s put on my counter top. Talk about the epitome of conveniences! I can plug in all sorts of handy dandy tools and have it right there, no fumbling around looking for an outlet that’s in an inconvenient location. This is right where I’m working, how wonderful!
4- I love being surrounded by color! By having all of my cardstock arranged in the R.O.Y.G.B.I.V. manner (rainbow) and by storing them in the Cropper Hopper clear paper containers I can easily find what I’m looking for in the snap of a finger!
3- I love, love ,love my chrome shelves! Each shelf can hold up to 150 pounds of weight, and in my scrapbook nook it’s going to have to! Thanks to Peg and the monthly stamping and paper crafting group meeting she organizes, I've managed to add quite a few stamps and stamp pads to my collection! Peg is quite the enabler!
2-The large wooden clothes pins that have on the walls I use to display layouts and pictures that my children made. I only wish that I had bought more.
1-That this room has a door! I can close it and be in there all by myself or open and hear everything that’s going on in the living room. My husband loves the fact that the door can be closed to hide my scrapbooking and paper crafting messes.
Quote of the day
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882)
Monday, September 29, 2008
Boycotting made in China products
I look at the country of origin on EVERYTHING I buy these days. From tooth paste to hair care products to where my can of tuna is from to my feminine products and yes even my scrapbooking supplies! So, unless it's something that I just HAVE to have and I'm unable to find a suitable substitute (even at a higher price), I'm sticking to my guns in my refusal to buy anything made in China!
Quote of the day
Oprah Winfrey (1954 - )
Sunday, September 28, 2008
my life...or something like it
I can't begin to tell you how thrilled I am to have many of the homeowners of our little community step up and volunteer to head up committees and be on our board. I have a treasurer, a secretary (and no they are not the same people) a vice president that actually wants to do something and another person pretty much taking over the architectural committee (look out Ken, LOL), this is FANTASTIC! And beyond that, I've got others volunteering to have meetings in their homes, people that want to help in just about any capacity! WOW! This is what I hoped and prayed for, praise and thanks be to God! I've got people looking into all sorts of things, this is no longer a 2 person thing, it's now become a neighborhood thing! We're even going to have a neighborhood blog and no it's not going to be me doing it, I've got another member of our community volunteering to do this- thank you Lord! Am I sad that that my dear friends Cindy and Allen have moved onto a new assignment? Yes- but as Cindy and I have talked about things and situations that the Lord has put us in always having a reason. My thoughts are thus- Cindy and Allen moving left a rather large gap that needed to be filled, and not by one person but a community. And indeed I feel that the has Lord answered my prayers and more.
When I said a prayer to the Lord the other day I asked him to help me make some new friends as those that I consider my closest of friends have now all moved away. I know that I will have to open myself up once again and let others in, and that's hard for me. I asked the Lord to give me a purpose so as I won't feel heart broken and alone (again). I know that he's answered my prayers. Even with the love/hate relationship that I have with computers, I use e-mail extensively with keeping in touch with friends. My dear friends are everywhere...there's René in Texas, Liz in Florida, Kim in Hawaii, Cindy in VA, Donna in Germany, Barbara in CA and there are many other friends that are scattered all over the USA and abroad like seeds in the wind. Even though they are so very far away, all of them are within a fingers touch. I need to keep reminding myself of this fact a little more often at the moment.
Granted there are moments when I still feel the pangs of loneliness and I miss my dear friends something fierce. But in all I have to say that it's hardest when you're the one left behind. So I'm throwing myself into other projects. Hence donating almost every book we own- minus my collection of cook books Jane Austen, Agatha Christie novels and anything to do with any kind of archaeological findings. Then there's how I'm pairing down my collection of crafting tools and supplies, I'm going as far as to pair down collection of handbags and dishes...and you all know how I love dishes. Now here's something to make you laugh, I've actually given up ONE 9 inch springform pan, LOL! Only a handful of you really know how many I own, me giving up one springform pan is not going to make any kind of dent on the collection of bake-ware I own. Ooh, that sounded like another confession, LOL!
Now to get ready for church...and of course to have some more coffee!
Quote of the day
That perches in the soul.
And sings the tune
Without the words,
and never stops at all.
Emily Dickinson (1830 - 1886)
Saturday, September 27, 2008
what's in your mail box?
I'm trying to get the neighborhood to "go green" and reduce the amount of newsletter that need to be printed and delivered. Getting them to give me their e-mails is almost like pulling teeth. but today I did manage to get some more at our meeting today with a sign up sheet. Our HOA meeting was a little over 2 hours long, but we were able to get a great deal of stuff accomplished. We've agreed to go to quarterly meetings which will be nice. And we have other topics that we've tabled for now and have agreed to meet again before November 1st.
