Thursday, July 31, 2008
I come back home to find out that my girlfriend Molly gave birth to her twins a bit early (8 weeks early). She gave birth to a boy they named Dean and a girl they named Sophie and they are both pretty tiny. Dean was a whopping 4 lb 1 oz and Sophie 2 lbs 12 oz. Obviously they will be in the nicu for quite some time. But the e-mails I've gotten tell me that they are growing and developing. Please keep Molly, John and their babies in your thoughts and prayers.
Also upon our return we find out that our friends Allen and Cindy are moving to Langley AFB, VA. That was our last assignment (I loved that place and would have loved to retire there). I'm really going to be lonely this fall with all of my close girlfriends having moved away. I hope that their house sells quickly and that they asking price for their house, it's a lovely home with a huge yard. I hope that the folks who buy it also have kids the sames ages as mine and it would be nice to have a boy the same age as our son and a daughter the same age as ours that asking too much? Kids older and younger are fine too but can we get some my kids ages please??? I sure hope that God is listening to my request :-)
Now for some tea and to watch Shark TV!
PS-Cindy is you happen to be reading, I didn't forget...Happy Birthday!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tired and Happy
Looking for a family friendly environment- Wisconsin Dells is the place to be! Tons of fun, plenty to do for everyone!
I've got funny stories to tell- like yesterday at the gas station, this Dork pulls away from the pump without taking the gas hose out of his truck! Gasoline is spurting all over the place and the dork take off. Nice! Yea like gas stations don't have something like 25 cameras focused on the pumps and parking lot and the 2nd thing like people around you wouldn't report that- what an idiot!
No quote today but I'll but putting quotes back in on Friday :-) I'm about to fall asleep while typing, the fun in the sun and the Belgium beer I've been drinking have me wiped out!
Monday, July 28, 2008
We're here!
Now about the accident this morning that we heard but could not see- a horse had been hit by an automobile. When we were leaving we saw the dead horse on the side of the road.
Our room here at the Ramada is modest but clean. A non-smoking room with 2 queen sized beds which will be fine for the 3 of us. While Andrew is off on another AFJROTC adventure...that leaves just the 3 of us plus Wilson the Travel Pig and Marty Cohen the naughty naught pet for this mini vacation. It feels rather strange having just the 3 of us on this trip. I'm sure that Andrew is having more fun with his friends than he would with his parents and sister.
Lucien and Hannah are getting ready to check out the hotel swimming pool while I'm going to work on a counted cross stitch project (an original deign that I purchased on that's going to be in Hannah's future French Country themed bedroom.
Oh Happy Day!
We're pretty much packed and are ready to go (just need to load the kid mobile) but will have to wait a bit for the fog to lift. We're bringing the laptop with us so I'll be able to talk about what places we visit and check on other places to visit besides the water parks.
Yesterday I was a crafting machine! I had created 2 of the CUTEST tote bags ever seen! One for Hannah because it was her birthday and the other for me because I've been putting off making one for myself. Hannah and I had to do a run to the Fabric and Textile Warehouse in Rapid City (this place is quickly becoming our favorite fabric store)- bought some special fabric for her birthday tote bag and some fabric for a school book bag. Hey anyone who lives near one of the 5 or so Fabric and Textile Warehouse Stores- this week Schmetz sewing needles are on sale for 50% off- making them $1.50 per package! Now that's a HUGE savings if I ever saw one!
I'm off to drink more coffee and get the van packed to go to Wisconsin :-)
Quote of the day
~Aaron Douglas Trimble
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Being the Consumer Advocate that I am...
It seems that my sewing machine (the one I go on and on about)my Janome HT2008 has developed a little hiccup and needs to be checked out (It likes to continue to sew after I've taken my foot off of the pedal). I take it into the local The Sewing Center only to find out that they will not honor my warranty from Janome and want to charge me for parts and labor- excuse me, did I hear that right? My sewing machine is only 6 months old and you won't honor the 25 year warranty of a brand that your store sells??? Are you serious? Are you not a Janome dealership? Are you not a Janome authorized service center? I'm waiting to hear back from Janome and see what they have to stay on this issue. I went back to the store and brought the spouse with me this time (just in case the owner got snippy with me) and we picked up my machine and brought it back home. My husband is wonderful- he instantly suggests we take the sewing machine with us on vacation and find a store along the way that will honor the warranty. It's no wonder why I love this man so much!
