Tuesday, September 23, 2008

In the neighborhood

It's packing day, not for us, but for my friend and neighbors Cindy & Allen. It's hard for me not to shed a tear or two at the thought of Cindy and her family moving away to the East Coast. I'm going to miss them dearly. Cindy did a great deal of work with our home owners association and I'm working hard to find someone that is as dedicated to our HOA as she was. Ooh I just checked my business e-mail and it looks like I've got a new treasurer and someone who wants to be on the architectural committee- life is good!

I need to call the Realtors that represent homes for sale out here and see how things are going with them. If they need copies or HOA policies and so forth. I need to finish getting my paper work in order for Saturday's meeting; topics to cover, etc.

Now where did that mug of coffee get off to???

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