I'm feeling pretty tired now, LOL! Heck, I've been up since a little before 4 am, I think that I'm going to try to get a nap before I fall flat on my face from sheer exhaustion.
what's in your closet?
I came across even MORE books in the storage area of our home. I think that we own enough books to have our own library, or at least a wing in a library. We've had these books in storage forat least 8 years, chances are that they would be in storage for at least 5 more years. With that very though in mind, they're off to find another place to live. Talk about hanging on to soemthing that you just don't use. All of these books are just excess weight when it comes to moving. I'm really trying hard to slim down our household weight.
I'm going to have to make at least more 2 trips to donate all of this stuff. Some will go to the Salvation Army and the other stuff will go to the womens shelter.
So why the big purge? I haven't got any offical news to give at this time but lets just say that I'm preparing our household for a move and leave it at that. Once I get news that I can share I'll post it. Until then, it's purge purge purge!
Quote of the day
~Dale Carnegie
Friday, September 26, 2008
Poke me with a fork...
...and call me done! We still haven't got the "kinks" worked out on my computer. I have no way to retrieve photo's nor can I upload photo's from my camera to the computer. And this is coming from me, a person who claims to not "need" a computer in her life...oh lets be serious now, who I am trying to fool??? LOL!
It's after 5pm and it's officially the Weekend! Oh momma, is it time for a Midori Sour? I'd say so! Who else in in for a cocktail?
Technical Difficulties
I have an HOA meeting tomorrow and no way to access my e-mail. Did I mention that today I hate computers? Now for me to figure out how I'm doing...ugh!
Quote of the day
J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets, 1999
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Is it Wednesday already?
I got the call from Zales at 8pm notifying me that my ring is back at the store after being sent in for the stone replacement. I grabbed my purse and car keys and was out the door and down the street before the hands on the clock turned to 8:02, LOL! I was down at the mall by 8:15! I thought it rather odd to see how surprised the store manager acted. Apparently she thought that I wouldn't have some to get my ring tonight. Um hello, that's my engagement ring & wedding ring wrapped into one ring, of course I want it back as quickly as possible. Sheesh!
I found myself being impressed at how quickly the men from the moving company packed up Cindy's household goods into boxes. WOW! Then again it helps that you don't have tons unnecessary items hanging around too. I'm more determined than ever to rid myself of excess household items! I'm off to see what I can purge from my kitchen cupboards.
Quote of the day
~Peter F. Drucker
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Woo Hoo!
I'm a crafting addict are you?
Ciao for now...I'm off to bring some coffee to my friend Cindy as I see the packing folks have arrived at her house.
In the neighborhood
I need to call the Realtors that represent homes for sale out here and see how things are going with them. If they need copies or HOA policies and so forth. I need to finish getting my paper work in order for Saturday's meeting; topics to cover, etc.
Now where did that mug of coffee get off to???
Quote of the day
~ Dr. Leo Buscaglia
Monday, September 22, 2008
Happy first day of Autumn!
Quote of the day
Rose G. Kingsley, The Autumn Garden, 1905
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Creating the ultimate scrapbooking room- shelves
There's the plastic coated wire shelving that attaches to the wall (like what I used in my little utility room scrapbook nook). Be sure to attach them to wall studs or you could be in for one heck of an accident! Wooden shelves are nice, but don't put too much weight on them because over time they tend to sag.
Now....this is so sad- I've got a new computer and I can't find my where my pictures are located. And yes I looked in the pictures folder and alas, no photo's. Stay tuned for pictures, LOL!
what's lurking in your garage?
Last night while going through a file box out in the garage that I didn't go through earlier because I thought that it held old business tax records. Surprise! After opening it, I discovered that the file box didn't contain what I thought it had, in fact it was stuffed FULL of counted cross stitching charts (many of which date back to the 1990's). After going through and sorting them, 90% of those charts are going to be donated, I pulled some for me to keep and the rest will go up for sale at my Etsy store Busy Bee Design Studio. I'll be sorting the counted cross stitching charts into groups and will be selling them in bundles going by theme.
So even though I claim to have rid myself of my hoarding/pack rat ways, there's always something lurking in the garage, basement or closet...waiting to be discovered, LOL!
Using my friend Cindy's move as my source of inspiration, I've found myself getting into the groove of preparing my home for a move. Are we moving? My answer is- No, not at this time but it doesn't hurt to be prepared. I relate what I'm doing (sorting and purging of our belongings) as something similar to that of a school fire drill or a military exercise- preparing for something that "could" happen but don't know when or if it will happen.