Now this entire ordeal really has me peaved with our local sewing machine store- We've spent quite a bit of money with them in the past few months and now I'm treated like I've got the plague. This is not encouraging for those that have moved here from other parts of the country (military and civilian)- just because you bought your sewing machine in another state or part of South Dakota and not from this persons store store does not mean that he has the right to refuse to honor the warranty set by the manufacturer (if indeed his store an authorized Janome service center).
It's my humble opinion that the owner/manager of the place is a shyster and to take care when dealing with him. I've heard some stories for some local women about their dealings with him and to be honest- none of those stories cast him in a positive manner. Actually I've not heard one good thing about the guy. It's sad that we as consumers have to deal with business owners that are only out for themselves nor do they hold the interests of the consumers who shop with them at heart. I don't know if they realize it, but we are their source of income and there ARE other places to shop. When you live in a semi remote area, one where you ARE in the only big town around and the next larger metropolitan area is a good 7 to 8 hour drive away, well some store owners take on the attitude of "well, where the hell else are you going to shop? I've got the only store that sells this stuff for 150 miles so you have to buy from me regardless how high my prices are and how badly I treat you". I've got news for those kinds of store owners...the internet is an excellent place to shop! I'll be doing a lot more of MY shopping on the internet from now on!
Here's a shopping tidbit- Walmart sells the same Schmetz sewing machine needles but at HALF the price of what I've seen in the sewing machine and quilting stores! I'm not saying to buy everything at Walmart what I am saying is ...that by simply keeping your eyes open, you might be able to find a great deal on a consumable item or two. Heck even Hobby Lobby puts sewing machine needles on sale for 30% off which makes them an even better price! Be smart and shop around!
I'll be sure to post about the outcome from my conversation with Janome Headquarters and let you all know where I end up taking my sewing machine for servicing and if indeed it does get it's hiccup fixed.
Quote of the day
Clementine Paddleford
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Vacation Bound...on Monday
I've got to see if this hotel has internet if so I'm bringing the lap top! It's the Ramada, so I'm pretty sure it does.
I'm off like a dirty shirt to see where my family has gotten off to, it's eerily quite right now.

Humor can be found everywhere
Quote of the day
~Rod Serling
Friday, July 25, 2008
Yummy finds from reading blogs -Zucchini cakes

Children are a gift from God
My husband is planning a family trip to Wisconsin-Dells to visit some water parks. We'll only be gone a few days but it'll be packed full of fun! Our family loves water and since there's no ocean any where near us, an area with oodles of water parks will have to do. Heck, tomorrow I'm going with my teenage daughter and her friends to a local water park for her birthday celebration. I think that this will be a week of water park fun with the kick off being here in town. The water park we're going to on Saturday is an indoor park- no sunscreen needed there.
I'm off to make some coffee and get some sewing done before my guest arrives. We have baby Amelia coming over this afternoon- and is Hannah ever looking forward to her visit too!
A new baby to love
Quote of the day
P. J. O'Rourke (1947 - )
Thursday, July 24, 2008
A day in my life...
I've given up on machine embroidery- to tedious and too boring. It's a lot of practice practice practice to get the feel of the stitching. It's a lot of work trying to get the hang of the stitching to look even and uniform. Mine looked like I had a crayon for the first time and was all over the page, LOL! I'll have to post a picture so you can laugh- it kind of resembles an airplane and that's being nice, LOL!
We'll be celebrating our 5 year anniversary of being stationed at Ellsworth AFB this September. Why am I telling you this? Well there are several things we've wanted to do but have never gotten around to doing it and yesterday we were able to check one off of our list. So what was it right? There's this Auction house in Box Elder- now before you get carried away with your thoughts let me tell you that this place is nothing like Sotheby's or Christie's (nowhere close). So this "Auction House" has auctions every Wednesday and the parking lot is always packed and cars are parked in the grass down the side of the road in both directions for a half mile. My husband and I were out and he said "hey lets check out the auction", I was concerned that I wasn't dressed well enough (shorts and a sweater set and of course my Crocs) apparently I was way over dressed. There were at least 100 boxes of crap (and I do mean crap) up for live auction. This was all stuff we (the Thrift Shop Volunteer Staff) would have thrown away if it were to have shown up at the Base Thrift Shop. We're walking around the crowd looking at the boxes of junk on the tables thinking "why on earth does anyone want this stuff?". Some people were hovering over some of the boxes like there was a pair of $20K diamond earrings to be found it. The majority of the stuff up for auction was boxes of nasty used blankets, dirty used can openers, dirty glassware, old stereo equipment, odd pieces of melamine dishware, a couple of lamps and some books, all had been left out in the rain. All of it was soaking wet not to mention most of it was just dirty and so old that it would have been useless. My husband and I walked around, looked at each other and then left. So if you're here and you see the crowds at the auction house my advice- just keep on driving, you're not missing a thing!
