Tuesday, September 09, 2008

reduce, reuse, recycle

As I started the process of reorganizing and reducing the amount of unused scrapbooking supplies and tools, I realized something- I can reduce it more! I first started off to take out 1 of my tall plastic carts. Then yesterday once I managed to do that I wanted to take out a 2nd tall plastic cart (I had started with 4 carts). I knew that I could streamline my storage even more! I have oodles of little plastic containers of various shapes and sizes that I'm not using. Off they go to enable others to store their beads, snaps and buttons. I'm opting for metal ones that are a bit larger that attach to my magnetic boards. It's a much better use of my space.

While cleaning out one of the cabinets in my scrapbook nook, I've came across a container of wire, a package of sanding paper and a roll of dry wall tape in my scrapbook nook, items that clearly belong out in the garage. They migrated into my scrapbook nook because of a project that one of my children did for school last year and the stuff never made it back out to their proper place- the garage. I've found that I have several items in my scrapbook nook that have migrated there from other places in our house. Does your scrapbooking area have items that belong in other rooms of your house? I bet that it does! Go reduce your clutter right now and put items in their proper place!

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