Personally speaking, there's nothing worse then waiting until the last minute before you start the purging process. I've found that you've can't wait until the 4 to 6 weeks before the move to start the process. You've got to actually stay with it through out your time on station. Waiting until the last minute is when it becomes a frantic push to rid your household of it's "extras" that have been hanging around. I can say this from personal experience, it can be quite the overwhelming task to rid your home things. You know that it's too late when the moving company truck pulls up to your front door and you end up bring that 'stuff" with you only to have to get rid of it at another destination. And so continues the hoarding/pack rat process of accumulation. My question for you is this...What's lurking in your garage?
Quote of the day
~Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Saturday, September 20, 2008
84 and counting...
The BIG Push is now on...reduce, reuse, recycle! Who else is with me?
The garage purge
Now to tackle the storage space known as the utility room...
Girlfriends and moving
I'm still in awe of Cindy and her ability to get so much done in such a short amount of time and I dare say that she's done it on her own while her husband is deployed. Cindy you are amazing! And I'll say it, Cindy has been my inspiration. How so you wonder? I like to call it a "take no prisoners" approach to storage and moving. If it's in storage and been there since you've moved, most likely it's something that you do not need. Well of course there's an exception to every rule, there are some things that you want to keep but do not currently have display room for in your home (take my Fiesta-ware tea cup collection). Another example would be all of those hardbound books we own, since I sold the book cases, well frankly there's no place to store them at present, other than in cardboard boxes in our storage room. There are some things that I will keep and others that I just need to let go of. So I'm taking the "take no prisoners approach" and am going for broke! I'm going to make an even bigger push to purge stuff I don't need or use. That doesn't just go for my scrapbook nook but for my entire house! Wish me luck!
Quote of the day
~ Carl Jung
Friday, September 19, 2008
through a child's eyes...
more of what to keep and what to toss
I was at Hobby Lobby yesterday looking for a specific storage item and after looking at it long and hard, I talked myself out of buying it. You see, I had bought myself a Zutter bind it all machine and I was thinking of getting the little aqua blue storage bag for it. I have a 40% off coupon and could get the bag for $18 (retail price $30 before the coupon), but once I looked at it I thought to myself, sheesh! I could design and make myself a bag much cuter than that one! I also looked at the "tools" that I could buy and gave myself a good laugh. I already have all of these and mine are made by Craftsman, again I could design and make a nifty storage bag for these too. But for now they are in a designated "tool basket". I dare say that those Longaberger booking baskets sure to come in handy in my scrapbook nook!
Alright I'm outta here! I've got more organizing to do. I think that I need to go through my stamps next...oh my word is this ever going to be a BIG project, LOL!
Quote of the day
Oprah Winfrey (1954 - ), O Magazine, September 2002
Thursday, September 18, 2008
It's Thursday Gromit!
Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers, it's nothing terrible I assure you. I'm needing positive thoughts (and a word in with the Big Guy couldn't hurt) as my husband is looking at a possible promotion and subsequent move. This would be such a great opportunity for him and for our entire family.
Trivia- Volcano's
Volcanoes are vents in the Earth's surface from which
molten rock, debris, and steam issue. About 1,900 volcanoes
are active today or known to have been active in historical
Almost 90 percent of volcanoes are in the Ring of Fire, a
band of volcanoes circling the edges of the Pacific Ocean.
Most volcanoes occur at plate boundaries, areas where huge
slabs of rock meet in the Earth's lithosphere, or outer shell.
Volcanoes can rise in subduction zones, areas where plates
meet and one is pushed beneath another. Molten rock rises to
the surface and forms a volcano.
Intraplate volcanoes are caused by hot spots deep within
the Earth. Magma rises and erupts as lava through cracks
in the Earth's surface, forming volcanoes.
Volcanoes can erupt in a combination of ways: explosively
with hard pyroclastic material; explosively with fluid lava
(lava fountains); effusively with hard pyroclastic flows
(clouds of ash and gases); and effusively with fluid lava.
Although some volcanoes are considered extinct, almost any
volcano is capable of rumbling to life again. Volcanoes
provide valuable mineral deposits, fertile soils, and
geothermal energy.
what I did last night
there were 2 different baskets filled with scrapbooking supplies and tools. I certainly DON"T need those. A coffee basket filled with the kind of coffee I don't drink and mugs I wouldn't have used. The rest (4 or 5 more large wicker baskets)were filled with wine and wine glasses...and I certainly do not need any more wine glasses! So I paid for my dinner, had a Singh-tini, played bingo, had some dinner conversation and was home just before 9 pm. I brought my camera and I didn't take a single picture. Like I said, people were not mingling. So many new faces too, granted that's a good thing. But I did start to feel a huge gap in age from the rest of the crowd as did many of the other OSC members at my table. You know you're getting old when...LOL!