We came home and had a good laugh. My husband tinkered around with a new toy- a hands free phone device for his car. This day and age something like that is a must have. I have a Parrot in my kid mobile and LOVE IT! Click on Parrot in blue and it'll take you to the website and show you my model and what it retails for click on Parrot in green and it'll show you a close up and all of the little features- shop around on the web for the best prices (we did).
Alright I'm off...need more coffee and have to finish up 10 medium sized tote bags so I can list them on Etsy.
Quote of the day
~Anna Quindlen
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Must see Movies
Another movie, one I saw last night- Becoming Jane, Anne Hathaway portrays Jane Austen and I can see this young actress playing other parts like "Emma Woodhouse" and "Elizabeth Bennett"- she'd be excellent in them. I love anything Jane Austen and this movie is very much like her biography. I've seen other movies about Jane Austen's life but this one really tugged at my heart strings. Is it a chick movie? You best it is! Make some popcorn and have a box of tissues near by- and prepare to enjoy yourself!
Dealing with grief
Quote of the day
Ann Radcliffe, The Mysteries of Udolpho, 1764
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
My latest sewing project - Machine Embroidery
A nifty item to have

Our Air Force Family
We were once of the B-52 family and know many that are still flying the "Buff". My heart and prayers go to those families.
Quote of the day
Jimmy Carter (1924 - )
Our obligations to our country never cease but with our lives.
John Adams (1735 - 1826), Letter to Benjamin Rush, 18 April 1808
Monday, July 21, 2008
Our evening...
Our boy who is now 16 had not called AT ALL, I was getting more and more worried by the hour. We finally tracked down all of his friends through the cell phone bill- love giving that kid a cell phone! I'm going to add that parent tracker thing to it next (no joke). He decided to stay camping yet another day- words to our son-Hello it would be nice to let us your parents know of your plans instead of springing them on us at the last minute. I wanted to make him come home but my husband let him camp out another night with his friends. Our boy is growing up- I'm not sure if I'm ready for that.
Our neighbor Cindy called and asked my husband is he could come over- you see there was a snake curled up on her front porch. She didn't know if it was a Garter Snake or a Rattle Snake. Um guess what, it was a Rattle Snake. While my husband went back home to get a powerful flashlight to see this thing another neighbor out on a bike ride with his son stopped by to see what was up- he went to look at the snake, poked it with a stick and really got the thing rattling, that snake was angry! Cindy asked who to call and in our little town everything goes through the police department. The police came and they killed the snake by using a shovel to cut off it's head. I'm afraid that poor Cindy probably was unable to get any sleep last night. This is just another example of what happens when you build houses in areas that used to be cow pasture, animals (all kinds) used to have these lands and now houses are here. It's a wake up call saying "watch where you step", especially in the summer months.
I'm reading the news last night as I always do only to discover that a B-52 crashed off of Guam. Since we still have many friends flying that Air Craft, my heart instantly sank. I'm hoping and praying that all of the crew members are found and are alive.
I'm hoping that today will be a calm and relaxing day- nothing to have me worried out of my socks or that will give me ulcers. I pray each day that the Lord will watch over our Service Men and Women and bring them all safely home to their loved ones.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Happy Birthday Andrew!
Being an Air Force brat (OH how I hate that term) isn't all it's made out to be. It's hard on the families, making new friends all over again is not all that easy- you've really got to put yourself out there. Andrew struggled with that for a while until he met "Drew". That boy is so different from our Andrew, he's good for our son, he gets him leaving the house and meeting other people. And then there's the AFJROTC program- that's also been very good for for our boy. He's made many friends through that program, the kinds of friends that stick with you through the thick and the thin.
So here's to you Andrew and all you've accomplished these last 16 years! May the Lord continue to bless you and give you strength in ways you didn't know you had in you. And keep your prayers up- your Dad has already been looking at cars to trade yours in for a better one :-)
Quote of the day
Trey Parker and Matt Stone, South Park, Prehistoric Ice Man, 1999
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Busy Bee Design Studio is open for business!

