Sunday, November 11, 2007

Military Acronyms

I've been dealing with the military and those insane acronyms they use. AFPC, AMC, ACC, ORE, and ORI. There are so many of these that I have a hard time keeping them straight and most days I mess them up entirely. And to add to the confusion, there's the call signs. The guys/gals don't pick them, those are chosen by their peers. Over the years I've met aviators (men and women) with call signs like- Curtains (one of the first female B-1 aviators), Brains (which was a shortened version of his call sign actual call sign Shit for Brains), there's names like Cod, Flipper, Crusty, Sea Bass and Powder. Names that leave the mothers of these people wondering what on earth did my son or daughter do to get a call sign like that? And I'm hear to tell you that you just don't want to know- most times, it's like some sort of inside joke with the military members.

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