Quote of the day
~Ellen Metcalf
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
get up get out get going
I've got to take some pictures of shelving and post them along with the rest of what I was talking about in my on going series "creating the ultimate scrapbooking room".
Okay, I need some more coffee if I'm ever going to get anything done around here today.
Quote of the day
Margaret Mead (1901 - 1978)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
things to make you laugh...
a diamond in the rough
Thought of the day- don't take anything for granted!
It's Tuesday Gromit
So here I am up early on a Tuesday morning, with a mug of my favorite coffee in my hands, I'm now ready to start a brand new day. As with any day, there's always something to do.
Quote of the day
Gene McSweeney, Grey Water Photography
Monday, September 15, 2008
The big day
So with camera in hand I set out with my son...and I hope to get some good pictures for a scrapbook layout :-)
random thoughts...
One thing in particular was a conversation yesterday with a woman from church. In my 18 years of being married to my career Air Force husband, for anyone to open up a conversation with "what rank is your husband?" or "is your husband an officer or enlisted?" sets me off balance. I've found that people who ask that question before they even ask your name are insecure with themselves. It's like they've set up some sort of invisible boundary line and you're not allowed to cross it unless you are exactly the same as they are. How sad. I've never let my husbands rank or duties dictate who I befriend. It saddens my heart to think that this woman for what ever reasons has prejudged me to be a certain way before she's taken any steps in getting to know me all because of my husbands rank. So much for my attempts at making new friends through church yesterday. By the way I never did tell her my husbands rank, just that he was an officer.
I wonder how the OSC function will be on Wednesday. It's a dressed up affair and the theme is "Bingo at Tiffany's". I have a groovy new outfit for this function. I thought about having my hair done up with a tiara to be like Audrey Hepburn but I think that I will pass on it. I feel that it would be a little over the top this time around. I want to wear my hair up but being that my hair so long, it's rather a pain to do it myself. Okay that and I think that I've waited too long to be able to get an appointment on Wednesday afternoon, alas this is what happens when you procrastinate, LOL!
Now for me to get my book and start reading it. I've started reading another Agatha Christie novel and although it's started off rather slow, the more I read, the more I find it to be interesting.
A side note- my e-mail is not connected to this new computer as of yet, so now I have to read it on line-ugh!
Quote of the day
e e cummings (1894 - 1962)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
a slight interruption
I hope that today's weather stays pleasant as our church picnic is today. I find myself looking forward to this church social as it's out of doors and in a recreation area on the base.
There's nothing like being kept busy with things at home. Yesterday I went out walking in my neighborhood, delivering our HOA newsletters- today I'll get the rest delivered. The 35mph winds were enough to drive me back home. I've only got a handful of houses to get these to, and I'm writing a note on each of them to please give me their e-mail address as I will not be hand delivering them during the winter. For those that do not have e-mail addresses they will have the option of picking up a copy of the current HOA news letter from my house. I refuse to drive around the neighborhood and waste gas, not to mention I would still have to get out of the car and walk up snow and ice covered driveways and walkways. One neighbor had a dog (which looked very much like a pit bull) tied to his front porch- there's no way I'm going up to a house with any breed dog tied up to it! As I see it, that's just asking for trouble!
I'm off to read the news...lets see what else is going on in the world.
Quote of the day
Helen Keller (1880 - 1968)
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Creating the ultimate scrapbooking room- shelving
First and foremost is price. What can you afford should be of top concern. You want to keep in mind that you want to get as much bang for your buck as possible. My recommendation is to simply Shop Around. You'd be surprised to see what is available at Thrift Shops, Hardware and Home Improvement Stores as well as warehouse type stores like Sam's Club and Costco. One of my all time favorite places for the items I've bought for my last 2 Scrapbook Nooks has been Lowe's. But don't turn your nose up at 2nd hand stores and garage sales- there are gems to be had almost everywhere!
What will be stored on it? Keep in mind the dimensions of the containers - their height and width.
How much weight will it hold? As you know, scrapbooking and stamping supplies can weigh a lot!
Where will be be placed? Keep in mind the size and dimensions of the space in which it will go. There's nothing is worse than realizing after you get home that you bought the wrong size (especially with gas prices being so high).
Do you want wall mounted shelves, free standing shelves or would cabinetry work better for your space? Assess your needs and go from there.