Must have Coffee
The big surprise for me this morning is that I am not daughter Hannah is awake and hanging out with me. I think that she's making sure that I get things together to list on my Etsy Shop Busy Bee Design Studio. I've also need to finish up the hand bags that she's giving as "goody bags" to her friends at the end of her party. I think that I would be bored out of my mind if I didn't keep myself busy being creative. You do realize that besides God and my family, it's Coffee and dairy products that keeps me going.
Quote of the day
Trey Parker and Matt Stone, South Park, Cat Orgy, 1999
Friday, July 18, 2008
I'm up to something , something good:-)
Saving Gas and time by shopping at home
A few days ago I had ordered some thread from an online source and it arrived yesterday- the timing was perfect, as I had just begun to take on a new sewing project. I was able to get the thread for much less than it would have cost me locally not to mention that I was able to get it in colors that the local store did not carry and better yet- I didn't have to listen to yet another poke from the store owner "Hey Sandie when are you going to trade up that Janome for a Bernina?" That just bugs the carp of out of me! I bought sewing machine needles and saved nearly 50% from shopping locally and I bought bobbins from the same online store too and I saved a TON of money! For what would have cost me to buy 19 bobbins locally @ 45¢ each I was able to buy 50 bobbins on line costing me a mere 16¢ each and my shipping was a whopping $2.50 - got to be liking that deal! They arrived and are in perfect condition. Take your time and shop around. I'm usually one to promote shopping locally, but there are times when you must resort to shopping on line. Soaring gas prices at the pump and long lines at the check out stand have me staying at home waiting for the mailman and the UPS guy :-)
Quote of the day
~Sir William Osler
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Celebrating my Children
Hannah on the other hand, well I'm in the process of making "gift bags" for her to give to her girlfriends after the party :-) We'll put little things in the bags for the girls- half the fun was picking out the fabric!
I'm off...I've got a lot of sewing ahead of me!
Quote of the day
Robert Orben
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Thread holds everything together
Now here comes the other part- what kinds of thread to use on your various projects. Again this like scrapbooking and all of the different brands and kinds of adhesives, there are just as many or more brands of thread out there. Do you use polyester, cotton, rayon or silk thread? And then they throw in something else- weight. It's to do with the thickness of the thread- 50 is a standard cotton thread weight for quilting. The higher the number 50, 60, 70 etc the more fine the thread, a 25 weight thread is rather thick and is used for hand quilting and a 70 weight would be used for bobbin thread. Then comes the different brands- some leave more fuzz than others and it's only by personal experience will you really know what I'm talking about (it's something that you need to see happen with your own machine). Some people are fine with the lesser quality threads and the massive amounts of fuzz they leave all over their machine and projects and other sewers/quilters are not so tolerant and refuse to deal with that mess. Then comes another issue- price. It all comes down to what are you willing to pay for thread? Are you willing to pay more for a good quality spool of thread? How much more? There are many choices out there. There are websites like Red Rock Threads and All Threads that are dedicated to bringing you the best quality threads at reasonable prices.
Regardless of the brand or type of thread you buy to use on your sewing projects there's something else to consider- the maintenance of your sewing machine. Keeping your machine in good working order means that you will have to preform some maintenance tasks on a regular basis. I've read my manual and learned how to do this very thing myself. By preforming a "cleaning" of the bobbin and feed dog area after every project (some people do this after every bobbin change), it greatly reduces the chances of having you machine jam and have to be taken into the shop. Read the manual to your sewing machine and follow it's instructions, you'll be surprised the first time you clean your machine at the amount of lint it has collected- I know that I was very surprised at how much lint that my machine had in it. While I'm taking time to change the needle (after 8 hours of sewing time or there about) I also take off the sewing plate and clean it all out, the bobbin housing pops right out and I clean underneath and all around it, I clean the feed dogs and put it all back together. I once again have a happy sewing machine and am now ready to embark on another sewing adventure!