Do you want something that will be stationary or movable? Does it matter that the item might need to be anchored into a wall? Or would you prefer something with wheels?
What kind of materials is your shelving to be made of? Wood, MDF (wood composite), high density plastic or metal?
Do you want to buy it all at once or add to it as needed? As your collection grows so will your need for more storage.
You need to make a plan and draw out a diagram of the room. Graph paper is such an excellent way of your seeing ideas of how you want to organize your scrapbooking space without having to move heavy stuff all over the place. You'll need to measure your room, make notations of window and door placements their height and width. Where's your light fixture? Does it hang in a spot that you want to place some shelving? Can the light fixture be moved? Will the door swing into your shelving? Can the door be changed to swing outwards instead of inwards? Just so you know, it's not impossible to change that- I did that very thing when we moved into our current house.
My next post on my on going series Creating the Ultimate Scrapbook Room will have pictures of the various kinds of shelving and storage that I've used for my scrapbook nooks. I'll cover things like their size and how much weight they can hold. Be sure to check back and see what I've got going on :-)
Happy and Sad
The past 3 years has had me here on the side lines seeing close friends move away to new assignments. I've always been fine with moving and leaving friends and making new ones- as long as I was the one moving away. So here I am feeling sad for myself- again. I'm just going to have to make vacation plans to visit my friends, there's nothing more to it that that!
Quote of the day
Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)
Friday, September 12, 2008
It's almost ready...
Creating the ultimate scrapbook room- paper storage
As in any scrapbooking room, being able to properly store your cardstock and patterned paper without it getting or becoming damaged is a must! Be it a small stash or a gigantic one- you need to have your paper in an easily accessible area. As you see here in this photo, the paper is close to my work surface and in full view so I can see what I'm looking for.
ROYGBIV- There's no better way to organize you card stock other than in rainbow fashion. RoyGBiv is not someones name, it's something we learn in preschool or kindergarten, it's none other than an abbreviation of colors of the rainbow. red-orange-yellow-green-blue-indigo-violet
Here I have used plastic envelopes to hold/store my paper. At the time this was what worked best for me in my little scrapbook nook in base housing. Below you see the accordion style paper keepers. These house my specialty papers such as vellum, transparencies and mulberry paper. The accordion file folders were great for keeping these more delicate items from being damaged.
Here is the 12x12 stacking paper drawers, these were great for me to put cardstock and paper that needed to be filed/put away in their proper place. Here are the smaller stacking drawer units that house my 8½x11 cardstock. My label maker went into over drive in this room!
By January 2006 I made completely made the transition to this 12x12 paper storage system by Generations. While my old way of storing my paper was fine, it was rather time consuming, as I had to open up the envelopes and thumb through the cardstock. I had several envelopes with the same color families which made it rather tedious when looking for just the right shade of Green, Blue, Red or what ever color. This new system was awesome! I could pull the container out and find what I was looking without having to take everything out of the container.
Quote of the day
Andy Warhol (1928 - 1987), The Philosophy of Andy Warhol
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Creating the ultimate scrapbook room-an on going series
There are dozens of companies out there that sell organizing systems. Deciding which ones to use depends upon 3 things- the size of your space, the amount of scrapbooking supplies you have or what to have and of course the cost.
My very first scrapbooking space was the kitchen table at our house in Texas. My supplies were stored in an unused linen closet. I had my photos stored in the "Keepsake" containers by Rubbermaid (and I still do). My page protectors and papers were stored in a Longaberger magazine basket organizer, my "tools" and such were stored in a Longaberger small market basket. My stamps were all stored on a plastic tray . I'd take my basket with my tools and put it on my dining table and go to work. Life was good.
My second scrapbooking space was an fold up table in a corner in the formal dining room in our house in Virginia. Once I started working at a scrapbooking store that was all over! My husband built me an Oak Armoiré to house all of my supplies, albums and photo's. Lettering templates were all the rage, and I had a fair amount of them. Plastic folders were great storage devices for them too and for the idea books that were starting to come out. A brand new items came out for scrapbookers Sizzix the at home die cutting system- woohoo! A break through for all of us getting tired of tracing and cutting out letters with scissors and X-acto knives. Suddenly my collection of nifty scrapbooking tools were expanding and that Armoiré although it was a very nice place to store my supplies, it couldn't hold everything.
I had discovered Bazzill Card stock and the rainbow of beautiful colors it came in...scrapbooking and card making has never been the same since. So many new companies were coming out with patterned paper and embellishment lines. I stored my paper in the accordion paper organizers. Those were fantastic! I still have 2 of them and those house my vellum and mulberry paper. Then came the 3-d embellishments and also at that time we were all getting into using fibers, brads and eyelets on our scrapbook layouts and cards. Storage in my "nook" was now getting to be a bit tight. You have to keep in mind that my scrapbooking area also housed all of my other crafts- there was yarn for my crocheting projects, Aida cloth and linen plus embroidery floss and patterns for my counted cross stitching projects. And lets not even talk about my sewing projects with fabric, patterns and thread, LOL! Oh and it also held all of the kids crafting materials as well.
By then I had moved into my 3rd scrapbooking space, the formal living room . I moved the card table into a corner in that room and I bought my first 2 tall plastic drawer units. I bought another couple of short ones and put them under the card table. So two areas underneath of my card table scrapbooking area were being utilized to their best ability. Those short carts were great for items I wanted to grab quickly. Slow but sure my scrapbooking stash was expanding. Because my space was in the formal living room and we had to worry about resale of our home I was not able to put up sort of shelving on the walls. I had amassed a lot of great scrapbooking supplies but my organization wasn't the best. Life was good but I knew that it could be better.
When we moved to South Dakota, we decided to live in base housing. My 4th scrapbooking space a room dubbed "My Scrapbook Nook" was the utility room. The room really was a "nook" as it was 4 feet wide by 10 feet long, it housed the water heater and the furnace. The space didn't have heat nor air conditioning and only 1 naked light bulb located on the end between the furnace and water heater. But we saw something more, we saw my future Scrapbook Nook. My husband was the visionary on that little space. He was excited that my space had a door- and that it could be closed to hide my scrapbooking and card making messes :-) Life was about to get a while lot better!
Now stay tuned as I walk you through the transformation of that small utility room into My Scrapbook Nook.
just one more quote commemorating 9/11
President George Bush, commending the National Religious Broadcasters for their support in the war to drive Iraq from Kuwait
quote in honor of 9/11
George W. Bush (1946 - ), September 7, 2003
The 7th anniversary of 9/11
For me, I'm going to try to think of happier times and happy thoughts. Its not that I don't want to, it's that I can't watch anything about that tragic day. It's still a very raw emotion for me, even after 7 years.
Quote of the day
George W. Bush (1946 - ), State of the Union address 2003
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
could you pass the US Citizen test?
You Passed the US Citizenship Test |
![]() Congratulations - you got 7 out of 10 correct! |
Tuesday Morning Meme
1. My uncle once ... called long distance from Germany to talk to my Mom
2. Never in my life...was I more afraid than I was during the birth of our children
3. When I was five... I found my biological father dead on the bathroom floor from a self inflicted gunshot wound to the head
4. High school was...a series of interesting and drama filled years
5. I will never ... buy a house that does not have central air conditioning
6. Once I met.... my mother in law I knew that we would be the best of friends!
7. There’s this boy I know...who invited me to his birthday party when we were in the 6th grade- I was the ONLY girl in attendance
8. Once, at a bar...I put my purse on the counter and had to buy everyone a drink
9. By noon ...I hope to be finished cleaning out my scrapbook nook
10. Last night...I attended the OSS spouses coffee
11. If only I had ... looked at that package of bacon a little closer I bought on Sunday, I would have realized that it was RAW and NOT pre-cooked :-o
12. Next time I go to church...I will be bringing my husband and daughter along with a pasta salad for the church picnic
13. What worries me most ... is my husband going away on another deployment
14. When I turn my head left... it feels rather stiff
15. When I turn my head right... I see my crutches, a vacuum cleaner, the door with 2 tote bags hanging off of the door knob
16. You know I’m lying if ... I start laughing
17. What I miss most about the Eighties is ... the cheap gas prices, 50¢ a gallon!
18. If I were a character in Shakespeare I’d be ... Hero's cousin Beatrice in the play "Much ado about Nothing"
19. By this time next year ... I hope to be talking about our vacation to Hawaii in August 2009
20. A better name for me would be ... The Cheesecake Lady
21. I have a hard time understanding ... why people think that killing themselves is the all mighty answer to their problems
22. If I ever go back to school ... I'd want to attend the Cordon Bleu in France
23. You know I like you if ... I bake you a cheesecake
24. If I ever won an award, the first person I would thank would be ... Jesus, the 2nd person would be my husband
25. Take my advice ... reduce, reuse, recycle
26. My ideal breakfast..... is coffee, coffee, coffee
27. A song I love but do not have is ... our National Anthem
28. If you visit my hometown, I suggest ... going to Custer State Park and seeing the roaming herds of Buffalo and don't forget your camera!