Quote of the day
~Matthew Oliphant
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
On the internet...'s a state of mind
Abraham Lincoln said it best -Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
Waking up and stepping forth into what is the start of a new day holds many promises. Good, bad or in-between, WE are the ones that shape our own outlook, and by starting with that first step (mine usually takes me straight to the kitchen for a rather large cup of coffee) of positive thinking we can pretty much shape our day. It's about finding and growing your happiness where you are- not looking off in the distance where it could be someday. And this next part is for my girlfriends who have husbands in the military... Happiness will not start once your husband retires from the Air Force, it has got to be in place NOW with deep roots. I've got a handful of girlfriends that I consider to be rather close friends going through a rough patch, all have different circumstances but all are thinking that their husbands retirement from the Air Force will solve all of their problems. My words of advice to you is to seek happiness in your own backyard. The hardest part is taking those first few steps... it's doing what I did almost 18 years ago, go out by yourself and take a class- be it on a new craft or hobby or maybe a college course. I didn't take the classes with any one I knew (we were brand new to the area, I didn't know very many people and my husband was deployed), I went by myself with three intentions 1- of learning something new to me and 2-making new friends and 3- of being happy in my new surroundings. I am happy to say that I succeeded in all three. Being a military wife means that you are one of a special breed of women that knows hardships and personal sacrifice more than most. It's dealing with separations that can go from mere days and weeks to being many months or even as long as a couple of years. Do we get angry and feel resentful? Sure we do, it's normal but what's not normal is carrying that feeling around with you 24/7 and yelling at everyone and being bitter and angry all of the time. What we need to remember is that We are not our circumstances, that those events will come and go throughout our lives. That we can overcome anything, and we always have friends that can help us to get through the parts that we can't get through alone.
Now with that said I can go on to having more coffee and my day- call me if you need me
Quote of the day
~James Oppenheim
Monday, July 14, 2008
It's the little things that make me laugh :-)
My daughter had me laughing so hard today I almost peed my pants- several times! I took her to a second hand store that some of my girlfriends had been talking about (in a positive manner). So while being out in that part of town I decided to go have a look see. My kids are great with the one liner comments. As we're looking around at the merchandise, Hannah spots this old and I mean OLD microwave oven that's as big as a 27 inch TV set which reminded me greatly of the first microwave that my parents bought back in the 80's (I swear it was big enough to fit kids into). She opens it's door and says "Look Mom, it's an Atom Smasher and it cooks on the molecular level" I burst out laughing and found it hard to make myself stop laughing. Or the other comment she made "I've never seen a microwave THIS BIG before- I bet that the microwaves from this relic can fry peoples minds". I'm ready to pee myself just typing this in, LOL! To see her facial expressions and the manner in which she was saying these things- it would have been hard for anyone NOT to laugh :-)
What's your talent?
It wasn't until after I was married and while we were stationed at Loring AFB, Maine that I started to get into crafting on any real level. My husband was deployed for the initial war in the gulf, no place was hiring -especially any of us military spouses. So I decided to take a counted cross stitching class at a little shop named "Rainbow Books, Crafts and Gifts" in Caribou Maine. I was in heaven! Oh by the way, I checked and it's still there :-)
Looking back, I see now that I had to slow down and get used to a slower pace in my life in order to be able to bring out my creative side. When I was working all of the time (before marriage and children) I didn't make time to truly relax. I've learned a lot over the years, and I've found what truly gives me inner peace and joy. I'm a busy person, there's no doubt about that one- some things will never change, but I also make time to do things that relax me. By letting my creative side take over once in a while I've found a sense of relaxation and joy that is beyond anything else.
Quote of the day
~Sean O'Faolain
My very own tote bag design

Sunday, July 13, 2008
Mouse in the House

It's in the bag!

Simply Charming

The Baby Gift

Wildlife in our front yard

Quote of the day
Takayuki Ikkaku, Arisa Hosaka and Toshihiro Kawabata, Animal Crossing: Wild World, 2005
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Home is where the Art is
My friend Cindy and I were chatting about just that kind of thing yesterday - after our meeting with the developer of our subdivision. We both have such similar tastes, you see it in our kitchens, LOL! Although her cabinetry and mine are different colors (mine being red oak and hers a blonde oak) and she has black appliances while mine are stainless there are other things that make them very similar- we have the same Abraham Lincoln quote in our kitchens, the same black granite composite sink, the same brown granite looking counter tops, while her walls are painted brown in the entire kitchen and dining area (it's very striking) here, we've only 1 wall painted brown and it was in the dining area- we will soon both have the same back splash :-) What can I say, great minds think alike. We both looking at doing things to our homes in terms of scrapbooking. Adding color and texture to our homes and wanting our homes to be a restful haven for our families- we might not use those very same words but we think along the same lines. I'll be selfish in saying this- I hope that she and her husband Allen don't move before next summer.