29. Why won’t people ... ever use their damn turn signal?
30. If you spend a night at my house ... you'd find out how truly peaceful our neighborhood really is
31. I’d stop my wedding ...only when the walls were falling down around us and the church was on fire
32. The world could do without ... intolerance
33. I’d rather lick the belly of a cockroach than ... Watch either the Democratic or Republican National conventions
34. My favorite blondie is ...My daughter Hannah
35. Paper clips are more useful than ... staples
36. If I do anything well it will be ... taking care of my family
37. I can’t help but ... to watch anything and everything on Sharks!
38. I usually cry at ... watching sad movies
39. My advice to my nephew/niece ... get your act together! At the rate you're going Hannah will graduate from high school before you do!
40. And by the way ... it drives me crazy when people talk with food in their mouths. It makes me want to smack them upside the head and ask them where are your manners????
Clean Sweep
I've been taking the TV show "Clean Sweep" to heart and I've got my 3 piles of stuff....keep, toss and donate/sell. I'm still working on whittling down my keep pile. I'm going to reorganize my photos- currently I've got 2 plastic bins and a Longaberger large market basket full of photographs all tossed together. I'm taking it one step at a time and and just working on getting the room back together, then I will go through the pictures. There's something to be said for NOT printing your digital pictures until you're actually ready to scrap them!
Now for me to get into my scrapbook nook and clean that floor before I do anything else in that room! Lots of little sticky spots from adhesive residue. Now I can't imagine how they got there :-o
Quote of the day
~James Gordon, M.D.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
reduce your stash
I know of many scrapbookers that were very much into the whole hands on feel of working with their supplies that have made the leap over to digital scrapbooking. I do see why others have made the cross over to doing digital layouts exclusively- NO MESS, no stash build up and no paper snippets all over the floor to get tracked throughout your house. The other great thing to going digital- you won't run out of ribbon or Prima flowers in that one color you desperately need to finish your layouts at 2 am, nor will you run out of adhesive or anything else! I bet you're wondering- am I going to be making the switch over to digital scrapbooking? Not yet, but I do have to be honest and tell you that I've got at least a dozen or so digital scrapbooking kits downloaded onto my computer. Now if only I could make myself sit longer at the computer, LOL!
reduce, reuse, recycle
While cleaning out one of the cabinets in my scrapbook nook, I've came across a container of wire, a package of sanding paper and a roll of dry wall tape in my scrapbook nook, items that clearly belong out in the garage. They migrated into my scrapbook nook because of a project that one of my children did for school last year and the stuff never made it back out to their proper place- the garage. I've found that I have several items in my scrapbook nook that have migrated there from other places in our house. Does your scrapbooking area have items that belong in other rooms of your house? I bet that it does! Go reduce your clutter right now and put items in their proper place!
Quote of the day
Claiborne Pell (1918 - )
Monday, September 08, 2008
Blog Tog Makeovers
Sharing Happiness
I found it!
a part of me is missing
Quote of the day
~Maya Angelou
Sunday, September 07, 2008
My Scrapbook Nook
I'm here to challenge others to donate their huge piles of scrapbooking "left overs" to worthy causes. I've got these 2 gallon zip lock bags that are stuffed full in every color of cardstock under the sun. Every few months I pull it out and stuff even more scraps into them. To be honest, I but rarely ever go looking in those baggies, so off they go to where they will do the most good. Partly used packages of embellishments from left over page kits- donate them to a local children's organization (you couldn't find more appreciative recipients). So I not only reduce my stash and clear out items that are just taking space I'm also enabling young children to use their imaginations and be creative.
My scrapbook nook is a HUGE mess at the moment as I have pulled out everything from the cupboards and cabinets. I'm looking through everything, pulling out items I know that in all honesty probably won't use. Now for some strange reason I'm still holding onto all of my Fiskars decorative scissors- can anyone please tell me why I'm doing that? There are some things I still hold on to for unknown reasons. That will be among the last things I go through- my box of decorative scissors. Glass Beads, I have every type and color of glass beads under the sun! What on earth and I going to do with all of them? I suppose that I could incorporate them into my counted cross stitching projects more often (I make myself laugh with that thought). Once my daughter Hannah sees that box of beads I know exactly where they're going---to her personal little crafting nook, along with the elastic cording and a few other little things like the beading tray and tweezers. I should set up a "beading party" for her - she could invite her friends to come over and they could create earrings, necklaces, bracelets and what ever. Oh yes, that's an excellent idea!
I'm off to make my little girl and other peoples little girls very happy and at the same time reduce the size of my crafting stash!
Quote of the day
Hold back and you won't. It's that simple."