Quote of the day
~Dame Rose Macaulay
Friday, July 11, 2008
Boy oh boy is it ever windy windy windy!
You can forget having a decent looking hair-do, it's just not going to happen out here. I have my hair pinned up today, I refuse to fight with it (it's a battle that I would not win). I see that yet another garden flag is on it's way to Nebraska courtesy of the ever present prairie wind! The wind is carrying something as I can't go out of doors without my nose running like I left the bathroom faucet turned on, LOL! I've got a pounding head ache and I feel as if my eyes are going to fall out of my head. Allergies- it's when you feel like crap when there's nothing really wrong with your body. So here I am, feeling like crap looking out the window and seeing "stuff" blowing past my house...grill covers, swimming pool toys, garden flags, empty cardboard boxes and of course tumble weeds. I'm not about to chase down any of it! Our hose cart (for our garden hose) was down the street in the neighbors front yard- okay so I did retrieve that. But I'm staying inside for the rest of the day. I feel miserable and my nose is getting chaffed from blowing it so much. I think that it's time for me to have a glass of iced tea, kick my feet up and to just relax with a book. Who's with me on this?
HOA-get involved!
Some may offended by what I say but lets be realistic- none of us wants to live in a neighborhood where people can dump broken down cars in front of a home or in their front yard, no one wants to live next door to someone who will paint their house any color they find in a government surplus sale and let weeds grow waist high. It's not fair to the other home owners in the neighborhood- the ones that have poured thousands of dollars and just as many hours of their time into landscaping -to make their home more attractive and to draw in future potential buyers. Buying a home is the single most important investment a person will ever make, and it's time that people wake up to it and take the time to groom their investment.
Quote of the day
Tina Turner, O Magazine, December 2003
Thursday, July 10, 2008
a new baby to love

Quote of the day
Stephen King (1947 - ), "Hearts in Atlantis"
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Learning from your own mistakes-a quick lesson
Quote of the day
~Hugh White (1773 - 1840)
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Our new Priest
Speaking of good company...I got to talk longer with the new priest for our parish, Father José DelToro- nice man, but a bit lonely right now, good thing he has his weenie dog named "Cigar" to keep him company ( a cute and very well behaved dog). I never thought of Priests being lonely until the other day when Father José said that he was missing his friends from his last assignment (he was there for 4 years). I always thought that they moved from parish to parish making new friends along the way, that it was much like going to be with extended family. I make sure to engage him in conversation every time I've been around him. I've got plans to have a dinner party and have him over as our guest of honor- now to get my ideas together and get an invitation list together and make sure that others can come- it would be horribly boring for him to come to dinner and to dine with the just 4 of us, LOL! But I'm not wanting a huge party like what we went to yesterday, just a smaller group of friends who attend the same parish- so our priest can get to meet some other folks and not just folks who are in the same line of work. Now to get my plans into motion :-)
Quote of the day
Dame Edna Everage (1934 - )
Monday, July 07, 2008
Monday, Monday, glorious Monday
Today we're going to a staff BBQ hosted by the Ops Group commander and his wife. It's a cook out/get together for his staff and their families. There's going to be water fun for the kids and relaxation for the grown ups. Hannah and I have got ourselves basted in sun screen. I know how much the Colonel and his wife like my New York Cheesecake, so I made a big 10 inch one and will be bringing all of the trimmings to go along with it :-) I've got my tote bag packed with some stitching stuff that needs to be done on my place mats (I can't stand being idle anywhere) and Hannah has her swimsuit and extra sunscreen packed and is ready to go!
The Pig of Happiness

I simply adore reading books, especially inspirational books and this book is among my favorites! I urge you to find it in your local book store, once you have it in your hands you won't want to put it down :-) Yes its just that sweet! I actually bought this with intentions to give it as a gift and decided to keep it for myself, LOL! The words on pages hit home for me and they are ones that I want to live by :-)
Quote of the day
Sister Mary Rose McGeady
Sunday, July 06, 2008
It's Sunday, time to rise and shine!
Hannah is singing with the choir today- it part of something special for our new permanent priest. You see, we've been without a priest for our parish for several months now and we've relied upon the Rapid City diocese to provide our parish with one each Sunday- for which we are all very thankful! I'm looking forward to meeting our new priest and getting to know him.
Quote of the day
Thomas A. Edison (1847 - 1931)
Saturday, July 05, 2008
The things I've learned...