~Hugh Macleod
Saturday, September 06, 2008
creating the ultimate scrapbook room
So I'm comparing my scrapbooking space to the space in the article. They have tons of custom cabinetry. One thing that caught my was the pull out shelves inside of the cabinet, similar to what I have in my kitchen for my pots and pans- but in the article it was used it for paper and cardstock. I'm not sure how practical that would be in my scrapbook nook, not to mention that it's on the pricey side and I'm not so sure that the shelf unit could take all of the weight from my hordes of cardstock, LOL! The other thing that caught my eye was the spice jar organizer located in a drawer. For most of us, drawer space is at a premium and putting a spice jar organizer in there is just not an option.
So this article got me thinking...I'm going to undertake an Autumn clean sweep this weekend! I'm gutting my scrapbook nook of ALL unused items- be it organizing materials or actual scrapbooking merchandise. It's outta here! If it doesn't have an actual use at that very moment it has to go, no question about it! I need to be brutally honest with myself and rid the room of items causing it to look cluttered. I'll enlist the help of my daughter and take input from my husband. Here we go! And yes, I'm taking pictures along the way:-)
Every day is a winding road
I didn't set out to gut my son's bedroom yesterday I just set out make his bed and to take out the garbage that has been accumulating in it, LOL! Before I knew it I had rearranged his bedroom furniture, organized his closet and taken 8 empty cardboard boxes from his room and and entire bag of trash. WOW! I emerged 3½ hours later and his room was clean- with the exception of his desk as I couldn't tell what was school work and what wasn't. I'm not used to the mess that teenagers make in their rooms, frankly it drives me bonkers. I did manage to find out where this obnoxious rotting stench (aka bad smell) had been emanating from- a pair of hiking boots was the culprit! What died in my boys boots? Talk about just plain nasty! Those boots are now banned from entering the house! PU! Heaven forbid if my boy was wearing those boots and took them off at a friends house- the stench from those shoes is so bad , that people could think that a sewer main had broken and it would cause a panic and an evacuation!
Is it like this for all parents of teenage sons? Do we all have to suffer through what I'm now referring to as "the pigsty years"? The smell is what really drives me over the edge! I know that girls go through this too- heaven knows that my younger sisters' bedroom was always a total pigsty when she was growing up and it too had a funky smell when you walked into it, LOL! Heck, it's probably a pigsty now. Angie if you're reading this "clean your room"!
This is my confession- I'm horrifically anal about my house not smelling and I've now got those boots sealed in a plastic bag in the garage. They just might find their way to the garbage bin... completely by accident of course ;-)
Quote of the day
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807 - 1882)
Friday, September 05, 2008
the Joy of cooking
To be able to create something that I can share with others, well that to me is the ultimate euphoric feeling! For me, cooking is to give something of yourself that gives friends and family a smile and at the same time you can see how that very same thing is filling their souls and their tummies. Okay, so I'm more "into" cooking than any of my girlfriends, I'm okay with that and I'm sure that they are too. We all have talents, it's for each of us to discover what it/them is/are and to share them with others. For only in the sharing of the gift does it become a true blessing from God.
I woke up tired but now am feeling over joyed with the prospect of creating something yummy. Today I'm playing with Pork, you know...the "other" white meat :-) I'm going to look at my lovely pork roast and figure out what to do with it :-) I'll go with where my thoughts take me, all the while taking pictures of what I do to the little piece of pork for a scrapbook layout- what an interesting layout that will make!
Quote of the day
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Quote of the day
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (121 AD - 180 AD), Meditations
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
adding "stuff" to your blog
The other thing I've added recently is visual DNA- you've got to go do this! There's a lot to be said about how or what you view as Art or things that are gross. I'm sure you've all noticed that I picked as Art- that tattoo is fantastic! Although I do not have any tattoo's nor do I plan on having any I do see it as a beautiful representation of art. To be able to put something so beautiful on a living being- now that to me is talent! Now on to the gross out part- the kitchen didn't nearly gross me out as much as the toilet did- EEEWWWW!!!! But do go make yourself a visual DNA profile, it's interesting stuff to say the least!
more on my ring and Zales...
To see what's been going on read my post dated 8-23-2008
I love Autumn!

Quote of the day
Rose G. Kingsley, The Autumn Garden, 1905
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
How early is too early for Halloween?

Blog makeovers
I've started my picture a day scrapbooking pages. That's where I take a picture every single day of the month and journal about it. It has to have something to do with my day. Once I get some pages done up I will share them. It's doing small challenging projects such as picture a day that really gets me excited to venture into doing other projects.