My early works as a scrapbooker make me want to cringe. I grabbed just about every tool I had at my disposal and used it, making/creating what I refer to as some "eyebrow raising layouts" to say the least. But over time I developed my own style and have kept with it. Am I influenced by the work of others? Once upon a time I could say yes, but now I'm very comfortable with my own style- the one that I took my time to develop. I prefer clean lines and limited embellishments and not that hodge podge collage mess I see so many other doing now days- it's too chaotic looking for me and it tends to make you look all over the page and in the process it tends to lose focus on the important stuff -the pictures.
Card making and stamping- I have fun with this craft too! There's so much out there, many more great techniques than when I first started card making 13 almost 14 years ago, and my rubber and acrylic stamp collection and ink pad inventory proves it, LOL! I see where this can be a bit overwhelming to those that are just starting to get interested in making their own greeting cards.
Quilting and Sewing- I've been a sewing since I was 8 years old and still love it! I'll put sewing on the shelf for a while and go on to one of my other passionate hobbies, but it's always something that I come back to doing. There's something to be said about making something with your own two hand, you know the quality of your own work :-) I started making window treatments out of sheer necessity. Couldn't find what I wanted in a fabric that I liked in any catalog so I decided to make my own. And now 17½ years later here I am. Can I make clothes? Yes, and I do form time to time makes clothing, but I prefer to make other function things. The quilting bug has bitten me and good! I'm glad that I've waited this long to get into quilting, I feel that my years of experience sewing clothing and window treatments has aided me tremendously. The hardest part of quilting was tackling the terminology, after you get that figured out the rest comes pretty easy! The real fun for me now is the acquisition of all kinds of different sewing feet and playing with them :-) I had many different kinds with my old sewing machine and the only one I kept was the ruffle attachment (I can use it with my Janome). Oh all of the sewing feet I miss from my old machine I have to say that I miss my hemming foot the most. I'm now looking into purchasing the hemming foot set for my Janome HT2008, I know that I'll use them quite a bit as I'm getting really tired of using a seam ruler and doing the ¼ inch turn and pressing with the iron (my finger tips are tired of being scorched).
Embroidery and Counted Cross Stitching- Two fantastic hobbies that I adore! I learned how to embroider when I was a young girl. I was a newly wed and we were stationed in Maine when I took my first ever hobby class- I learned how to do counted cross stitching- it's been a passionate hobby for me ever since! I stitched like a crazy woman until I discovered Scrapbooking. Needless to say my stitching sat on the sidelines while I dove into scrapbooking, then came Susan. Oh my word this woman is an enabler! My stitching is no where near her level of excellence, then again I refuse to stitch on linen and Susan has no fear of stitching on super fine count fabrics. I met Susan while we were stationed in Virginia. Susan took me to various needlework stores in our part Virginia. Through our store outings she introduced me to Weeks, Gentle Arts Sampler threads and the Caron Collection all are the most beautiful hand dyed threads on the planet and cross stitching has never been the same for me since! Discovering these threads and seeing first hand how they approve the appearance of just about every and any needlework project- well it made me fall in love with stitchery all over again!
Cooking- I've always been one to be creative with food. As odd as it sounds I love to cook! Many of my friends just prefer to do anything else but to be in the kitchen, but for me I feel right at home. When you really want to know the ins and outs of making certain dishes, take a cooking class! I did this with many kinds of things- pastries, breads and even some ethnic dishes. I feel that it's helped me to develop my own kinds of specialty dishes that my family has come to think of as main stays in our household.
My recommendation when starting any new to you craft (yes cooking is a craft that needs to be honed)- take a class! Be it on line or a local shop or store. It all starts with the little seed of knowledge and grows from there.
Thimbleberries Thread Colors
Robison Anton Thimbleberries Thread | ||
Robison Anton Thimbleberries 100% Egyptian Cotton Mercerized Quilting Thread is designed by Lynette Jensen for Robison Anton. These thread colors perfectly coordinate with the Thimbleberries fabric lines, and are available in special collections or in single spools. The Spring Collection consists of Light Eggplant, Latte, Dakota Stone, Strawberry Cream, Green Mist, and Blue Eyes. The Summer Collection consists of Winterberry, New Leaf, New Grass, Washed Denim, Buck Skin, and Raspberry Pie. The Autumn Collection consists of Basil Green, Baked Pumpkin, Oatmeal, Hazelnut, Nutmeg, and Eggplant. The Winter Collection consists of Night Blue, Wineberry, Black Walnut, Pine Bough, Tarnished Gold, and Sugar Cookie. The Light & Bright Collection consists of Strawberry Cream, New Leaf, Raspberry Pie, Dakota Stone, Sugar Cookie, and Blue Eyes. The Warm & Cozy Collection consists of Oatmeal, Buck Skin, Winterberry, Pine Bough, Light Eggplant, and Nutmeg. |
Quote of the day
~George W. Bush, Inaugural address, 2001
Friday, July 04, 2008
Having fun on the 4th
Myself, I preferred to stay indoors in air conditioned comfort! I played with my latest little toy- the darning foot attachment for my sewing machine. Holy Guacamole, it should be illegal to have this much fun with a sewing machine! I bought it for free form quilting (that's what makes those cute squiggles). I just dropped the feed dogs and went to town! My husband came out to see what I was doing- I kept saying things like "This is so much fun" and "This is so seriously cool". He had to see what I was doing. And to think that a little $12.50 sewing foot would make me this happy- I can't wait to use the darning foot again! My husband's old boss (The MSG Commander) is retiring from the Air Force next month and I've made her a lap quilt as a going away/retirement gift, something that she can actually use instead of some stupid Mount Rushmore book ends or yet another picture or plaque of Mount Rushmore- ugh!. Renita has a sitting room that she's done up in an oriental decor and I made the lap quilt with fabrics in colors that will go nicely in that room.
3 Scrappy Boys - up for sale
I hope everyone is enjoying their summer! I can't
believe it will be half over soon!
On a sadder note...
Unfortunately, the time has come for 3 Scrappy Boys to be for sale. We have not made this public announcement because up until recently have just been thinking about the idea. My husband who is an officer in the Air Force was told in the last few days that he can be expecting orders possibly this month for a fall or winter move and that we will definitely be moving by next summer. He only has a few more years in his career and this assignment which could be our last, may take us overseas. He is currently in Iraq for his 4th deployment, which if we get orders soon, is going to leave me to prepare for another move by myself. In addition to this, our 3 boys are getting older and more involved in their activities. I also have started a photography business that I plan to continue growing at whatever destination the Air Force sends us to.
3 Scrappy Boys will not be closing! I stress that I love this business as if it were my child and I will not leave it until the right new owner is found. If we do not find a new owner, the business will go with us to our new home and we will continue offering our fantastic kits! This announcement in no way will affect our current relationship with our customers.
Anyone interested in pursuing this transaction may contact me at
I hope everyone has a fantastic and safe 4th of July!
Happy Independence Day
Yesterday evening as we were out in our driveway my husband and I saw a B-2 bomber flying overhead- not an every day site that's for sure. It was obvious to us that it was on its way up to Mount Rushmore for the "fly by". What a neat thing that was to see and from the very comfortable vantage point of our own home :-)
Quote of the day
John F. Kennedy (1917 - 1963), Inaugural address, January 20, 1961
Thursday, July 03, 2008
kitchen valances

Lazy days of Summer
Looks like our good friends Cindy and Allen are going to be moving sooner than anticipated (this fall or winter as to a 2009 summer move). My heart is saddened by this news, but happy that I've had the opportunity to get to know and become good friends with such wonderful people. With e-mail and cell phone plans, we can still keep in touch. Personally speaking- I like to use snail mail, I still send oodles of cards and letters via USPS. There's something about getting a lovely card in the mail from a friend, it's as if you're holding a piece of them in your hand (yes I'm a hopeless romantic when it comes to that sort of thing).
I'm off to work on some stuff here in my home- changing out window valances in the foyer to something that feels more like summer (to me anyway). With help from my daughter Hannah, I changed the valance in the kitchen yesterday- from the formal looking double tiered stripe valance to one a little less formal and a lot more fun! It's a chicken and rooster theme, what can I say- the valance makes me smile. I want to get with it and finish decorating the top of the 4th cabinet area in my kitchen. I gave up after doing the other 3, actually it was more like I ran out of ideas for it. But I've got a whole new idea for it now and am ready to get it going on today! Be prepared for a an ear to ear grin and maybe even a chuckle or two. Each little area has it's own theme and all of them are around the kitchen and cooking. This one is a more about the food than the dishes we serve from and eat from, cookware and cooking utensils that help to prepare it. You'll just have to wait and see! I've got a corny sense of humor and today it's going to be present in my kitchen.